A recombination of the Sixth Annual Genetic Programming Conference (GP-2001) and the International Conference on Genetic Algorithms (ICGA-2001)

Scheduling : Bringing Together Theory and Practice

Special Session at GECCO 2002

Part of the Evolutionary Scheduling and Routing Track

The GECCO 2002 home page can be seen here

Scheduling : Bringing Together Theory and Practice

Peter Cowling and Graham Kendall

The workshop provides a logical follow-up to our successful workshop "The Next Ten Years of Scheduling Research" at the GECCO 2001 conference, which attracted sponsorship from Wiley and had 40 participants.

A good deal of the "theoretical" scheduling research which is currently being undertaken could provide significant benefits if it were applied in industry and commerce. One of the principal barriers to the take up of this research is the lack of a dialogue between problem "owners" in industry and commerce and problem "solvers" in academia. A major dificulties is the clash between the "publish or perish" mindset of academics and commercial confidentiality considerations. However, in recent times there has been a move in the academic literature towards greater acceptance and understanding of the problems of publishing research where commercial confidentiality is an issue. Substantial mutual benefits are possible, with those in industry and commerce able to realise profitability imporvements, and those in academia benefitting from access to "real" problems. This workshop will bring together researchers from industry, academics already working with industry, and academics who would like to increase their industrial contacts to discuss mechnanisms for bridging the gap between scheduling theory and practice. We will also look forward towards problems which will be of increasing importance to industry and commerce in the longer term, and which should be one of the drivers for future theoretical research.


Workshop Format

60 minutes : Plenary Speaker (Michael Pinedo)
15 minutes : Break
90 minutes : Presentation of Semi-Plenary Speakers
15 minutes : Break
60 minutes : Panel Discussion


Plenary Speaker

Semi-Plenary Speakers
  1. David Montana, BBN Corporation (Paper Title : How to Make Scheduling Research Relevant)
  2. Hugo Duncan, Alcan (Paper Title : Using Genetic Algorithms in Industry - An Art or a Science?)
  3. Bill Kirchmier, IPPSA (Paper Title : The International production Planning and Scheduling Association (IPPSA))

Programme Committee and Panel Discussion Members

All the submissions will be fully refereed and will be published in the workshop proceedings.
The program committee is


Anybody registered for GECCO 2002 is allowed, and encouraged, to attend this workshop.
For administration purposes (for example, deciding on the size of room required), it would help us enormously if you could let us know if you intend to come to this workshop.
Please EMAIL Graham Kendall

Session Organisers
Peter Cowling (EMAIL) or Graham Kendall (EMAIL)

School Of Computer Science & IT
University of Nottingham
Jubilee Campus, Wollaton Road, Nottingham

If you have any questions or queries please contact us.
GECCO 2002 Home Page
ASAP Home Page
University of Nottingam, School of Computer Science & Information Technology
University of Nottingam
Peter Cowling Home Page
Graham Kendall Home Page
EMAIL Peter Cowling
EMAIL Graham Kendall
This page was last updated on 17th January 2002