(University Crest)

Foundations of Programming Meetings 2000

School of Computer Science and IT
University of Nottingham

Speakers; Abstracts.

Speakers 2000

Monday 14th February, Iain Stewart, University of Leicester.
Program schemes, logic and computational complexity.

Monday 6th March, Silvano Dal-Zilio, Microsoft Research, Cambridge.
Regions in a pi-calculus with groups.

Monday 13th March, Ganesh Sittampalam, University of Oxford.
Using higher order pattern matching to automatically apply fusion transformations

Monday 8th May, Martin Henson, University of Essex.
Program development in the schema calculus.

Tuesday 27th June, Clare Martin, Oxford Brookes University.
The semantics of nested datatypes.

Thursday 14th September, Conor McBride, University of Durham.
Liner contexts in regular datatypes.

Friday 15th September, Thorsten Altenkirch, University of Nottingham.
Coinductive representations of function spaces.

Friday 13th October, Roland Backhouse, University of Nottingham.
Exploring the power of nested datatypes.

Abstracts 2000

Monday 14th February, Iain Stewart, University of Leicester.
Program schemes, logic and computational complexity.

Program schemes are computational devices which accept classes of finite structures (as opposed to sets of strings). Whilst resembling high-level programs, they remain amenable to logical analysis. In this talk, I shall introduce classes of program schemes and show how the classes of problems accepted by these program schemes are none other than the classes of problems defined by the sentences of certain (generalized quantifier) logics. I shall explain how we can use these program schemes to prove strict logical hierarchy results without employing Ehrenfeucht-Fraisse games. Whilst the problems accepted by program schemes augmented with a stack can be defined within bounded-variable infinitary logic, there are problems accepted by program schemes with arrays which can not be so defined. However, the class of problems accepted by program schemes with arrays still has a zero-one law. Finally, I shall relate open problems involving program schemes with open problems from complexity theory.

Monday 6th March, Silvano Dal-Zilio, Microsoft Research, Cambridge.
Regions in a pi-calculus with groups.

We give a fresh look at the typed region calculus of Tofte and Talpin using an encoding in a typed pi-calculus equipped with groups.

In a functional programming language with regions, memory allocations are made on statically determined storage regions. Regions are allocated and de-allocated according to a stack discipline, thus improving memory management.

The idea of groups arose in the typed ambient calculus of Cardelli, Ghelli, and Gordon. There, and in our pi-calculus, each name has a statically determined group to which it belongs. Groups allow for type-checking of certain mobility properties, as well as effect analyses.

Our encoding makes precise the intuitive correspondence between regions and groups. We propose a new formulation of the type preservation property of the region calculus, and we prove the correctness of region de-allocation using a new garbage collection equation for our pi-calculus.

Monday 13th March, Ganesh Sittampalam, University of Oxford.
Using higher order pattern matching to automatically apply fusion transformations.

In the world of functional programming, many accumulating parameter optimisations can be derived using a theorem known as fusion. In my talk I will show how this theorem can be applied mechanically, thus helping functional programmers write efficient programs.

Monday 8th May, Martin Henson, University of Essex.
Program development in the schema calculus.

It has been remarked that Z is a specification language without an associated program development methodolgy. Although some attempts have been made to this end, their semantic basis locks into a model which is rather inappropriate for the most important and powerful aspect of Z: the schema calculus.

I will describe some experiments in formalising notions of operation refinement in Z which are more sympathetic, and look at two rather trivial though illustrative examples of program development. Along the way I hope to demonstrate that having a Z logic (recent work with Steve Reeves, University of Waikato, New Zealand) is a major benefit.

Tuesday 27th June, Clare Martin, Oxford Brookes University.
The semantics of nested datatypes.

Nested datatypes are recursively defined parameterised datatypes in which the parameter of the datatype changes in the recursive call. The standard semantic definition of recursively defined datatypes is as initial algebras in the category Set of sets and total functions. It has been shown that this theory is inadequate to describe nested datatypes. Instead, one proposed solution is to define them as initial algebras in the functor category Nat(Set), with objects all endofunctors on Set and arrows all natural transformations between them. We will show that the initial algebras of nested datatypes are not guaranteed to exist in the functor category itself, but that they do exist in one of its subcategories: the category of all cocontinuous endofunctors and natural transformations. This category is then a suitable semantic domain for both first order and higher order nested datatypes.

Thursday 14th September, Conor McBride, University of Durham.
Linear contexts in regular datatypes.

Regular datatypes are inductive types generated by polynomial type functors closed under least fixed point. As such, the data they contain are tree-like. Given any such type, a useful auxiliary structure) is the associated notion of `linear context' or `tree with one subtree deleted' or `tree with a hole' or whatever you want to call it. Unlike Theseus's piece of string, these record not only the path we take from root to hole (or vice versa), but also all the subtrees we pass by on the way, so that we have the entire context surrounding the hole.

One sunny afternoon, I was waiting for a connection at Shrewsbury and wondering how to construct an appropriate type of linear contexts for an arbitrary regular datatype. I was suddenly overwhelmed by deja-vu. I shall describe this construction informally, and then I shall show how to implement it in a dependently typed language, where the `names' of regular types are just data and the inhabitants of regular types are values in a type family indexed by names.

Friday 15th September, Thorsten Altenkirch, University of Nottingham.
Coinductive representations of function spaces.

I will represent a translation of first-order function spaces in isomorphic coinductive types. The motivation of this construction is to explain function types algebraically. However, there are also practical applications as the recent work of Ralf Hinze on memo functions (generalized tries) shows. Another interesting aspect of this construction is that the use of nested datatypes is essential to translate function spaces over non-linear types.

I shall sketch how to verify the correctness of the construction using limits and local colimits.

Friday 13th October, Roland Backhouse, University of Nottingham.
Exploring the power of nested datatypes.

Recent work by Bird, Hinze, Meertens, Okasaki and Paterson (among others) has stimulated interest in the theory and application of nested datatypes. An unresolved issue is what the theoretical limitations of nested datatypes are. Can nested datatypes be used to define, for example the set of all lists of prime length? This talk will demonstrate how nested datatypes can be systematically constructed by programming in the lambda calculus at type level (rather than at value level). I will argue that nested datatypes are in principle unlimited provided that one has the full power of Church's lambda calculus at the type level. Unfortunately this appears not to be the case; the problems encountered with the approach will be discussed.

(In collaboration with Kevin Backhouse and members of the Oxford AoP group.)