(University Crest)

Foundations of Programming Meetings 1996

School of Computer Science and IT
University of Nottingham

Speakers; Abstracts.

Speakers 1996

15th January, Graham Hutton, University of Nottingham.
Programming with pictures.

19th January, Mark P. Jones, University of Nottingham.
Using parameterized signatures to express modular structure.

29th January, Benedict Gaster, University of Nottingham.
A case study in functional programming: an implementation of F-omega.

19th February, Group discussion.
Algebras (Ben and Mark); Yoneda's lemma (Graham).

26th February, Group discussion.
Galois connections (Graham).

4th March, Benedict Gaster, University of Nottingham.
Extensible records and variants.

18th March, Colin Taylor, University of Nottingham.
Object orientation in functional languages.

22nd April, Graham Hutton, University of Nottingham.
Lifting functors from SET to REL.

30th April, Colin Runciman, University of York.
Lazy wheel sieves and spirals of primes.

13th May, Graham Hutton, University of Nottingham.
Back to basics: deriving representation changers functionally.

20th May, Colin Taylor, University of Nottingham.
Understanding sized types.

10th June, Benedict Gaster, University of Nottingham.
F-sub: An extension of system F with subtyping.

7th October, Benedict Gaster, University of Nottingham.
An overview of Ohori-style semantics for ML polymorphism.

14th October, Group Discussion.
Reading list (Mark); CCS recursion (Colin); Unfold example (Graham).

21st October, Colin Taylor, University of Nottingham.
Concurrent functional programming without primitives.

28th October, Group Discussion.
Type coercions (Ben); Tree editor (Mark).

4th November, Mark P. Jones, University of Nottingham.
The implementation of pattern matching in Hugs 1.3.

11th November, Paul Blampied, University of Nottingham.
Simple sound synthesis in a functional language.

18th November, Graham Hutton, University of Nottingham.
Concurrency theory for functional programmers.

25th November, Jeffrey H. Kingston, University of Sydney.
Lout: a functional document formatting language.

2nd December, Group discussion.
Computational mathematics (Mark).

Abstracts 1996

15th January, Graham Hutton, University of Nottingham.
Programming with pictures.

In the program transformation community, there is considerable interest in the use of relational calculi to construct functional programs from specifications. Working with relations allows specifications to be more abstract (for example, many programs have a natural specification using the converse operator on relations) and affords a natural treatment of non-determinism in specifications. In this talk I will present a novel pictorial interpretation of relational terms, and a completeness result that allows relational equations to be proved by the appealing process of reasoning using pictures. I will also give a number of practical applications of this result.

This talk is based upon joint work with Carolyn Brown.

19th January, Mark P. Jones, University of Nottingham.
Using parameterized signatures to express modular structure.

Module systems are a powerful, practical tool for managing the complexity of large software systems. Previous attempts to formulate a type-theoretic foundation for modular programming have been based on existential, dependent, or manifest types. These approaches can be distinguished by their use of different quantifiers to package the operations that a module exports together with appropriate implementation types. In each case, the underlying type theory is simple and elegant, but significant and sometimes complex extensions are needed to account for features that are important in practical systems, such as separate compilation and propagation of type information between modules.

This talk presents a simple type-theoretic framework for modular programming using parameterized signatures. The use of quantifiers is treated as a necessary, but independent concern. Using familiar concepts of polymorphism, the resulting module system is easy to understand and admits true separate compilation. It is also very powerful, supporting higher-order, polymorphic, and first-class modules without further extension.

(Preview of a talk to be presented at POPL '96, St Petersburg, FL.)

29th January, Benedict Gaster, University of Nottingham.
A case study in functional programming: an implementation of F-omega.

Type systems in languages such as ML and Haskell allow programs to be written with little or no type annotations, using extended versions of the Hindley/Milne r inference type system to rediscover this information. A requirment of this appro ach is that such languages require explicit syntax for defining polymorphic inductiv e data types such as products, sums and lists. Second-order type systems extend t hese systems with the notion of type parameters, allowing terms to be parameterized with respect to some type. One such type system is Girard's system F-omega.

In this talk, we present an overview of a Haskell implementation of F-omega, bas ed upon Cardelli's language Fun. We give particular emphasis to type checking and the translation of our syntax into a lambda-lifted core language.

4th March, Benedict Gaster, University of Nottingham.
Extensible records and variants.

Polymorphic type systems for extensible records and variants, have been widely studied in recent years. Initially introduced by Wand, as an approach for modeling features of object oriented programming, it is widely recognized that they provide a number of benefits over the monomorphic restrictions imposed by languages such as Standard ML and Haskell. One drawback of such systems is that it is not always straightforward to find an efficient implementation for operations on records and variants.

In this talk we outline some early results for a qualified type system, under development, for extensible records and variants.

This work is part of an on going project for developing an ML style type system for polymorphic operations on record and variants.

18th March, Colin Taylor, University of Nottingham.
Object orientation in functional languages.

Object oriented languages provide a range of concepts that have been claimed to facilitate encapsulation, reuse and modularity. The aim of this talk is to introduce these concepts through their theory, and to describe how they correspond to concepts in functional programming languages. In particular, various ways of encoding object oriented concepts in functional languages will be examined.

22nd April, Graham Hutton, University of Nottingham.
Lifting functors from SET to REL.

Functors on the category SET of total functions often have a natural generalisation to the category REL of binary relations. In this blackboard presentation I will explain how, under certain mild conditions, functors on SET have exactly one generalisation in REL. Similar results also hold for natural transformations and adjunctions. From a programming language point of view, such results indicate that there is essentially one way to generalise functional programming to relational programming.

30th April, Colin Runciman, University of York.
Lazy wheel sieves and spirals of primes.

Enumerating prime numbers is a standard programming exerise. The popular method of solution is the Sieve of Eratosthenes, which in a functional language with lazy lists can be expressed as a neat two-liner. A little-known alternative method is the Wheel Sieve. As originally formulated this is a fast imperative algorithm for obtaining all primes up to a given limit, assuming destructive access to a bit-array. The talk will describe two variants of the wheel sieve programmed using lazy lists in a functional language. Both variants enumerate the infinite list of primes. To find out the difference between them, and what this has to do with spirals, come to the talk!

13th May, Graham Hutton, University of Nottingham.
Back to basics: deriving representation changers functionally.

Many functional programs can be viewed as representation changers, that is, as functions that convert abstract values from one concrete representation to another. Examples of such programs include base-converters, binary adders and multipliers, and compilers. In this blackboard presentation I will give a number of different approaches to specifying representation changers (pointwise, functional, and relational), and present a simple technique that can be used to derive functional programs from the specifications.

This talk is based upon joint work with Erik Meijer (Utrecht).

20th May, Colin Taylor, University of Nottingham.
Understanding sized types.

The benefits of non-strict functional programming languages such as higher-order functions, polymorphism and lazyness can be useful in programming reactive systems. Aspects of reactive systems can be modelled by making use of the infinite structures, such as streams, that can be represented in such languages. However for these languages to be practically viable we must be able to reason about the space usage and termination properties of programs written in them. Hughes, Pareto and Sabry have proposed a type system using sized types to try and alleviate these problems. In this presentation I will discuss their recent POPL paper, illustrating the usefulness of sized types when building reactive systems.

10th June, Benedict Gaster, University of Nottingham.
F-sub: An extension of system F with subtyping.

A number of researchers have developed and extended the notion of subtyping in the Girard/Reynolds polymorphic lambda calculus. Furthermore, Cardelli has shown that F-sub provides enough machinary to capture the notion of row variables in extensible types, in particular he encodes a calculus of extensible records in F-sub. In this talk we give an overview of F-sub and outline a translation of well-typed terms for a qualified type system with extensible records and variants into F-sub.

7th October, Benedict Gaster, University of Nottingham.
An overview of Ohori-style semantics for ML polymorphism.

There have been a number of proposals for providing a denotational semantics for the core language of Standard ML. One such approach is that presented by Ohori, in which he views terms of core ML as pairs consisting of a raw (untyped) lambda term and a type-scheme that type inference can derive for the raw term. A type-scheme is interpreted as a set of simple types. The meaning of a term is the set given by interpreting its type-scheme as an enumeration of simple types paired with the type annotated instance of the raw term.

In this talk we give an overview of Ohori's approach to semantics for core ML, highlighting the differences between his approach and other denotational semantics for core ML. In particular, we focus on the differences with the ideal model given by Milner in his seminal work on type inference, and the later analysis given by Mitchell an Harper. In conclusion we outline the objectives for generalizing Ohori's work to provide a framework for a denotational semantics for qualified types, and higher-order polymorphism, with the result of providing a semantics for constructor classes.

21st October, Colin Taylor, University of Nottingham.
Concurrent functional programming without primitives.

Particular applications most readily suit a concurrent implementation, such as interactive systems. Various extensions to functional programming languages have been proposed to provide support for explicit concurrent programming, such as Concurrent Haskell, and Parallel Gofer. These systems have all required new primitives to be built into the language. In this talk I will present a system that provides the same level of expressiveness as these systems but without the need for new primitives. The main advantages of this system are that is easily portable (not needing to rely on propriety primitives), and also allows for a better understanding of concurrency in a functional setting.

4th November, Mark P. Jones, University of Nottingham.
The implementation of pattern matching in Hugs 1.3.

Modern functional programming languages provide sophisticated pattern matching facilities; their implementations rely on pattern matching compilers to break the matching process down into more basic steps. Recently, to accomodate new features introduced in the Haskell 1.3 standard, the pattern matching compiler in Hugs has had to be rewritten to use a more general algorithm. This informal talk describes a functional program that was used to prototype the new implementation, and aims to provide some general insights into the construction and working of pattern matching compilers.

11th November, Paul Blampied, University of Nottingham.
Simple sound synthesis in a functional language.

Traditional sound synthesis programs achieve much of their efficiency by working with large precomputed tables of discrete sampled data. Although this approach is very fast, it limits the expressiveness of the system and can hinder experimentation with new synthesis methods. In this talk I will describe a different approach to sound synthesis where sound wave objects are represented as higher-order functions within a functional language framework. Functions provide a very natural way of representing arbitrarily complex continuous sound-wave objects, and higher-order functions offer a very powerful yet intuitive method of combining and performing operations on sound-waves.

The system I describe was implemented as my final-year project at the University of Bath.

18th November, Graham Hutton, University of Nottingham.
Concurrency theory for functional programmers.

In functional programming, there is considerable interest in the use of special-purpose operators such as fold and unfold to structure recursive programs, and in the use of associated algebraic properties to reason about programs. In this talk I will explain how recent categorical work shows how the same techniques can be applied to structure and reason about the semantics of concurrent languages using a functional language. This approach gives functional programmers new insights into the semantics of concurrency, and suggests a number of interesting avenues for further research.

This talk is based upon a forthcoming article.

25th November, Jeffrey H. Kingston, University of Sydney.
Lout: a functional document formatting language

This informal talk describes the design and implementation of the Lout document formatting language, with emphasis on its relationship with functional languages and especially its treatment of those areas of document formatting which appear to be poorly suited to the functional approach.