G53OPS - Operating Systems

This course is run at the The University of Nottingham within the School of Computer Science & IT. The course is run by Graham Kendall (EMAIL : gxk@cs.nott.ac.uk)

Peterson's Solution

A solution to the mutual exclusion problem that does not require strict alternation, but still uses the idea of lock (and warning) variables together with the concept of taking turns is described in (Dijkstra, 1965). In fact the original idea came from a Dutch mathematician (T. Dekker). This was the first time the mutual exclusion problem had been solved using a software solution.(Peterson, 1981), came up with a much simpler solution.

The solution consists of two procedures, shown here in a C style syntax.

int No_Of_Processes; // Number of processes
int turn; // Whose turn is it?
int interested[No_Of_Processes]; // All values initially FALSE

void enter_region(int process) {
int other; // number of the other process

other = 1 - process; // the opposite process
interested[process] = TRUE; // this process is interested
turn = process; // set flag
while(turn == process && interested[other] == TRUE); // wait

void leave_region(int process) {
interested[process] = FALSE; // process leaves critical region

A process that is about to enter its critical region has to call enter_region. At the end of its critical region it calls leave_region.

Initially, both processes are not in their critical region and the array interested has all (both in the above example) its elements set to false.

Assume that process 0 calls enter_region. The variable other is set to one (the other process number) and it indicates its interest by setting the relevant element of interested. Next it sets the turn variable, before coming across the while loop. In this instance, the process will be allowed to enter its critical region, as process 1 is not interested in running.

Now process 1 could call enter_region. It will be forced to wait as the other process (0) is still interested. Process 1 will only be allowed to continue when interested[0] is set to false which can only come about from process 0 calling leave_region.

If we ever arrive at the situation where both processes call enter region at the same time, one of the processes will set the turn variable, but it will be immediately overwritten.

Assume that process 0 sets turn to zero and then process 1 immediately sets it to 1. Under these conditions process 0 will be allowed to enter its critical region and process 1 will be forced to wait.

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 Last Updated : 13/01/2002