Graham Kendall

Research Page



This page contains a history of computers playing awari.

You might also want to look at my home page (with navigation bar) or my game playing research page.

I am a lecturer at The University of Nottingham where I lecture on artificial intelligence and specialise on how computers can learn to play games without being told how to play (i.e. they are given no information as to game strategy, instead the computer has to "learn" the strategy for themselves). From an academic point of view I have published several articles on this research area (see my game playing articles).

The page contains references to the relevant academic literature (please let me know (by EMAIL) if I have missed any papers).

I have also listed some of the poker sites you might find of interest. If your site is not here, EMAIL me, and I'll include it.

This page is part of my game playing web site.



Group Publications

Other Publications



Last Updated 26th Mar 2001