A recombination of the Sixth Annual Genetic Programming Conference (GP-2001) and the International Conference on Genetic Algorithms (ICGA-2001)

Scheduling and Logistics Workshop

Special Session at GECCO 2002

The GECCO 2002 home page can be seen here

Scheduling and Logistics Workshop

This workshop will be held on the 12th July 2002 between 08:30 and 10:00.

Organised by :

David Davis (EMAIL : david.davis@nutechsolutions.com), NuTech Solutions, USA
Kunal Dutta-roy (EMAIL : kduttaroy@cs.com), Schlumberger Oilfield Services
Graham Kendall (EMAIL : gxk@cs.nott.ac.uk), The University of Nottingham, UK
David Montanna (EMAIL : dmontana@bbn.com), BBN Technologies, USA
Stephen Ottner (EMAIL : stephen@ottner.com), Pilat Media, UK
Rajkumar Roy (EMAIL : r.roy@cranfield.ac.uk), Cranfield University, UK
Wendy Williams (EMAIL : wendy@magma.ca), Consultant: Metaheuristic Algorithms, Canada

Workshop Format (90 minutes)

Chair: Graham Kendall

30 minutes, Overview/survey of planning/scheduling
Peter Ross (Title : A quick introduction to scheduling with evolutionary algorithms)
Abstract : Businesses are often faced with complex and idisyncratic scheduling problems. Often, evolutionary algorithms (EAs) can be used to tackle them effectively. This paper provides a short introduction to some of the ideas involved, and points out some of the problems which might confront a person who wants to try usings EAs for scheduling.

20 minutes, Application Session 1
David Montana (Title : So You Want to Build an Automated Scheduling System?)
Abstract : The BBN scheduling group contracts with both government and industry to perform research and development for genetic algorithm-based scheduling. We have developed custom real-world automated scheduling systems for different clients. Here, I relate some of the insight gained from our experience organized into a few broad categories.

20 minutes, Application Session 2
Stephen Ottner (Title : Developing Scheduling Software using Genetic Algorithms in a Commercial Environment)
Abstract : This paper describes how scheduling software, based upon Genetic Algorithms, has been developed and used in a commercial environment over a number of years. It examines the business and project issues and the approach taken.

20 minutes, Panel Discussion
Graham Kendall (chair)
Abstract : The panel will consist of the guest speakers as well as other invited members from the scheduling community. There will be an opportunity to further discuss the points raised by the speakers as well as to explore other areas that are of interest to the audience.


Anybody registered for GECCO 2002 is allowed, and encouraged, to attend this workshop.

GECCO 2002 Home Page

This page was last updated on 22nd January 2002