-- This module proves that the recognisers correspond exactly to
-- decidable predicates of type List Bool → Bool (when the alphabet is
-- Bool)

-- This result could be generalised to other finite alphabets.

module TotalRecognisers.Simple.ExpressiveStrength where

open import Codata.Musical.Notation
open import Data.Bool
open import Data.Bool.Properties
open import Function.Base
open import Function.Equality using (_⟨$⟩_)
open import Function.Equivalence
  using (_⇔_; equivalence; module Equivalence)
open import Data.List
open import Data.Product
open import Relation.Binary.PropositionalEquality
open import Relation.Nullary.Decidable

import TotalRecognisers.Simple
open TotalRecognisers.Simple Bool _≟_

-- One direction of the correspondence has already been established:
-- For every grammar there is an equivalent decidable predicate.

grammar⇒pred :  {n} (p : P n) 
                λ (f : List Bool  Bool)   s  s  p  T (f s)
grammar⇒pred p =
  ((λ s   s ∈? p ) , λ _  equivalence fromWitness toWitness)

-- For every decidable predicate there is a corresponding grammar.
-- Note that these grammars are all "infinite LL(1)".

pred⇒grammar : (f : List Bool  Bool) 
                λ (p : P (f []))   s  s  p  T (f s)
pred⇒grammar f =
  (grammar f , λ s  equivalence (sound f) (complete f s))
  accept-if-true :  b  P b
  accept-if-true true  = empty
  accept-if-true false = fail

  grammar : (f : List Bool  Bool)  P (f [])
  grammar f = tok true  ·  grammar (f  _∷_ true )
             tok false ·  grammar (f  _∷_ false)
             accept-if-true (f [])

  accept-if-true-sound :
     b {s}  s  accept-if-true b  s  [] × T b
  accept-if-true-sound true  empty = (refl , _)
  accept-if-true-sound false ()

  accept-if-true-complete :  {b}  T b  []  accept-if-true b
  accept-if-true-complete ok with Equivalence.to T-≡ ⟨$⟩ ok
  ... | refl = empty

  sound :  f {s}  s  grammar f  T (f s)
  sound f (∣-right s∈) with accept-if-true-sound (f []) s∈
  ... | (refl , ok) = ok
  sound f (∣-left (∣-left  (tok · s∈))) = sound (f  _∷_ true ) s∈
  sound f (∣-left (∣-right (tok · s∈))) = sound (f  _∷_ false) s∈

  complete :  f s  T (f s)  s  grammar f
  complete f [] ok =
    ∣-right {n₁ = false} $ accept-if-true-complete ok
  complete f (true  bs) ok =
    ∣-left {n₁ = false} $ ∣-left {n₁ = false} $
      tok · complete (f  _∷_ true ) bs ok
  complete f (false  bs) ok =
    ∣-left {n₁ = false} $ ∣-right {n₁ = false} $
      tok · complete (f  _∷_ false) bs ok