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School of Computer Science
 Intelligent Decision Support: Optimisation and Learning

University of Nottingham,
School of Computer Science
Jubilee Campus, Room C86
ender.ozcan ATT nottingham dot ac dot uk
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Current Teaching

I currently teach the following modules:
  • Artificial Intelligence Methods (10cr./20cr.)
  • Software Engineering Group Project
  • Third, Fourth Year and MSc Projects

Student Project Supervision

If you are looking for a project topic and/or supervisor, please have a look at my [Project Ideas] page, which includes the list of the past projects that I have supervised. You can drop me an email anytime to start discussing a potential project topic for supervision or if youhave any queries, however please check my availability for project supervision first via the Moodle Project Allocation System (PAS).

You can refer to the appropriate project handbook for more information regarding projects what a project involves.

Past Teaching

I have previously taught the following modules:
  • Software Project Management
  • Automated Decision Support Methodologies
  • Automated Scheduling
  • Concepts of Programming Languages
  • Algorithm Design
  • Algorithm Design and Operations Research
  • Developments in Digital Business