G5BAIM - Artificial Intelligence Methods

This course is run at the The University of Nottingham within the School of Computer Science & IT. The course is run by Graham Kendall (EMAIL : gxk@cs.nott.ac.uk)


This page contains the current coursework assignment as well as the previous courseworks for this course, just in case you are interested.

Current Coursework Assignment

This years assignment can be download from here. The dealine for this years coursework is 21st April 2004 at 15:30.

You must use the report template when you hand in your work.

The following papers may be of use/interest.

  1. Darwen P. and Yao X. On evolving robust strategies for iterated prisoner's dilemma, LNCS 956:276-292, 1995
  2. Binner, J. and Kendall, G. Co-Evolving Neural Networks with Evolutionary Strategies : A New Application to Divisia Money. In proceedings of International Conference on Artificial Intelligence 2002 (IC-AI'02), CSREA Press. Arabnia H.R and Youngsong M. (eds), pp 884-889, ISBN : 1-892512-27-0
  3. Fogel D. Evolving Behaviors in the Iterated Prisoners Dilemma, Evolutionary Computation 1(1):77-97 (This paper was available as hardcopy in the lecture given on 6th Feb 2003)

You might also want to take a look at these case study papers.


Previous Coursework Assignments

Academic Year 2002/2003

Assignment (word document) (Evolve an Iterated Prisoners Dilemma Strategy) (Report Template)

Academic Year 2001/2002

Assignment (word document) (Write an evolutionary or meta-heuristic algorithm that is able to minimise the given functions)

Associated Spreadsheet (which implements the functions so that you can check your figures)

Academic Year 2000/2001

Assignment (word document) (Write an Awari program that you play against others from the course)

Academic Year 1999/2000

Assignment (word document) (Solve the 8-puzzle game)

Academic Year 1999/2000

Assignment 1 (word document) (Chinese Room)

Assignment 2 (word document) (Neural Network : Perceptron)

Assignment 3 (word document) (Concept Learner Systems)

Academic Year 1999/2000

Assignment 1 (word document) (Maze Navigation as a Search)

Assignment 2 (word document) (Neural Network : Perceptron)

Assignment 3 (word document) (Genetic Algorithms : Crossover)



 Last Updated : 26/01/2002