Project Title: Developing Bluetooth Software Tools for PC-Compatible Communications Student: Huang Seng Chong Course: BSc Hons Computer Science and Management Abstract: This dissertation is involved with developing an application that makes use of one of the most popular wireless technologies available - Bluetooth technology. The steps that have been taken to produce this application are described inside providing the user with and in-depth look of how a Bluetooth-enabled application can be built. These descriptions include the steps taken to implement the server and client applications, and how these two applications will send and receive data. An overview of the different Java platforms that have been used during the implementation process are also discussed, including the Java Communications API, the Java APIs for Bluetooth Wireless Technology (JABWT) and the Java 2 Micro Edition (J2ME). At the time of writing, there are no relevent books that could be found that could provide the detailed information needed about the JABWT and the Java Communications API for this dissertation. Other related work are also discussed, as well as alternatives to how the solutution could have been approached.