Project Title: Modern MGMT methodologies for CS software projects Student: Adam Rafal Gamalczyk Course: Bsc in Computer Science and Business Management Studies Abstract: This dissertation is aiming to bring management skills into computer science software projects and "bridge" the two disciplines, striving for better exploitation of the potential of groups developing software. It begins with setting the background information, the aims, objectives and limitations of the project, motivation behind it, a brief description of study, as well as explaining the research methodology and related work. Part I describes current workplace issues like job design, motivation, and feedback. Part II explains quality and project infrastructure matters. It then links the software system with equity theory. After that team-based approach is thoroughly investigated, discussing the mechanisms of learning and collaboration, to end with a critical evaluation of this work organisation. Building on that, the Personal Capital Management theory is proposed. The focus then moves to leadership, seeking to find best style for software development, to come with a surprising conclusion of no leader. Thus, new workplace management approach is presented, outlining in details the notion of a "Dynamo Manager", emphasising their role in the team context, and regarding the quality and communication, which is then discussed on a wider, corporate level as well. Part III presents a quick walkthrough the software, including the changes in the project and a section 11.1.2 on system evaluation coming from people with workplace management experience. Finally, the document concludes with a summary of contribution of the software tool towards better work performance, pointing out the strengths of the proposed system, its potential improvements and future extensions.