Project Title: Management Information System for Curricula Desing Student: Dimitrios Karametos Course: MSc Management of IT Abstract: This manuscript describes an information system that assist conveners to design new course programmes and evaluate existing ones with respect of the Quality Manual of the University of Nottingham. This information system is a web based application. Currently the process of designing or evaluating a course is most of the times manual. This is time consuming and erro-prone. Also with the current situation is rather difficult to design courses that involve more than one convenor and/or more than one School. This information system provides the following features: - A convenor can add/update/delete a course programme - A convenor can evaluate course programmes - A Dean can approve/disapprove a course programme - The administrator can add/update/delete users, Schools, delivery modes, qualifications, course types and subjects. This text describes the development of the information system for curricula design.