import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.LinkedList; import java.util.Arrays; /** * Implements a simple filesystem. From coursework description: A filesystem is * a record, held in memory, of the relationships between directories and files * and which disk blocks are allocated to which files. A filesystem consists of * directories and files allocated to disk blocks. Directories contain both * files and directories, starting at a "root". Only files occupy disk space, in * non-contiguous 1KB increments. * * Filenames can contain the characters [a-z1-9]+ * * @author Iain Lane, * @version 0.6 */ public class FileSystem { private Tree fileSystemTree; /** Stores file->block allocations */ public static Space fileStorage; /** * Ctor - Initialise filesystem with empty root directory and \c m KB of space * * @param m Amount, in KB, of disk space to allocate * */ public FileSystem(int m) { fileSystemTree = new Tree("root"); fileStorage = new Space(m); } /** * Create an empty directory, with path provided in \c name. * * @param name String array containing path to directory to be created, as in \c file(). */ public void dir(String[] name) throws BadFileNameException { Tree workingTree = fileSystemTree; if (name[0] != "root" || (FileExists(name) != null)) { throw new BadFileNameException(); } if (DirExists(name) != null) { return; } //loop all the way, creating as we go down if necessary for (int i = 0; i < name.length; i++) { workingTree = workingTree.GetChildByName(name[i]); } } /** * List allocation of blocks on disk. * * @return A 2D String array of block/file allocations. Each index corresponds to one disk block and the entry is either null * if the blocks is free or an array of strings which is the path to the file occupying that block. */ public String[][] disk() { Leaf[] alloc = FileSystem.fileStorage.getAlloc(); String[][] disk = new String[alloc.length][]; int i = 0; for (Leaf elem : alloc) { if (elem == null) { i++; continue; } else { disk[i++] = elem.getPath(); } } return disk; } /** * Create a \c k KB file, path provided in name. * * @param name String array, each element of which is an element in the path to file. * Must start with root. Any nonexistent directories along the path will be created. * @param k Size of file to create, in KB. * @throws BadFileNameException First directory is not root. * @throws OutOfSpaceException Adding child failed; not enough free space. */ public void file(String[] name, int k) throws BadFileNameException, OutOfSpaceException { Tree workingTree = fileSystemTree; String fileName = name[name.length - 1]; if (name[0] != "root") { throw new BadFileNameException(); } if (k > FileSystem.fileStorage.countFreeSpace()) { //not enough space free Leaf file = FileExists(name); if (file == null) { throw new OutOfSpaceException(); } else if (k <= (FileSystem.fileStorage.countFreeSpace() - file.allocations.length)) { //if there will be enough space free after deleting the old file, do it rmfile(name); } } //loop until level containing file for (int i = 0; i < name.length - 1; i++) { workingTree = workingTree.GetChildByName(name[i]); } //will now be at same level as file, contained in workingTree if (workingTree.children.containsKey(fileName)) { //file exists, remove (reached this point, so file can fit) if (workingTree.children.get(fileName).getClass().getName() == "Tree") { //name of existing directory throw new BadFileNameException(); } //enough space free, remove old file rmfile(name); } Leaf newLeaf = new Leaf(fileName, k); newLeaf.parent = workingTree; newLeaf.depth = newLeaf.parent.depth + 1; workingTree.children.put(fileName, newLeaf); } /** * List files and subdirectories contained in name. * * @param name String array containing path to directory to list, as in \c file(). * @return A String array containing the filename (only) of all files in the directory. */ public String[] lsdir(String[] name) { Tree file = DirExists(name); String[] fileList; if (file == null) { return null; } fileList = new String[file.children.size()]; fileList = file.children.keySet().toArray(fileList); //sort array - not essential, but nice! Arrays.sort(fileList); return fileList; } /** * Remove a file. * * @param name String array containing path to file to be removed, as in \c file(). * @see file */ public void rmfile(String[] name) { Leaf file = FileExists(name); if (file == null) { //file doesn't exist return; } FileSystem.fileStorage.Dealloc(file); } /** * Remove an empty directory. * * @param name String array containing path to directory to be removed, as in \c file(). * @throws DirectoryNotEmptyException The directory is not empty. * @see file */ public void rmdir(String[] name) throws DirectoryNotEmptyException { Tree dir = DirExists(name); if (dir == null) { return; } if (dir.children.size() > 0) { throw new DirectoryNotEmptyException(); } dir.parent.children.remove(; } private Node PathExists(String[] name) { Tree workingTree = fileSystemTree; for (int i = 0; i < name.length - 1; i++) { if (!workingTree.children.containsKey(name[i])) { return null; } workingTree = (Tree) workingTree.children.get(name[i]); } return workingTree.children.get(name[name.length - 1]); } /** * Checks whether the specified file exists * @param name Path to the file * @return File if exists, \c null otherwise */ public Leaf FileExists(String[] name) { Node found = PathExists(name); if (found == null || found.getClass().getName() == "Node") { return null; } return (Leaf) found; } /** * Checks whether the specified directory exists * @param name Path to directory * @return Directory if exists, null otherwise */ public Tree DirExists(String[] name) { Node found = PathExists(name); if (found == null || found.getClass().getName() == "Leaf") { return null; } return (Tree) found; } } /** * Leaf - cannot have children. * * @author iain * */ class Leaf extends Node { /** Size (in KB) of Leaf */ public int size; /** Array of blocks containing Leaf data */ public int[] allocations; /** * Ctor - create leaf. * * @param name Name of the leaf. * @param size Size, in KB, of the leaf. * @throws OutOfSpaceException Allocating space failed. */ public Leaf(String name, int size) throws OutOfSpaceException { = name; allocateSpace(size); } private void allocateSpace(int size) throws OutOfSpaceException { FileSystem.fileStorage.Alloc(size, this); } } /** * Class from which Trees and Leaves are derived. * Every element is actually a node. * * @author iain * */ abstract class Node { /** Every node must have a name */ String name; /** Every node must have a parent. For \c root this will be null */ public Tree parent; /** Store the depth */ int depth = 0; /** * Get the path to the current node * @return Path to the current node */ public String[] getPath() { String[] path = new String[this.depth]; Node workingNode = this; for (int i = this.depth - 1; i >= 0; i--) { path[i] =; workingNode = workingNode.parent; } return path; } } /** * Implement file storage. Provide methods for allocating and deallocating files on disk. * * @author iain * */ class Space { private Leaf[] blocks; private LinkedList freeBlocks; /** * Ctor - create \c size blank filesystem blocks. * @param size */ public Space(int size) { blocks = new Leaf[size]; //sacrifice space for speed freeBlocks = new LinkedList(); //O(size) to initialize queue for (int i = 0; i < size; i++) { freeBlocks.add(i); } } /** * Allocate \c size blocks to store \c file. * * @param size Number of blocks, in KB, required by \c file. * @param file File to store. * @throws OutOfSpaceException */ public void Alloc(int size, Leaf file) throws OutOfSpaceException { file.allocations = new int[size]; //we reached this point, therefore there is enough free space for (int i = 0; i < size; i++) { file.allocations[i] = freeBlocks.poll(); blocks[file.allocations[i]] = file; } } /** * Free any space occupied by \c file. * * @param file File to deallocate. */ public void Dealloc(Leaf file) { for (int i = 0; i < file.allocations.length; i++) { blocks[file.allocations[i]] = null; //record new free block freeBlocks.add(file.allocations[i]); } file.parent.children.remove(; } /** * Count the amount of free space. * @return the amount of kb blocks free */ public int countFreeSpace() { return freeBlocks.size(); } /** * Get the file allocations * @return an array (of leaves) of allocations */ public Leaf[] getAlloc() { return blocks; } } /** * Tree data structure - nodes can have arbitrarily many children. * * @author iain * */ class Tree extends Node { /** The children of the current node */ public HashMap children = new HashMap(); /** * Ctor - create tree. * * @param name The name of the root element of this tree. */ public Tree(String name) { = name; } /** * Get a child from a \c Node, or create it if nonexistant. * * @param name Name of child to search for. * @return Tree found (or created). */ public Tree GetChildByName(String name) { if (this.children.containsKey(name)) { return (Tree) this.children.get(name); } //not found - create Tree newTree = new Tree(name); newTree.parent = this; newTree.depth = newTree.parent.depth + 1; this.children.put(name, newTree); return newTree; } }