Verifying requirements for resource-bounded agents

EPSRC grant EP/E031226

Principal investigator: Natasha Alechina, co-investigator: Brian Logan
Visiting fellows: Piergiorgio Bertoli, Chiara Ghidini, Luciano Serafini


The project will provide theoretical foundations and practical tools for analysing resource requirements for systems of reasoning agents, such as, for example, agents which reason using ontological rules to provide a web service. The resources we shall consider include the time, memory, and communication bandwidth required by the agents to select the next action to perform. The trend towards ever smaller agent platforms means that resource utilisation is becoming an increasingly important factor in agent design and deployment. However the complex, often distributed, derivations implied by modern agent designs make it hard for agent developers to predict system resource requirements a priori. The development of formal frameworks and practical verification tools to exploit them is therefore key to the successful development of provably correct agent designs for emerging resource-limited agent paradigms such as mobile agents and platforms such as PDAs and smart phones. The project builds on the previous joint work between the investigators and visiting researchers using model-checking techniques to verify requirements.


Consider an agent that has a finite knowledge base and some rules of inference which allow it to derive new information from its knowledge base. It is intuitively clear that some derivations require more time and/or memory than others (e.g., to store all the relevant information, or to store intermediate results), and that two agents with the same knowledge base and the same set of inference rules, but with different amounts of memory, may not be able to answer the same queries or may take different amounts of time to answer them. If two agents need to communicate in order to answer a query, then the number and size of messages that must be exchanged will depend on the query, and the time and memory availale to the agents.

The computational resources required by a reasoning agent to achieve a goal or answer a query is of considerable theoretical and practical interest. From a theoretical point of view, it is related to the questions investigated in proof complexity [Haken85], [Alekhnovich02], of the lower bounds on the size of proofs in deductive systems, and of lower bounds on memory required to verify them. From a practical point of view, the question of whether an agent has sufficient resources (memory, time or communication bandwidth) to achieve its goal(s) is clearly a major concern for the agent developer. As agent tasks become more open ended, the amount of resources required to achieve them becomes harder to predict a priori. For example, the reasoning capabilities of agents assumed by many web service applications is non trivial (e.g., reasoning over complex ontologies or about business processes described by a set of business rules) and the time, memory and communication requirements correspondingly difficult for the agent developer to determine a priori. At the same time trends towards mobile agents and agents which run on mobile devices such as PDAs and smart phones imply more processor and memory efficient agent designs (e.g., the Micro-FIPA-OS platforms). Such devices typically have a relatively small amount of physical memory (and no virtual memory), which must be shared between the OS, the agent platform and other applications running on the device. While increased bandwidth and more powerful handheld devices will undoubtedly become available, the rapid growth in, e.g., the number and complexity of ontologies, seems likely to outstrip any increases in hardware capabilities, at least for the foreseeable future.

Despite the importance of the topic, there has been relatively little work in this area.

There is an extensive body of work on epistemic logics (logics of knowledge and belief), for example [Fagin95]. However, most epistemic logics assume that the agent's knowledge is deductively closed, and therefore do not try to model the time and space restrictions on the agent's ability to derive consequences of its beliefs.

Where communication is considered, it is usually modelled via axioms that instantaneously transmit knowledge from one agent to the other (e.g., Ki A -> Kj A - if agent i knows that A, then agent j knows that A (see e.g. [Fagin95]. The reality is rather different, and communication needs bandwidth and takes time.

There is a growing body of work where the agent's deduction steps are explicitly modelled in the logic, for example [Duc:97], [Alechina04], [Agotnes2005], which makes it possible to model the time it takes the agent to arrive at a certain conclusion; a different kind of limitation on the depth of belief reasoning allowed is studied in [Fisher99]. Both the time and space limitations on the agent's knowledge were considered in step logics [ElgotDrapkin91]. However, rather than being interested in verification of space requirements for solving a certain problem, [ElgotDrapkin91] is concerned with restricting the size of short term memory to isolate any possible contradictions, therefore avoiding the problem of swamping: deriving all possible consequences from a contradiction.

The problem of formal verification of multi agent systems has lead to a growing body of work, especially in the area of multi-agent model-checking [Benerecetti98], [Lomuscio04]. This work, however, is again mainly focused on logically omniscient agents, that is, agents who instantaneously believe all the logical consequences of their basic beliefs, and no time and space limitations are taken into account.

Research in proof complexity investigates worst case upper and lower time and memory bounds for deductive systems (for example, resolution). However, although general bounds on time and space complexity may be known for some of the systems we propose to investigate, it is still important to know more precise requirements for specific knowledge bases, which may be substantially different from the worst case bounds. The situation is similar to, for example, research on response times of rule-based programs. Although theoretical bounds on termination for rule-based programs are known, there is still a significant practical interest in precise bounds for response time of specific rule sets.

In our previous joint work [Alechina06b] , [Albore06], [Alechina06f] , we have taken some preliminary steps towards the automated verification of resource requirements of reasoning agents. In [Alechina06b] , [Alechina06f] , we investigated whether an agent with a knowledge base KB, has sufficient memory to derive a given formula A. We represent a reasoning agent as a finite state machine in which the states correspond to the formulas currently held in the reasoner's memory and the transitions between states correspond to the application of an inference rule. We introduced a logical language in which we can formulate properties of memory-bounded reasoners, and specified and verified properties of a rule-based agent and an agent reasoning in classical logic. To check whether a reasoner has enough memory to derive a formula A, we specify the FSM as input to the model-based planner MBP [Cimatti03] and check whether the reasoner has a plan (a choice of memory allocations and inference rule applications), all executions of which lead to states containing A. We also investigated examples of trade-offs between time and memory requirements for rule-based reasoners (larger memory enables shorter derivations).

In [Alechina06b] , we made an assumption that backtracking when reasoning by cases does not require extra memory. In more recent work [Albore06], we extended our model of a classical reasoner to incorporate a more realistic account of memory use for backtracking. However, while this work represents a significant advance on the state of the art in epistemic logics, many key questions remain unanswered. Specifically in our work to date, we have considered only single agents (and no communication costs), which reason using relatively simple logical formalisms, and have mostly focused on a single resource (memory). We also assumed that each formula has a constant size. While this assumption is routinely made when analysing the space complexity of systems such as resolution which do not have an unrestricted conjunction introduction rule [Alekhnovich02], this assumption is too strong for systems which allow conjunction introduction (space complexity becomes constant). In addition, our model checking work has adopted simple direct encodings of finite state machines into the representational language used by the model-based planner MBP. which we use for automatic verification. While sufficient for small problems, this approach is unlikely to scale to the verification of non trivial agent systems.

Aims and objectives

The aim of the proposed project is to define a framework for the representation, specification and verification of resource-bounded agents. This will involve addressing the limitations of our preliminary joint work, namely the issues of expressiveness and scalability. We will extend our approach to allow the verification of agents which reason using richer logical formalisms (specifically description logics) and to consider the interaction between different resources (time, memory and communication bandwidth). In addition we will address the problem of scalability, by developing new encoding schemes which internalise the agent's reasoning strategy and memory model within the model checker. The resulting enhanced tools will allow a more realistic evaluation of the feasibility of our approach for larger problems.

While the temporal aspects of reasoning have been considered in previous work, to the best of our knowledge, there has been no detailed treatment of memory requirements and no systematic investigation of resource trade-offs in resource-bounded reasoners. The development of such formal frameworks and practical verification tools to exploit them is key to the successful development of provably correct agent designs for emerging resource limited agent paradigms such as mobile agents and platforms such as PDAs and smart phones.

The objectives of the project are:

  1. To define epistemic logics for the representation of real (resource-bounded) reasoning/planning agents in a cooperative setting. We will consider agents with different reasoning capabilities (e.g., agents reasoning in propositional logic, description logics, or rule-based agents).
  2. To define computational models for the logics above. In particular we will define models to express reasoning strategies used by the agents and alternative memory models required to support different kinds of reasoning strategies.
  3. To investigate trade-offs between multiple resource bounds (memory, time and communication bandwidth).
  4. To develop tools to support the automatic verification of resource bounded agents.
  5. To demonstrate the scalability and expressiveness of our approach by applying the framework and tool to one or more example scenarios, for example, agents which reason using ontological rules/description logic to provide a web service.


1. Defining logics

We will build on our preliminary work with the researchers at ITC-irst and others [Alechina06b] , [Albore06], [Agotnes06], [Alechina06e], [Alechina06f] . The main methodological point here is that we interpret beliefs syntactically (as formulas, not as sets of possible worlds). The language of the logics will contain a syntactic belief operator, temporal modalities to describe the transition system, and other modalities similar to the ones introduced in [Agotnes06] to express memory limitations. Preliminary results show that such logics are computationally more tractable than standard temporal epistemic logics.

2. Defining computational models

To model an agent reasoning about a knowledge base KB and a formula A in logic L, we will represent the states of the agents as assignments to finitely many formulas (all subformulas of KB and A). Transitions correspond to applications of inference rules of L to formulas which have a value true or false in the state. The constraint on memory corresponds to a restriction that at most n formulas can have a value true or false in any state (for the case when formulas are assumed to have constant size); or that the combined size of all formulas defined in a state can be at most n. The approach to modelling multi-agent systems and communication will be based on our approach to a simpler case of rule-based agents in [Alechina06e]. The environment can be modelled as a distinguished agent.

3. Investigating trade offs

In our earlier work, we found examples of propositional formulas which require less time (computational steps) to prove with larger memory, and are still provable but require longer derivations with smaller memory. A key objective of this project is a systematic investigation of such trade-offs. We will investigate trade-offs between memory and communication costs, and between communication costs and time measured as the number of transitions required by the multi-agent system to achieve the goal, provided the reasoners execute in parallel. Our approach will be informed by work in proof complexity on the relationships between the size of proofs and space required to verify them. We will also draw on the notions of communication complexity [Yao79] to represent communication costs as a function of the number or size of formulas which reasoners have to exchange to solve a common task.

4. Developing an automatic tool

In our previous work, the verification of resource requirements exploited the brute-force breadth-first search algorithms provided by MBP. While this guarantees the proofs obtained are of minimal length, it presents two major drawbacks. First, in spite of MBP's effective symbolic machinery, scalability is limited by the huge number of states that are visited using such a search strategy. Second, we are not able to model the particular reasoning strategy adopted by a given reasoning agent; our results implicitly refer to the smartest possible agent for the problem under consideration. We will design a language in which we can express the different reasoning strategies that may be used by reasoning agents, and to extend MBP so that this additional input constrains the search space. The idea of driving search by hints or strategies has been explored in the area of classical planning. TLPlan [Kabanza] and TALPlanner [Kvarnstrom] use temporal logics as a means to describe rules to control forward chaining. A linear temporal logic LTL has also been used in [Albore] to constrain the search performed by MBP in partially observable planning domains. However, it is not straightforward to adapt their techniques for our purpose, because they assume a deterministic model, and LTL may not be suitable for representing search strategies for tree-structured proofs. We will need to identify a general and flexible language to represent such strategies.

The scalability of our current verification approach is also negatively influenced by the fact that we explicitly represent the memory model as a part of the planning domain. The resulting combinatorial explosion is therefore due in large part to the fact that a single epistemic state can be associated with several different configurations of, e.g., memory usage. We therefore intend to `internalise' the representation of the memory model used in the search within MBP's algorithms, so that the model given to MBP abstracts away from resource-related constraints. These will be considered exclusively during the search, separately from the handling of epistemic states. The effective combination of logical and resource representations within the search algorithms is far from trivial, and requires a careful redesign of MBP to take full advantage of symbolic techniques. However work on integrating arithmetics and logics within symbolic architectures, such as in the MathSat system [Bozzano] have shown that substantial performance improvements can be achieved.

5. Evaluation

We will evaluate scalability and expressiveness of our approach by using two case studies, which will determine the relationship between the size of a knowledge base and time required by \mbp to verify resource requirements for answering typical queries. Our preliminary plan for the case studies is to test optimisations to MBP on propositional reasoning examples, such as business rules and to test ontological reasoning capabilities on a set of ontological definitions and rules such as the formalisation of the MIT Process Handbook in [Grosof03]. However, since at the moment there are several different proposals for incorporating rules into ontology languages, and it is not clear which one will achieve widespread acceptance in the community, we will determine the exact language and content of the example ontology during the second year of the project. We are planning to make use of the HPC cluster at Nottingham for to run the computationally intensive model checking experiments entailed by the case studies.
