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Postgraduate Taught Programmes @ Computer Science

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News / Announcements

  • University Covid-19 Information
  • Autumn Course/Module Enrolment
    • Please enrol your modules and submit your choices (in total 180 credits) in MyNottingham by the deadline. Autumn modules can't be changed once submitted. Spring modules can be changed at the beginning of Spring semester.
    • Compulsory courses and your chosen optional courses will appear in Moodle the next week after you enrolled your choices online. Only those courses you officially enrolled will appear in your manuscript.
    • To search for other courses in Moodle, click "Site home" on the left hand side menu.
    • If you are not enrolled to the courses, you'll need course convenor's approval to observe the teaching materials.

MSc Summer Projects

  • The below provides a typical schedule in previous years. Please check the Moodle MSc projects page for precise and updated information. Please contact with the project coordinator with specific questions.
    • Early Spring: a list of project ideas from potential supervisors will be made available in Moodle.
    • Feb/March: in Research Methodologies, lectures will be given on how to write a project proposal, etc.
    • Early May: deadline for students to agree a project topic with a supervisor, and submit project plan / proposal.
    • May: projects start formally after the Spring exams.
    • Sept: submission of project dissertation, and project demo.
  • A list of MSc e-dissertations in previous years.
  • Improve Academic Writing and Avoid Plagiarism.

    Exams, assessment and classification

    If you have questions regarding specific assessment please contact with your tutor to seek advices.
    PGT students are offered the degree subject to the following conditions.
  • MSc PASS: year average marks of 50% or more; no more than 40 credits < 50% of which no more than 20 credits < 40%;
    For example, a student can receive a MSc Pass degree without resiting the failed module(s) if he/she
    - has an overall average of 50+%, with up to 20 credits between 40% and 49%, or
    - has an overall average of 50+%, with up to 20 credits between 30% and 39%.
  • MSc with MERIT: mean marks of 60% or above (based on first marks only, not resit marks);
  • MSc with DISTINCTION: mean marks of 70% or above (based on first marks only, not resit marks);
  • Resit marks are only for qualifying a PASS degree. First marks are used for classification and appear in the degree transcripts. One resit is granted for each of the failed modules.
  • Resit exams take place in August/September each year.


  • Q: I'm in MSc Computer Science, and have selected AI courses. How could I choose to receive my degree title as MSc in Computer Science (Artificial Intelligence)?
    A: At the start of the Spring course selection period, students should select AI Project, with also enough credits on AI courses. These students then can contact Student Services to request if they wish to graduate with the MSc Computer Science (with Artificial Intelligence) pathway.
  • Q: Can I choose some external course, and how many credits can I choose?
    A: Students could choose up to 20 credits external courses in total in their degree (i.e. from Maths, Business, etc.), subject to the approval by emails from the course convenor at the external school and the PGT advisor at Computer Science.
  • Q: When is the MSc graduation date?
    A: The expected completion date for MSc programme is 23 September 2020. The winter graduation will be held before the middle of December 2020.
  • Q: Can I change my course choices after confirming them in Online Enrolment?
    A: Yes, but before Friday 4 October. Please email or approach Student Services to open the enrolment for you. I'd suggest to wait till you've tried different optional courses from 30 September before confirming your course enrolment.
  • Q: I'm on MSc Computer Sicnece, and don't have a Computer Science background, so have to choose the three restricted courses in Autumn. Is it possible for me to take the AI pathway?
    A: Yes. There are enough credits in Spring to choose 40 credits AI courses (see the programme). In addition to these, if you also choose COMP4026 Research Project 60 credits, your degree title will be MSc Computer Science (Artificial Intelligence).
    The MSc CS with AI degree is feasible for students without Computer Science background to be ready after the three Autumn courses to take the AI pathway. Students are not expected to have programming background to take COMP4008, which starts from srcctch but move to advanced content at later stage.
  • Q: Can I choose more than 180 credits?
    A: No. To obtain a MSc at University of Nottingham, students must take 180 credits. The enrolled courses and exam marks will appear in students' transcript, and can't be replaced by other courses once formally enrolled.
  • Q: In the Autumn online course enrolment, do I need to choose courses in Spring?
    A: Yes, you'll need to temporarily enrol in total 180 credits, with your Spring courses. At the beginning of the Spring semester, you could change your Spring courses after one week of lectures. Courses in Autumn can't be changed once formally enrolled and taken.
  • Q: Can I choose 70 credits in Autumn and 50 credits in Spring?
    A: Yes in theory. However please bear in mind that you'll need to be prepared to put a lot of your time in Autumn to complete coursework and prepare exams. Please also check the timetable to ensure there is no clash between your chosen courses.
  • Q: Can I switch to a different MSc degree in Computer Science?
    A: It's possible if you satisfied the entry requirement, and switch within the first two weeks in Autumn. If you'd like to switch between MSc CS and MSc HCI or MSc Data Science, please contact with me.
  • Q: How could I switch from MSc Computer Science to MSc Computer Science with Artificial Intelligence?
    A: Please make sure you've chosen at least 40 credits of AI courses and the summer project on AI. After the enrolment, please email Student Services to confirm you'd like to change the degree title.
  • Q: Is there a reading list for my course?
    A: Reading lists are given in individual courses, provided in their Moodle course pages.
  • Q: Can I change my Autumn modules later?
    A: No, once your Autumn modules are formally enroled, they can't be changed. Their marks will appear in the final transcript.
  • Q: I'm MSc Computer Science student without a Computer Science first degree. Do I have to take all the three restricted courses in Autumn, even I have good expereince on databases (or programming, networks)?
    A: If you have strong experience on databases (or programming, networks), you could opt out the course. Please talk to the course convenor after their lectures in week two, to seek their advices based on your background, as some other courses in your degree may need the programming course as pre-requisite.
    Please: email me so I'm aware of your change of coruse choices and can inform Student Services.
