Home Teaching Supervision Grants Publications Academics

Benchmarks, Bibliography, Best results

This web site is maintained by Rong Qu.

More details of selected problems can be found at the companion sites for the following problems:

Cyber Security for Connected and Autonomous Vehicles (CAVs)

A set of simulated cyber-attacks to CAVs derived from the KDD99 dataset on online cyber-attacks.
  • Y He, X Meng, R Qu, "A Survey on Cyber Security of CAV", 2017 Forum on Cooperative Positioning and Service, 19 May - 21 May 2017, Harbin, China. pdf
  • Q He, X Meng, R Qu, R Xi, "Design A New Framework for Assessing Cyber Security Attacks of Connected and Autonomous Vehicle", under review, September 2018

Virtual Machine Placement in Cloud Datacenter

A set of energy-aware virtual machine placement problems
  • H. Xing, J. Zhu, R. Qu, S. Luo, M.A. Iqbal. An ACO for Energy-efficient and Traffic-aware Virtual Machine Placement in Cloud Computing. Under review, 2020

Mixed Shift VRP with Time Windows

A set of Vehicle Routing dataset with Mixed Types of Shifts, derived from a large scale fleet transportation problem at Ningbo Port, China
  • B. Chen, R. Qu, W. Laesanklang, R. Bai. A Hyper-Heuristic with Two Guidance Indicators for Bi-Objective Mixed-Shift Vehicle Routing Problem with Time Windows. under review, 2018

A set of Vehicle Routing dataset with different features, derived from a large scale fleet transportation problem at Ningbo Port, China
  • B. Chen, R. Qu, R. Bai, W. Laesanklang. A Reinforcement Learning Based Variable Neighborhood Search Algorithm for Open Periodic Vehicle Routing Problem with Time Windows. under review, 2018
  • B Chen, R Qu and H. Ishibuchi. "Variable Depth Aadaptive Large Neighborhood Search Algorithm for Open Periodic Vehicle Routing Problem with Time Windows"
    The 19th International Conference on Harbor, Maritime & Multimodal Logistics Modelling and Simulation (HMS'2017), 18-20 September 2017. .pdf

Exam Timetabling

A set of exam timetabling benchmark problems, and an online bibliography of exam timetabling 1995-2009, categrised by the techniques used in the research.
  • R. Qu, E. K. Burke, B. McCollum, L.T.G. Merlot, and S.Y. Lee. "A Survey of Search Methodologies and Automated System Development for Examination Timetabling", Journal of Scheduling, 12(1): 55-89, 2009. doi: 10.1007/s10951-008-0077-5 .pdf XML BibTex
    Top 1% cited by ISI Essential Scientific Indicator

Nurse Rostering

A set of nurse rostering benchmark problems (also see Staff Roster Solutions) dedrived from real world problems world wide.
  • E.K. Burke, T.E. Curtois, G. Post, R. Qu and B. Veltman. "A Hybrid Heuristic Ordering and Variable Neighbourhood Search for the Nurse Rostering Problem", European Journal of Operational Research, 188(2), 330-341, 2008. doi: 10.1016/j.ejor.2007.04.030, ISI Top 1% cited
  • E.K. Burke, T. Curtois, R. Qu and G. Vanden Berghe. "A Time Predefined Variable Depth Search for Nurse Rostering". INFORMS Journal on Computing, 25: 411-419, 2013. doi: 10.1287/ijoc.1120.0510 ISI Top 10% cited
  • E.K. Burke, T. Curtois, R. Qu and G. Vanden Berghe. "A Scatter Search for the Nurse Rostering Problem", Journal of Operational Research Society, 61: 1667-1679, 2010. doi: 10.1057/jors.2009.118 .pdf ISI Top 10% cited
  • P. Brucker, E.K. Burke, T. Curtois, R. Qu. "A Shift Sequence Based Approach for Nurse Scheduling and a New Benchmark Dataset", Journal of Heuristics, 16(4): 559-573, 2010. doi: 10.1007/s10732-008-9099-6 .pdf ISI Top 10% cited

Vehicle Routing in a Forestry Commissioning Operation

A set of Vehicle Routing dataset derived from in a Forestry Commissioning Operation
  • E. Kent, J. Atkin, R. Qu, "Vehicle Routing in a Forestry Commissioning Operation using Ant Colony Optimisation", The 3rd International Conference on the Theory and Practice of Natural Computing (TPNC'14), Granada, Spain, December 9-11, 2014, .pdf.

Portfolio Optimization

a set of constrained portfolio optimization problems based on OR Library instances
  • K. Lwin, R. Qu "Hybrid Algorithm for Constrained Portfolio Selection Problem". Applied Intelligence, 39(2): 251-266, 2013. doi: 10.1007/s10489-012-0411-7 .pdf XML BibTex
  • F. He, R. Qu, "A Two-Stage Stochastic Mixed-Integer Program Modelling and Hybrid Solution Approach to Portfolio Selection Problems", Information Sciences, doi: 10.1016/j.ins.2014.08.028, 2014. .pdf
  • K. Lwin, R. Qu, "A learning-guided Multi-objective Evolutionary Algorithm for Constrained Portfolio Optimization", Applied Soft Computing, 24: 757-772, 2014, 2014. doi: 10.1016/j.asoc.2014.08.026, .pdf

A set of constrained portfolio optimization problems with VaR based on Yahoo! Finance S&P100 and S&P500
  • K. Lwin, R. Qu, B. MacCarthy "Mean-VaR Portfolio Optimization: A Nonparametric Approach". European Journal of Operational Research, 260(2): 751-766, 2017, doi: 10.1016/j.ejor.2017.01.005 .pdf.

Multicast Network Routing

multicast routing benchmark problems
  • Y. Xu and R. Qu. "Solving Multi-objective Multicast Routing Problems by Evolutionary Multi-objective Simulated Annealing Algorithms with Variable Neighborhoods", Journal of Operational Research Society, 62: 313-325, 2010 doi: 10.1057/jors.2010.138 .pdf
  • Y. Xu and R. Qu. "A Hybrid Scatter Search Meta-heuristic for Delay-constrained Multicast Routing Problems", Applied intelligence, 36(1): 229-241, 2012. doi: 10.1007/s10489-010-0256-x .pdf

Network Coding Based Multicast Routing

A set of Load Balancing in Network Coding based Multicast
  • H Xing, S Li, Y Cui, L Yan, W Pan, R Qu, "A hybrid EDA for load balancing in multicast with network coding", under review at Applied Soft Computing

A set of Network Coding Resource Minimization Problems
A set of Bi-Objective Network Coding Based Routing Problems
  • H. Xing and R. Qu, "A Population Based Incremental Learning for Network Coding Resources Minimization", IEEE Communication Letters, 99: 1-3, 2011. doi: 10.1109/LCOMM.2011.051911.110274 .pdf XML BibTex
  • H. Xing and R. Qu, "A Compact Genetic Algorithm for the Network Coding Based Resource Minimization Problem", Applied Intelligence, 36(4):, 809-823, 2012. doi: 10.1007/s10489-011-0298-8 .pdf
  • Z Wang, H Xing, T Li, Y Yang, R Qu, and Y Pan. "A Modified Ant Colony Optimization Algorithm for Network Coding Resource Minimization". IEEE Transactions on Evolutionary Computation, 20(3): 325-342, doi: 10.1109/TEVC.2015.2457437, .pdf, 2016

Capital Budgeting

(under construction, more updates will be added) A set of capital budgeting benchmark problems, and
a bibliography of meta-heuristics in capital budgeting
  • R. Qu and B. Berry. Meta-heuristics in Capital Budgeting: Models and Methodologies.
    technical report, 2009, School of Computer Science, University of Nottingham.