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The language of a DFA

To each DFA $ A$ we associate a language $ L(A)\subseteq \Sigma^*$. To see whether a word $ w\in L(A)$ we put a marker in the initial state and when reading a symbol forward the marker along the edge marked with this symbol. When we are in an accepting state at the end of the word then $ w\in L(A)$, otherwise $ w\notin L(A)$.

In the example above we have that $ 0\notin L(B)$, $ 101\in L(B)$ and $ 110\notin L(B)$. Indeed, we have

$\displaystyle L(B) = \{ w \mid \textrm{$w$ contains the substring $01$} \}$

To be more precise we give a formal definition of $ L(A)$. First we define the extended transition function $ \hat{\delta}\in Q\times
\Sigma^* \to Q$. Intuitively, $ \hat{\delta}(q,w)=q'$ if starting from state $ q$ we end up in state $ q'$ when reading the word $ w$. Formally, $ \hat{\delta}$ is defined by primitive recursion:

$\displaystyle \hat{\delta}(q,\epsilon)$ $\displaystyle =$ $\displaystyle q$ (1)
$\displaystyle \hat{\delta}(q,xw)$ $\displaystyle =$ $\displaystyle \hat{\delta}(\delta(q,x),w)$ (2)

Here $ xw$ stands for a non empty word whose first symbol is $ x$ and the rest is $ w$. E.g. if we are told that $ xw=010$ then this entails that $ x=0$ and $ w=10$. $ w$ may be empty, i.e. $ xw=0$ entails $ x=0$ and $ w=\epsilon$.

As an example we calculate $ \hat{\delta}_B(q_0,101)=q_1$:

% latex2html id marker 4494\begin{array}{lcll}
\ \hat{\del...
...& = & q_2
\ & \textrm{by (\ref{delta-hat-epsilon})}

Using $ \hat{\delta}$ we may now define formally:

$\displaystyle L(A) = \{ w \mid \hat{\delta}(q_0,w)\in F\}$

Hence we have that $ 101\in L(B)$ because $ \hat{\delta}_B(q_0,101)=q_2$ and $ q_2\in F_B$.

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Thorsten Altenkirch 2001-05-08