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How does a PDA work?

At any time the state of a PDA $ P=(Q,\Sigma,\Gamma,\delta,q_0,Z_0,F)$ is given by:

Such a triple $ (q,w,\gamma)\in Q\times \Sigma^*\times \Gamma^*$ is called an instantanous description ( $ \textrm{ID})$.

We define a relation $ \vdash_P\subseteq \textrm{ID}\times\textrm{ID}$ between IDs which describes how the PDA can change from one ID to the next one. Since PDAs in general are nondeterministic this is a relation (not a function), i.e. there may be more than one possibility.

There are two possibilities for $ \vdash_P$:

  1. $ (q,xw,z\gamma) \vdash_P (q',w,\alpha\gamma)$ if $ (q',\alpha)\in

  2. $ (q,w,z\gamma) \vdash_P (q',w,\alpha\gamma)$ if $ (q',\alpha)\in
In the first case the PDA reads an input symbol and consults the transition function $ \delta$ to calculate a possible new state $ q'$ and a sequence of stack symbols $ \alpha$ which replace the currend symbol on the top $ z$.

In the second case the PDA ignores the input and silently moves into a new state and modifies the stack as above. The input is unchanged.

Consider the word $ 0110$ -- what are possible sequences of IDs for $ {P_0}$ starting with $ (q_0,0110,\char93 )$ ?

(q_0,0110,\char93 ) & \vdas...
...$(q_2,\epsilon)\in\delta(q_1,\epsilon,\char93 )$}
\end{array} \end{displaymath}

We write $ (q,w,\gamma)\vdash_P^*(q',w',\gamma)$ if the PDA can move from $ (q,w,\gamma)$ to $ (q',w',\gamma')$ in a (possibly empty) sequence of moves. Above we have shown that $ (q_0,0110,\char93 )\vdash_{P_0}^*(q_2,\epsilon,\epsilon)$.

However, this is not the only possible sequence of IDs for this input. E.g. the PDA may just guess the middle wrong:

(q_0,0110,\char93 ) & \vdas...
...extrm{2. with $(q_1,0)\in\delta(q_0,\epsilon,0)$}
\end{array} \end{displaymath}

We have shown $ (q_0,0110,\char93 )\vdash_{P_0}^* (q_1,110,0\char93 )$. Here the PDA gets stuck there is no state after $ (q_1,110,0\char93 )$.

If we start with a word which is not in the language $ L$ (like $ 0011$) then the automaton will always get stuck before reaching a final state.

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Thorsten Altenkirch 2001-05-08