-- Pointwise lifting of relations to vectors

{-# OPTIONS --universe-polymorphism #-}

module Relation.Binary.Vec.Pointwise where

open import Category.Applicative.Indexed
open import Data.Fin
open import Data.Nat
open import Data.Plus as Plus hiding (equivalent; map)
open import Data.Vec as Vec hiding ([_]; map)
import Data.Vec.Properties as VecProp
open import Function
open import Function.Equality using (_⟨$⟩_)
open import Function.Equivalence as Equiv
  using (_⇔_; module Equivalence)
import Level
open import Relation.Binary
open import Relation.Binary.PropositionalEquality as P using (_≡_)
open import Relation.Nullary

 module Dummy {a} {A : Set a} where

  -- Functional definition.

  record Pointwise (_∼_ : Rel A a) {n} (xs ys : Vec A n) : Set a where
    constructor ext
    field app :  i  lookup i xs  lookup i ys

  -- Inductive definition.

  infixr 5 _∷_

  data Pointwise′ (_∼_ : Rel A a) :
                   {n} (xs ys : Vec A n)  Set a where
    []  : Pointwise′ _∼_ [] []
    _∷_ :  {n x y} {xs ys : Vec A n}
          (x∼y : x  y) (xs∼ys : Pointwise′ _∼_ xs ys) 
          Pointwise′ _∼_ (x  xs) (y  ys)

  -- The two definitions are equivalent.

  equivalent :  {_∼_ : Rel A a} {n} {xs ys : Vec A n} 
               Pointwise _∼_ xs ys  Pointwise′ _∼_ xs ys
  equivalent {_∼_} = Equiv.equivalence (to _ _) from
    to :  {n} (xs ys : Vec A n) 
         Pointwise _∼_ xs ys  Pointwise′ _∼_ xs ys
    to []       []       xs∼ys = []
    to (x  xs) (y  ys) xs∼ys =
      Pointwise.app xs∼ys zero 
      to xs ys (ext (Pointwise.app xs∼ys  suc))

    nil : Pointwise _∼_ [] []
    nil = ext λ()

    cons :  {n x y} {xs ys : Vec A n} 
           x  y  Pointwise _∼_ xs ys  Pointwise _∼_ (x  xs) (y  ys)
    cons {x = x} {y} {xs} {ys} x∼y xs∼ys = ext helper
      helper :  i  lookup i (x  xs)  lookup i (y  ys)
      helper zero    = x∼y
      helper (suc i) = Pointwise.app xs∼ys i

    from :  {n} {xs ys : Vec A n} 
           Pointwise′ _∼_ xs ys  Pointwise _∼_ xs ys
    from []            = nil
    from (x∼y  xs∼ys) = cons x∼y (from xs∼ys)

  -- Pointwise preserves reflexivity.

  refl :  {_∼_ : Rel A a} {n} 
         Reflexive _∼_  Reflexive (Pointwise _∼_ {n = n})
  refl rfl = ext  _  rfl)

  -- Pointwise preserves symmetry.

  sym :  {_∼_ : Rel A a} {n} 
        Symmetric _∼_  Symmetric (Pointwise _∼_ {n = n})
  sym sm xs∼ys = ext λ i  sm (Pointwise.app xs∼ys i)

  -- Pointwise preserves transitivity.

  trans :  {_∼_ : Rel A a} {n} 
        Transitive _∼_  Transitive (Pointwise _∼_ {n = n})
  trans trns xs∼ys ys∼zs = ext λ i 
    trns (Pointwise.app xs∼ys i) (Pointwise.app ys∼zs i)

  -- Pointwise preserves equivalences.

  isEquivalence :
     {_∼_ : Rel A a} {n} 
    IsEquivalence _∼_  IsEquivalence (Pointwise _∼_ {n = n})
  isEquivalence equiv = record
    { refl  = refl  (IsEquivalence.refl  equiv)
    ; sym   = sym   (IsEquivalence.sym   equiv)
    ; trans = trans (IsEquivalence.trans equiv)

  -- Pointwise _≡_ is equivalent to _≡_.

  Pointwise-≡ :  {n} {xs ys : Vec A n} 
                Pointwise _≡_ xs ys  xs  ys
  Pointwise-≡ =
      (to  _⟨$⟩_ (Equivalence.to equivalent))
       xs≡ys  P.subst (Pointwise _≡_ _) xs≡ys (refl P.refl))
    to :  {n} {xs ys : Vec A n}  Pointwise′ _≡_ xs ys  xs  ys
    to []               = P.refl
    to (P.refl  xs∼ys) = P.cong (_∷_ _) $ to xs∼ys

  -- Pointwise and Plus commute when the underlying relation is
  -- reflexive.

  ⁺∙⇒∙⁺ :  {_∼_ : Rel A a} {n} {xs ys : Vec A n} 
          Plus (Pointwise _∼_) xs ys  Pointwise (Plus _∼_) xs ys
  ⁺∙⇒∙⁺ [ ρ≈ρ′ ]             = ext  x  [ Pointwise.app ρ≈ρ′ x ])
  ⁺∙⇒∙⁺ (ρ ∼⁺⟨ ρ≈ρ′  ρ′≈ρ″) =
    ext  x  _ ∼⁺⟨ Pointwise.app (⁺∙⇒∙⁺ ρ≈ρ′ ) x 
                     Pointwise.app (⁺∙⇒∙⁺ ρ′≈ρ″) x)

  ∙⁺⇒⁺∙ :  {_∼_ : Rel A a} {n} {xs ys : Vec A n} 
          Reflexive _∼_ 
          Pointwise (Plus _∼_) xs ys  Plus (Pointwise _∼_) xs ys
  ∙⁺⇒⁺∙ {_∼_} x∼x =
    Plus.map (_⟨$⟩_ (Equivalence.from equivalent)) 
    _⟨$⟩_ (Equivalence.to equivalent)
    helper :  {n} {xs ys : Vec A n} 
             Pointwise′ (Plus _∼_) xs ys  Plus (Pointwise′ _∼_) xs ys
    helper []                                                  = [ [] ]
    helper (_∷_ {x = x} {y = y} {xs = xs} {ys = ys} x∼y xs∼ys) =
      x  xs  ∼⁺⟨ Plus.map  x∼y    x∼y  xs∼xs) x∼y 
      y  xs  ∼⁺⟨ Plus.map  xs∼ys  x∼x  xs∼ys) (helper xs∼ys) ⟩∎
      y  ys  
      xs∼xs : Pointwise′ _∼_ xs xs
      xs∼xs = Equivalence.to equivalent ⟨$⟩ refl x∼x

open Dummy public

-- Note that ∙⁺⇒⁺∙ cannot be defined if the requirement of reflexivity
-- is dropped.


 module Counterexample where

  data D : Set where
    i j x y z : D

  data _R_ : Rel D Level.zero where
    iRj : i R j
    xRy : x R y
    yRz : y R z

  xR⁺z : x [ _R_ ]⁺ z
  xR⁺z =
    x  ∼⁺⟨ [ xRy ] 
    y  ∼⁺⟨ [ yRz ] ⟩∎

  ix : Vec D 2
  ix = i  x  []

  jz : Vec D 2
  jz = j  z  []

  ix∙⁺jz : Pointwise′ (Plus _R_) ix jz
  ix∙⁺jz = [ iRj ]  xR⁺z  []

  ¬ix⁺∙jz : ¬ Plus′ (Pointwise′ _R_) ix jz
  ¬ix⁺∙jz [ iRj  ()  [] ]
  ¬ix⁺∙jz ((iRj  xRy  [])  [ ()  yRz  [] ])
  ¬ix⁺∙jz ((iRj  xRy  [])  (()  yRz  [])  _)

  counterexample :
    ¬ (∀ {n} {xs ys : Vec D n} 
         Pointwise (Plus _R_) xs ys 
         Plus (Pointwise _R_) xs ys)
  counterexample ∙⁺⇒⁺∙ =
    ¬ix⁺∙jz (Equivalence.to Plus.equivalent ⟨$⟩
               Plus.map (_⟨$⟩_ (Equivalence.to equivalent))
                 (∙⁺⇒⁺∙ (Equivalence.from equivalent ⟨$⟩ ix∙⁺jz)))

-- Map.

map :  {a} {A : Set a} {_R_ _R′_ : Rel A a} {n} 
      _R_  _R′_  Pointwise _R_  Pointwise _R′_ {n}
map R⇒R′ xsRys = ext λ i 
  R⇒R′ (Pointwise.app xsRys i)

-- A variant.

gmap :  {a} {A A′ : Set a}
         {_R_ : Rel A a} {_R′_ : Rel A′ a} {f : A  A′} {n} 
       _R_ =[ f ]⇒ _R′_ 
       Pointwise _R_ =[ Vec.map {n = n} f ]⇒ Pointwise _R′_
gmap {_R′_ = _R′_} {f} R⇒R′ {i = xs} {j = ys} xsRys = ext λ i 
  let module M = Morphism (VecProp.lookup-morphism i) in
  P.subst₂ _R′_ (P.sym $ M.op-<$> f xs)
                (P.sym $ M.op-<$> f ys)
                (R⇒R′ (Pointwise.app xsRys i))