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We say that a grammar $ G$ is ambiguous if there is a word $ w\in
L(G)$ for which there is more than one parse tree. This is usually a bad thing because it entails that there is more than one way to interpret a word (i.e. it leads to semantical ambiguity).

As an example consider the following alternative grammar for arithmetical expressions: We define $ G'=(\{E\},\{(,),a,+,*\},E,P')$ where $ P'$ is given by:

$\displaystyle P' = \{$ $\displaystyle E \to E + E \mid E * E \mid a \mid ( E ) \}$    

This grammar is shorter and requires only one variable instead of 4. Moreover it generates the same language, i.e. we have $ L(G)=L(G')$. But it is ambigous: Consider $ a+a*a$ we have the following parse trees:

\epsfbox{amb-1.eps}         \epsfbox{amb-2.eps}

Each parse tree correspond to a different way to read the expression, i.e. the first one corresponds to $ (a+a)*a$ and the second one to $ a+(a*a)$. Depending on which one is chosen an expression like $ 2+2*3$ may evaluate to $ 12$ or to $ 8$. Informally, we agree that $ *$ binds more than $ +$ and hence the 2nd reading is the intended one.

This is actually achieved by the first grammar which only allows the 2nd reading:


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Thorsten Altenkirch 2001-05-08