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Deterministic PDAs

We have introduced PDAs as nondeterministic machines which may have several possibilities how to continue. We now define deterministic pushdown automata (DPDA) as those which never have a choice.

To be precise we say that a PDA $ P=(Q,\Sigma,\Gamma,\delta,q_0,Z_0,F)$ is deterministic (is a DPDA) iff

$\displaystyle \vert\delta(q,x,z)\vert+\vert\delta(q,\epsilon,z)\vert \leq 1 $

Remember, that $ \vert X\vert$ stands for the number of elements in a finite set $ X$.

That is: a DPDA may get stuck but it has never any choice.

In our example the automaton $ P_0$ is not deterministic, e.g. we have $ \delta(q_0,0,\char93 )=\{(q_0,0\char93 )\}$ and $ \delta(q_0,\epsilon,\char93 )=\{(q_1,\char93 )\}$ and hence $ \vert\delta(q_0,0,\char93 )\vert+\vert\delta(q_0,\epsilon,\char93 )\vert = 2$.

Unlike the situation for finite automata, there is in general no way to translate a nondeterministic PDA into a deterministic one. Indeed, there is no DPDA which recognizes the language $ L$ ! Nondeterministic PDAs are more powerful than deterministic PDAs.

However, we can define a similar language $ L'$ over $ \Sigma=\{0,1,\$\}$ which can be recognized by a deterministic PDA:

$\displaystyle L' = \{ w\$w^R \mid w \in \{0,1\}^* \}$

That is $ L'$ contains palindroms with a marker $ \$$ in the middle, e.g. $ 01\$10 \in L'$.

We define a DPDA $ P_1$ for $ L'$:

$\displaystyle {P_1} = (\{ q_0,q_1,q_2 \}, \{0,1,\$\},\{0,1,\char93 \},\delta',q_0,\char93 ,\{q_2\})

where $ \delta$ is given by:

\delta(q_0,x,z) & = & \{(q_0,xz)\} \\
...a(q,x,z) & = & \{\} \qquad \textrm{everywhere else}

We can check that this automaton is deterministic. In particular the 3rd and 4th line cannot overlap because $ \char93 $ is not an input symbol.

Different to PDAs in general the two acceptance methods are not equivalent for DPDAs -- acceptance by final state makes it possible to define a bigger class of langauges. hence, we shall always use acceptance by final state for DPDAs.

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Thorsten Altenkirch 2001-05-08