  Computer Aided Formal Reasoning (G53CFR, G54CFR)
  Thorsten Altenkirch

  Lecture 7: Basic Predicate Logic

  In this lecture we extend the Curry-Howard correspondence to
  predicate logic. To do this we need to use dependent types which we
  have already seen in programming, e.g. Vec and Fin. 

module l07 where

open import l05 -- we are going to use the definitions for propositional logic

   What are predicates and relations?

   Given A : Set a predicate is an element of A → Prp 
   a relation over A is an element of A → A → Prp

   Odd : ℕ → Prp
   Prime : ℕ → Prp
   _≡_ : ℕ → ℕ → Prp ( being equal, we use ≡ not to confuse equality
                        with definitions (=)).
   _≡_ : {A : Set} → A → A → Prp (polymorphic equality) 
   _<_ : ℕ → ℕ → Prp 
   _≡_mod2 : ℕ → ℕ → Prp (equality modulo 2, both are even or both are
                          odd. )
   _∈_ : {A : Set} → A → List A → Prp (occurs relation, a ∈ as means a
                                       occurs in the list as.)

{- Universal quantification: given a set A, and a predicate P : A → Prp
   ∀' A P : Prop means that P a is true (inhabited) for all a:A.
   A proof of this is a (depndent) function which assigns to any a:A
   an element of P a.
   We have seen dependent functions before, e.g. 
   max : (n : ℕ) → Fin (suc n)
∀' : (A : Set)  (A  Prp)  Prp
∀' A P = (a : A)  P a  

{- Note: we use ∀' because ∀ is a reserved word in Agda. -}

{- Existential quantification: given a set A, and a predicate P : A → Prp
   ∀' A P : Prop means that P a is true (inhabited) for some a:A.
   A proof of this is a (depndent) pair (a , p) where a : A and 
   p : P a is a proof that P a is true (inhabited).
data  (A : Set)(P : A  Prp) : Prp where
  _,_ : (a : A)  P a   A P

{- for convenience we are going to use fst and snd. -}

fst : {P Q : Prp}  P  Q  P
fst (p , q) = p

snd : {P Q : Prp}  P  Q  Q
snd (p , q) = q

{- As an example we show that ∀ commutes with ∧
   "Everybody has glasses and a watch is equivalent to 
    everybody has glasses and everybody has a watch."

∀∧-lem-1 : {A : Set}{P Q : A  Prp}  
  (∀' A λ a  P a  Q a)  (∀' A λ a  P a)  (∀' A λ a  Q a)
∀∧-lem-1 pq =  a  fst (pq a)) ,  a  snd (pq a))

∀∧-lem-2 : {A : Set}{P Q : A  Prp}  
  (∀' A λ a  P a)  (∀' A λ a  Q a)  (∀' A λ a  P a  Q a) 
∀∧-lem-2 (p , q) = λ a  (p a) , (q a)

∀∧-lem : {A : Set}{P Q : A  Prp}  
      (∀' A λ a  P a  Q a)  (∀' A λ a  P a)  (∀' A λ a  Q a)
∀∧-lem = ∀∧-lem-1 , ∀∧-lem-2

{- We noticed that ∀ does not commute with ∨. The following direction

∀∨-lem-1 : {A : Set}{P Q : A → Prp} → 
      (∀' A λ a → P a ∨ Q a) ⇒ (∀' A λ a → P a) ∨ (∀' A λ a → Q a)
∀∨-lem-1 pq = left (λ a → {!!})

{- Intuitively: If everybody has a watch or glasses, it is not
   necesserially true that everybody has a watch or everybody has
   glasses. There may be somebody who has only got a watch and
   somebody else who only has got glasses. 

{- However, ∃ does commute with ∨.
   I leave the proof as an exercise. 
   Can you come up with an intuitive explanation?

∃∨-lem : {A : Set}{P Q : A → Prp} → (∃ A λ a → P a ∨ Q a) ⇔ (∃ A λ a → P a) ∨ (∃ A λ a → Q a)
∃∨-lem = {!!}

{- Next we are going to show a lemma which relates ∀ and ∃. 
   Intuitively: If anybody understands the course then I am happy
   is equivelent to If there exists somebody who understands the
   course then I am happy. 

∀∃-lem-1 : {A : Set}{P : A  Prp}{Q : Prp}  
  (∀' A λ a  P a  Q)  ( A λ a  P a)  Q
∀∃-lem-1 pq (a , p) = pq a p

∀∃-lem-2 : {A : Set}{P : A  Prp}{Q : Prp}  
  (( A λ a  P a)  Q)  (∀' A λ a  P a  Q)
∀∃-lem-2 pq = λ a p  pq (a , p)

∀∃-lem : {A : Set}{P : A  Prp}{Q : Prp}  
       (∀' A λ a  P a  Q)  ( A λ a  P a)  Q
∀∃-lem = ∀∃-lem-1 , ∀∃-lem-2

{- Note that the proofs look identical to one of the exercises on
   propositional logic:

   P ⇒ Q => R  ⇔ P ∧ Q ⇒ R 

{- Equality: We are going to define polymorphic equality using CH.

   In future we use
   open import Relation.Binary.PropositionalEquality

infix 4 _≡_ -- \equiv

{- We define a dependent type where the only proof of equality is
reflexivity, which for any element a:A proves that a ≡ a. -}

data _≡_ {A : Set} : A  A  Prp where
    refl : {a : A}  a  a

{- Using pattern matching we can prove that ≡ is symmetric & transitive
   and hence an equivalence relation (because refl proves reflexivity)/ -}

sym : {A : Set}  {a b : A}  a  b  b  a
sym refl = refl

trans : {A : Set}{a b c : A}  a  b  b  c  a  c
trans p refl = p

{- Any function respects equality: -}

resp : {A B : Set}{f : A  B}{a b : A}  a  b  f a  f b
resp refl = refl

{- But not every function is injective. -}

resp' : {A B : Set}{f : A → B}{a b : A} →  f a ≡ f b ⇒ a ≡ b
resp' p = {!p!}

{- Agda rejects the attempt to pattern match on f a ≡ f b. 
   While it is correct that refl is the only proof of this 
   type, we cannot conclude that a ≡ b. -}

{- We prove a very general property: substitutivity.
   The other properties we have mentioned are derivable 
   from this one. -}

subst : {A : Set}{P : A  Prp}  {a b : A}  a  b  P a  P b
subst refl p = p