MathSpad : Installing it.

MathSpad is freely available and you can install it on most Unix systems without any problems. In fact, you can install it without knowing anything about compilers, makefiles or libraries. The minimum configuration that you need is a Unix system, a C and C++ compiler, the X window system.

To install MathSpad, you first need to get hold of the distribution (850Kb). The latest version is always available in Eindhoven, but I suggest you use one of the CTAN mirrors to get a version from a host close to you. Once you have the distribution, you need to unpack it with the command

	gunzip -c mathpad-0.60.tar.gz | tar xf -
This creates the directory mathpad-0.60 which contains the shell script Install. By executing that shell script, you will install MathSpad in the prefix directory, which depends on who executes the shell script and what options are given:
Install MathSpad in /usr/local if you have permission to do that, or in the current directory if you don't.
./Install /opt
Install MathSpad in /opt. If you don't have permission to install anything in /opt, you need to install it manually after the system is compiled.
The Install script works like a configure script, except that it also starts the compilation, install the system if the compilation was successful and optionally sends a short e-mail message with possible installation problems. You can perform these stages separately if you want to.


Install first calls a configure script to check some properties of your system and if problems occur, it tries to solve them. For example, if your C compiler can't handle function prototypes, the configure script will automatically try to compile a program which removes prototypes. If you or your system manager didn't install the C++ libraries for g++, dummy libraries are created to be able to proceed.

The configure script is tested for a combination of Unix systems, compilers and (simulated or real) problems. I can't guarantee that it will work on all other combinations, although it usually works correct.


The compilation stage compiles everything and warnings and error messages are recorded in a log file. Should there be any problems, you could send a part of this log file to me, so I can adjust the program.


After a successful compilation, the necessary files will be installed in subdirectories of the prefix directory:
The program itself.
The manual page.
The configuration files, the extra fonts and the online help.

Sending a message

Although you usually don't send a message after you installed or tested a program, it would be very helpful to us if you did. We try to keep track of the level of interest in the system, the Unix systems it compiles on and any installation problems. These messages are only used for statistics or to solve problems. Furthermore, sending a message costs you nothing compared to the costs to get the system and this page.


After successfully installing the system, you need to test if everything works and if the system is useful for you. You can do this with the command
	mathpad manual &
The program will display a welcome document explaining what the system offers you and how to go further. If you get the error message
mathpad: Unable to find font information file fonts.mpt
set the environment variable MATHPADHOME to "`pwd`/lib/mathpad.".

If the warning ``Unable to add fontpath.'' or ``Cannot load font ...'' occurs, you may need to do some extra work after you have decided to use the program. You should read the page on how to solve the font problems if you need to.


If you have any problems installing the program or with its use please report them to We will try to react as soon as possible.
Richard Verhoeven.