Efficient local search algorithms for known and new neighborhoods for the generalized traveling salesman problem
by Daniel Karapetyan, Gregory Gutin
The generalized traveling salesman problem (GTSP) is a well-known combinatorial optimization problem with a host of applications. It is an extension of the Traveling Salesman Problem (TSP) where the set of cities is partitioned into so-called clusters, and the salesman has to visit every cluster exactly once. While the GTSP is a very important combinatorial optimization problem and is well studied in many aspects, the local search algorithms used in the literature are mostly basic adaptations of simple TSP heuristics. Hence, a thorough and deep research of the neighborhoods and local search algorithms specific to the GTSP is required. We formalize the procedure of adaptation of a TSP neighborhood for the GTSP and classify all other existing and some new GTSP neighborhoods. For every neighborhood, we provide efficient exploration algorithms that are often significantly faster than the ones known from the literature. Finally, we compare different local search implementations empirically. ?? 2012 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
Efficient local search algorithms for known and new neighborhoods for the generalized traveling salesman problem (Daniel Karapetyan, Gregory Gutin), European Journal of Operational Research 219, 234–251, 2012.
Bibtex Entry:
  Title                    = {Efficient local search algorithms for known and new neighborhoods for the generalized traveling salesman problem},
  Author                   = {Karapetyan, Daniel and Gutin, Gregory},
  Journal                  = {European Journal of Operational Research},
  Year                     = {2012},
  Pages                    = {234--251},
  Volume                   = {219},
  Abstract                 = {The generalized traveling salesman problem (GTSP) is a well-known combinatorial optimization problem with a host of applications. It is an extension of the Traveling Salesman Problem (TSP) where the set of cities is partitioned into so-called clusters, and the salesman has to visit every cluster exactly once. While the GTSP is a very important combinatorial optimization problem and is well studied in many aspects, the local search algorithms used in the literature are mostly basic adaptations of simple TSP heuristics. Hence, a thorough and deep research of the neighborhoods and local search algorithms specific to the GTSP is required. We formalize the procedure of adaptation of a TSP neighborhood for the GTSP and classify all other existing and some new GTSP neighborhoods. For every neighborhood, we provide efficient exploration algorithms that are often significantly faster than the ones known from the literature. Finally, we compare different local search implementations empirically. ?? 2012 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.},
  Arxivid                  = {1005.5525},
  DOI                      = {10.1016/j.ejor.2012.01.011},
  Eprint                   = {1005.5525},
  ISSN                     = {03772217},
  Keywords                 = {Combinatorial optimization,Generalized traveling salesman problem,Heuristics,Local search,Neighborhood}