I was involved in the creation and management of a number of databases over the years. Some of these were recorded entirely by the iBUG group (MMI, MAHNOB), some were recorded with our help (SEMAINE), while the content of other databases is completely out of our hands (Belfast Naturalistic, IDIAP Head Pose). All databases were created to help the scientific community in their effort to build automatic human behaviour understanding tools and better understand human behaviour in general.

Please have a look at the following databases to see if they might be of any use to you:

SEMAINE semaine-db.eu Over 200 recordings of over 60 people talking to a emotionally aware intelligent agent. The first 30 or so recordings are between a user and a human playing the agent. Among other things, recordings are annotated for continuous affective dimensions. See McKeown et al. for more information.
MMI Facial Expression mmifacedb.eu Large collection of posed and spontaneous facial expressions, FACS AU coded and six-basic emotion annotated. A portion of the database is also annotated for temporal segments onset, apex, and offset. See Valstar and Pantic for more information.
GEMEP-FERA gemep-db.sspnet.eu The dataset used in FERA2011, the first facial expression recognition and analysis challenge. The database is coded for FACS AUs and displays of discrete emotions. See Valstar et al. for more information.