The G52GRP Open Day 2009

6 May, 2009

Long day ahead. Good breakfast essential!


Setting up ...


... while GPAC is gearing up to get started!

Left to right: Steve Battle, Steve Bagley, David Brailsford, Julie Greensmith


Lots of great displays ...


... and more to eat!


And, as always, fantastic posters!


Some entrepreneurial souls attempted to combine group projects and making a living ...

And we have an arbitrage! Let's beat them bookies!


Demonstrations in full swing


Staff enjoying the ambience


Convincing GPAC about the extraordinary qualities of your project is never easy!


Most of the groups

... with the occasional supervisor trying to take part of the credit!

All G52RP 2008/09 groups and projects


Great! Even more to eat!


GPAC: last minute deliberations?


Eager anticipation ... who won?


Finally, the Winners are announced! Almost on schedule!


Happy Winners (and a happy Supervisor)!

Left: gp08-axc: HP Group Project Prize; Right: gp08-nxk: School of CS Open Day Prize

And the winner of the G53DOC prize.


Enjoying a well-deserved Post Awards Buffet!



Over at last!


Thanks to all who helped making the Open Day 2009 a success! First of all, the group project students! Then, in no particular order: GPAC: David Brailsford, Steve Bagley, Julie Greensmith, and Steve Battle (HP). HP UK. Head of School Steve Benford. TSG, in particular Vik Huddleston, Nick Reynolds, and Tomasz Glazer, Syahnizam Abdullah Sani. Karen Attwood, Dipa Patel, Lois Beiley, Maryam Marchenko. And all the group project supervisors!

Last updated 8 May 2009.