import*; import java.util.*; public class ParseE0 { static StringTokenizer st; static String curr; /** read the next token into curr */ static void next() { try { curr=st.nextToken().intern(); // use of intern() allows us to check equality with ==. } catch( NoSuchElementException e) { curr=null; } } static void error(String msg) { System.err.println(msg); System.exit(-1); } static void parseE() { // E -> T E1 parseT(); parseE1(); } static void parseE1() { // E1 -> T E1 | epsilon if (curr=="+") { next(); parseT(); parseE1(); } else if(curr==")" || curr=="$" ) { } else { error("Unexpected :"+curr); } } static void parseT() { // T -> F T1 parseF(); parseT1(); } static void parseT1() { // T1 -> * F T1 | epsilon if (curr=="*") { next(); parseF(); parseT1(); } else if(curr=="+" || curr==")" || curr=="$") { } else { error("Unexpected :"+curr); } } static void parseF() { // F -> ( E ) | a if( curr=="(") { next(); parseE(); if(curr==")") { next(); } else { error (") expected."); } } else if(curr=="a") { next(); } else { error("Unexpected :"+curr); } } public static void main(String args []) throws IOException { BufferedReader in = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader (; String line=in.readLine(); st = new StringTokenizer(line+" $"); next(); parseE(); if(curr=="$") { System.out.println("OK "); } else { error("End expected"); } } }