module Viernes-alt where open import Data.Nat open import Data.Bool open import Data.Maybe open import Data.Product open import Relation.Nullary open import Relation.Binary.PropositionalEquality {- an untyped language of expressions -} infix 3 _≤E_ infix 4 _+E_ data Expr : Set where nat : ℕ → Expr bool : Bool → Expr _+E_ : Expr → Expr → Expr _≤E_ : Expr → Expr → Expr ifE_then_else_ : Expr → Expr → Expr → Expr {- Examples of expressions: -} e1 : Expr -- if 3 ≤ 4 then 4 + 1 else 0 e1 = ifE (nat 3) ≤E (nat 4) then (nat 4) +E (nat 1) else (nat 0) e2 : Expr -- 3 ≤ 4 + 5 e2 = (nat 3) ≤E (nat 4) +E (nat 5) e3 : Expr -- (3 ≤ 4) + 5 e3 = ((nat 3) ≤E (nat 4)) +E (nat 5) {- The result of evaluating an expression is a value -} data Val : Set where nat : ℕ → Val bool : Bool → Val {- To accomodate errors we introduce the Maybe monad. A Monad M is an operation on Sets such that M A is the type of computations over A. In the case of Maybe a computation is something that may go wrong (i.e. returns nothing). Each monad comes with two functions: return : {A : Set} → A → M A turns a value into a (trivial) computation. _>>=_ : {A B : Set} → M A → (A → M B) → M B (bind) m >>= f runs first the computation m and if it returns a value runs f in it. The effects are a combination of running both computations. -} open import Category.Monad import Level open RawMonad {f =} monad {- -- for Maybe return is just (no error) return : {A : Set} → A → Maybe A return a = just a infix 2 _>>=_ -- bind does error propagation _>>=_ : {A B : Set} → Maybe A → (A → Maybe B) → Maybe B just a >>= f = f a nothing >>= f = nothing -} {- To implement the evaluator we implement some convenience functions. -} {- Addition of two values has to check wether the values are indeed numbers -} _+v_ : Val → Val → Maybe Val nat m +v nat n = return (nat (m + n)) _ +v _ = nothing {- dec2bool coerces decidability into bool by forgetting the evidence. -} dec2bool : {A : Set} → Dec A → Bool dec2bool (yes p) = true dec2bool (no ¬p) = false {- This is used to implement ≤ for values. As +v this has to check wether the arguments are numbers. -} _≤v_ : Val → Val → Maybe Val nat m ≤v nat n = return (bool (dec2bool (m ≤? n))) _ ≤v _ = nothing {- if-then-else for values. May return an error if the first argument is not a boolean. -} ifV_then_else_ : Val → Val → Val → Maybe Val ifV bool b then v else v' = return (if b then v else v') ifV _ then _ else _ = nothing {- The evaluator. We use Scott-brackets (⟦ = \[[, ⟧ = \]]) as it is tradition to mark the borderline between syntax and semantics. Evlauation an expression may return a value of fail. -} ⟦_⟧ : Expr → Maybe Val ⟦ nat n ⟧ = return (nat n) ⟦ bool b ⟧ = return (bool b) ⟦ e +E e' ⟧ = ⟦ e ⟧ >>= λ v → ⟦ e' ⟧ >>= λ v' → v +v v' {- In Haskell we would use "do" syntax: do v <- ⟦ e ⟧ v' <- ⟦ e' ⟧ v +v v' -} ⟦ e ≤E e' ⟧ = ⟦ e ⟧ >>= λ v → ⟦ e' ⟧ >>= λ v' → v ≤v v' ⟦ ifE e then e' else e'' ⟧ = ⟦ e ⟧ >>= λ v → ⟦ e' ⟧ >>= λ v' → ⟦ e'' ⟧ >>= λ v'' → ifV v then v' else v'' {- Evaluation the examples: -} v1 : Maybe Val -- just (nat 5) v1 = ⟦ e1 ⟧ v2 : Maybe Val -- just (bool true) v2 = ⟦ e2 ⟧ v3 : Maybe Val v3 = ⟦ e3 ⟧ -- nothing {- We do everything again but this time for a typed language. -} {- the types -} data Ty : Set where nat : Ty bool : Ty {- typed values -} data TVal : Ty → Set where nat : ℕ → TVal nat bool : Bool → TVal bool {- typed expressions -} data TExpr : Ty → Set where nat : ℕ → TExpr nat bool : Bool → TExpr bool _+E_ : TExpr nat → TExpr nat → TExpr nat _≤E_ : TExpr nat → TExpr nat → TExpr bool ifE_then_else_ : {σ : Ty} → TExpr bool → TExpr σ → TExpr σ → TExpr σ {- the typed evaluator doesn't need to use the Maybe monad because it will never fail. -} ⟦_⟧T : {σ : Ty} → TExpr σ → TVal σ ⟦ nat n ⟧T = nat n ⟦ bool b ⟧T = bool b ⟦ e +E e' ⟧T with ⟦ e ⟧T | ⟦ e' ⟧T ... | nat m | nat n = nat (m + n) ⟦ e ≤E e' ⟧T with ⟦ e ⟧T | ⟦ e' ⟧T ... | nat m | nat n = bool (dec2bool (m ≤? n)) ⟦ ifE e then e' else e'' ⟧T with ⟦ e ⟧T ... | bool b = if b then ⟦ e' ⟧T else ⟦ e'' ⟧T {- But what to do if just have got an untyped expression (maybe read from a file)? We use a type checker to lift an untyped expression to an equivalent typed expression (or fail). -} {- A forgetful map from typed expressions to untyped expressions -} ⌊_⌋ : {σ : Ty} → TExpr σ → Expr ⌊ nat n ⌋ = nat n ⌊ bool b ⌋ = bool b ⌊ e +E e' ⌋ = ⌊ e ⌋ +E ⌊ e' ⌋ ⌊ e ≤E e' ⌋ = ⌊ e ⌋ ≤E ⌊ e' ⌋ ⌊ ifE e then e' else e'' ⌋ = ifE ⌊ e ⌋ then ⌊ e' ⌋ else ⌊ e'' ⌋ {- equality of types is clearly decidable -} _≡Ty?_ : (σ τ : Ty) → Dec (σ ≡ τ) nat ≡Ty? nat = yes refl nat ≡Ty? bool = no (λ ()) bool ≡Ty? nat = no (λ ()) bool ≡Ty? bool = yes refl {- The result of checking an expression e is a record containing: -} record Check (e : Expr) : Set where -- constructor check field σ : Ty -- a type te : TExpr σ -- a typed expression te≡e : ⌊ te ⌋ ≡ e -- if we forget the types we recover e check : ∀ {e} → (σ : Ty)(te : TExpr σ) → ⌊ te ⌋ ≡ e → Check e check σ te te≡e = record {σ = σ; te = te; te≡e = te≡e} {- This is the first time we use records in Agda. Look up the reference manual for a decription of records in Agda. -} open Check {- Records also use modules which hide the projection functions. By opening it we have direct access to the projection functions corresponding to the field names. E.g. we have σ : Check e → Ty te : (c : Check e) → TExpr (σ c) -} {- We implement type inference by recursion over the expression. -} infer : (e : Expr) → Maybe (Check e) infer (nat n) = just (check nat (nat n) refl) infer (bool b) = just (check bool (bool b) refl) infer (e +E e') with infer e | infer e' infer (e +E e') | just c | just c' with σ c | σ c' | te c | te c' | te≡e c | te≡e c' infer (.(⌊ te ⌋) +E .(⌊ te' ⌋)) | just c | just c' | nat | nat | te | te' | refl | refl = just (check nat (te +E te') refl) infer (e +E e') | just c | just c' | _ | _ | _ | _ | _ | _ = nothing infer (e +E e') | _ | _ = nothing infer (e ≤E e') with infer e | infer e' infer (e ≤E e') | just c | just c' with σ c | σ c' | te c | te c' | te≡e c | te≡e c' infer (.(⌊ te ⌋) ≤E .(⌊ te' ⌋)) | just c | just c' | nat | nat | te | te' | refl | refl = just (check bool (te ≤E te') refl) infer (e ≤E e') | just c | just c' | _ | _ | _ | _ | _ | _ = nothing infer (e ≤E e') | _ | _ = nothing infer (ifE e then e' else e'') with infer e | infer e' | infer e'' infer (ifE e then e' else e'') | just c | just c' | just c'' with σ c | σ c' | σ c'' | te c | te c' | te c'' | te≡e c | te≡e c' | te≡e c'' infer (ifE .(⌊ te ⌋) then .(⌊ te' ⌋) else .(⌊ te'' ⌋)) | just c | just c' | just c'' | bool | σ | σ' | te | te' | te'' | refl | refl | refl with σ ≡Ty? σ' infer (ifE .(⌊ c'' ⌋) then .(⌊ te' ⌋) else .(⌊ te'' ⌋)) | just c | just c' | just c'' | bool | .σ' | σ' | te | te' | te'' | refl | refl | refl | yes refl = just (check σ' (ifE te then te' else te'') refl) infer (ifE .(⌊ c'' ⌋) then .(⌊ te' ⌋) else .(⌊ te'' ⌋)) | just c | just c' | just c'' | bool | σ | σ' | te | te' | te'' | refl | refl | refl | no ¬p = nothing infer (ifE e then e' else e'') | just c | just c' | just c'' | _ | _ | _ | _ | _ | _ | _ | _ | _ = nothing infer (ifE e then e' else e'') | _ | _ | _ = nothing {- We can also forget the types of typed values -} ⌊_⌋v : {σ : Ty} → TVal σ → Val ⌊ nat n ⌋v = nat n ⌊ bool b ⌋v = bool b {- We implement a safe evaluator which has the same type as the untyped evaluator. It exploits the type checker to first produce a typed expression (or fail) and then runs the fast and safe typed evaluator. -} ⟦_⟧s : Expr → Maybe Val ⟦ e ⟧s = infer e >>= λ c → return (⌊ ⟦ Check.te c ⟧T ⌋v) {- For our examples that safe evaluator produces the same results: -} v1' : Maybe Val v1' = ⟦ e1 ⟧s v2' : Maybe Val v2' = ⟦ e2 ⟧s v3' : Maybe Val v3' = ⟦ e3 ⟧s {- Is this always the case ? -} data Code : Set where push : Val → Code → Code -- push a value on the stack +M : Code → Code -- add the top values on the stack ≤M : Code → Code -- compare top values on the stack branch : Code → Code → Code -- branch depending on the top value -- instead of gotos the code is tree-structured stop : Code -- end of computation {- the set of stacks - basically a list of values. However, I prefer to write stacks backward - that is why I am not using stacks. -} infixl 4 _▹_ data Stack : Set where ε : Stack _▹_ : Stack → Val → Stack {- run executes the code, returning the final stack when the computation is finished. Note that we are using the partiality monad and the operations +v and ≤v from the last lecture which check wether their arguments have the right type. Apart from dynamic type errors, run may also fail because there are not enough values on the stack. -} run : Stack → Code → Maybe Stack run s (push v p) = run (s ▹ v) p run ((s ▹ v) ▹ v') (+M p) = v +v v' >>= λ v+v' → run (s ▹ v+v') p run _ (+M _) = nothing run ((s ▹ v) ▹ v') (≤M p) = v ≤v v' >>= λ v≤v' → run (s ▹ v≤v') p run _ (≤M _) = nothing run (s ▹ bool true) (branch p p') = run s p run (s ▹ bool false) (branch p p') = run s p' run (s ▹ _) (branch _ _) = nothing run _ (branch _ _) = nothing run s stop = just s {- The compiler is straightforward. We are using "continuation-passing style", i.e. the compiler gets the code which is to be exceuted after the translation of the expression. This has the advantage that we don't have to concatenate code (and hence is more efficient) and it is also easier to reason about (even though we are not going to prove compiler correctness now. -} compile : Expr → Code → Code compile (nat n) c = push (nat n) c compile (bool b) c = push (bool b) c compile (e +E e') c = compile e (compile e' (+M c)) -- here we exploit the continuation passing style. -- to compile the who expression we first compile e then e' then add +M compile (e ≤E e') c = compile e (compile e' (≤M c)) compile (ifE e then e' else e'') c = compile e (branch (compile e' c) (compile e'' c)) {- combining compile and run. compiler correctness would be to show that compileRun is extensionally equal to ⟦_⟧,i.e. correct : (e : Expr) compileRun e ≡ ⟦ e ⟧ -} compileRun : Expr → Maybe Val compileRun e with run ε (compile e stop) ... | just (_ ▹ v) = just v ... | _ = nothing {- Instead of proving we just test our test cases. -} v1'' : Maybe Val v1'' = compileRun e1 v2'' : Maybe Val v2'' = compileRun e2 v3'' : Maybe Val v3'' = compileRun e3 {- Next we define "typed assembly language". The type of assembly code refers to the type of the stack before and after executing the code. -} {- Stack types are just sequences of value types (defined in the previous lecture. -} data StackTy : Set where ε : StackTy _▹_ : StackTy → Ty → StackTy {- Typed stacks are indexed over stack types. -} data TStack : StackTy → Set where ε : TStack ε _▹_ : ∀ {Γ σ} → TStack Γ → TVal σ → TStack (Γ ▹ σ) {- Typed code is indexed by two stacks: the stack it expects and the stack after executing it. -} data TCode : StackTy → StackTy → Set where push : ∀ {Γ Δ σ} → TVal σ → TCode (Δ ▹ σ) Γ → TCode Δ Γ +M : ∀ {Γ Δ} → TCode (Δ ▹ nat) Γ → TCode (Δ ▹ nat ▹ nat) Γ ≤M : ∀ {Γ Δ} → TCode (Δ ▹ bool) Γ → TCode (Δ ▹ nat ▹ nat) Γ branch : ∀ {Γ Δ} → TCode Δ Γ → TCode Δ Γ → TCode (Δ ▹ bool) Γ stop : ∀ {Γ} → TCode Γ Γ {- the typed machine doesn't need to use the Maybe monad becuase the typing invariants are expressed in the indizies. -} trun : ∀ {Γ Δ} → TStack Γ → TCode Γ Δ → TStack Δ trun s (push v p) = trun (s ▹ v) p trun (s ▹ nat n ▹ nat m) (+M p) = trun (s ▹ (nat (n + m))) p trun (s ▹ nat n ▹ nat m) (≤M p) = trun (s ▹ bool (dec2bool (m ≤? n))) p trun (s ▹ bool true) (branch p p') = trun s p trun (s ▹ bool false) (branch p p') = trun s p' trun s stop = s {- the typed compiler is virtually identical to the untyped compiler but its type makes it clear that the code it generates leaves a value corresponding to the type of the expression on the stack. -} tcompile : ∀ {Γ Δ σ} → TExpr σ → TCode (Γ ▹ σ) Δ → TCode Γ Δ tcompile (nat n) c = push (nat n) c tcompile (bool b) c = push (bool b) c tcompile (e +E e') c = tcompile e (tcompile e' (+M c)) tcompile (e ≤E e') c = tcompile e (tcompile e' (≤M c)) tcompile (ifE e then e' else e'') c = tcompile e (branch (tcompile e' c) (tcompile e'' c)) {- typed compilation followed by running on the typed machine: -} tcompileRun : ∀ {σ} → TExpr σ → TVal σ tcompileRun e with trun ε (tcompile e stop) ... | (_ ▹ v) = v {- combining this with the type checker we obtan yet another way to execute untyped expression in an efficient and fast way. -} checkCompileRun : Expr → Maybe Val checkCompileRun e = infer e >>= λ c → return (⌊ tcompileRun (Check.te c) ⌋v) {- extend the language by products: _,_ : Expr → Expr → Expr fst : Expr → Expr snd : Expr → Expr extend the languages of values, extend the type checker and typed evaluator and the typed assembly language and the compiler. -}