A recombination of the Sixth Annual Genetic Programming Conference (GP-2001) and the 10th International Conference on Genetic Algorithms (ICGA-2001)

The Next Ten Years of Scheduling Research

Sponsored by John Wiley & Sons, Inc

Special Session at GECCO 2001 (7th July 2001, San Francisco)

A summary of the special sessions can be seen at the special sessions page.

The GECCO 2001 home page can be seen here

The Next Ten Years of Scheduling Research

Sponsored by John Wiley & Sons, Inc

Peter Cowling and Graham Kendall

This workshop will allow those attending to discuss how scheduling research can be advanced in the next ten years. There are many techniques that have been reported in the literature that have produced excellent results when applied to scheduling problems. For example the use of meta-heuristic techniques (such as tabu search and simulated annealing) and evolutionary techniques (such as genetic and memetic algorithms). One emerging research area is to develop heuristics that operate at a higher level of generality than current technology can support. This will involve advances in heuristics, meta-heuristics and an emerging technique tentatively called a hyper-heuristic. Another interesting idea is to use an "adaptive" heuristic. This uses the idea that a scheduling problem can be solved using a heuristic but, for many reasons, this heuristic can lead to solutions which, although, better than previous efforts, can be even better if the heuristic is allowed to adapt as the search progresses. Through this workshop we hope to achieve three main aims: Allow the delegates to learn about some of the latest techniques and ideas that are being applied by leading researchers in the scheduling community. Invite other researchers to present their ideas as to how the field should develop in the next ten years. We are not looking for results of their current research, rather we are looking for new, blue sky ideas that can lead the research in the near future. Promote discussion on these ideas so that the scheduling community as a whole can benefit.

Workshop Format

60 minutes : Plenary Speaker
15 minutes : Break
90 minutes : Presentation of Accepted Papers
15 minutes : Break
60 minutes : Panel Discussion
Lunch (A buffet is being provided John Wiley & Sons, Inc, who are sponsoring this session)


Plenary Speaker

Semi-Plenary Speakers

Programme Committee and Panel Discussion Members

All the submissions will be fully refereed and will be published in the workshop proceedings.
The program committee is


Anybody registered for GECCO 2001 is allowed, and encouraged, to attend this workshop.
For administration purposes (for example, deciding on the size of room required), it would help us enormously if you could let us know if you intend to come to this workshop.
Please EMAIL Graham Kendall

Session Organisers
Peter Cowling (EMAIL) or Graham Kendall (EMAIL)

School Of Computer Science & IT
University of Nottingham
Jubilee Campus, Wollaton Road, Nottingham

If you have any questions or queries please contact us.
Special Sessions at GECCO 2001
Summary of this session
GECCO 2001 Home Page
ASAP Home Page
University of Nottingam, School of Computer Science & Information Technology
University of Nottingam
Peter Cowling Home Page
Graham Kendall Home Page
EMAIL Peter Cowling
EMAIL Graham Kendall
This page was last updated on 20th March 2001