-- The typing and reduction relations are closed under substitutions.

open import Definition.Typed.Restrictions

module Definition.Typed.Consequences.Substitution
  {a} {M : Set a}
  (R : Type-restrictions M)

open Type-restrictions R

open import Definition.Untyped M hiding (_∷_; wk)
open import Definition.Untyped.Properties M
open import Definition.Typed R
open import Definition.Typed.Properties R
open import Definition.Typed.EqRelInstance R
open import Definition.Typed.Weakening R
open import Definition.Typed.Consequences.Syntactic R
open import Definition.LogicalRelation.Properties R
open import Definition.LogicalRelation.Substitution R
open import Definition.LogicalRelation.Substitution.Irrelevance R
open import Definition.LogicalRelation.Fundamental R

open import Tools.Fin
open import Tools.Nat
open import Tools.Product
import Tools.PropositionalEquality as PE

     m n : Nat
    Γ : Con Term n
    σ σ′ : Subst m n
    ρ : Wk  m
    p q : M

-- Well-formed substitution of types.
substitution :  {A Γ Δ}  Γ  A  Δ ⊢ˢ σ  Γ   Δ  Δ  A [ σ ]
substitution A σ ⊢Δ with fundamental A | fundamentalSubst (wf A) ⊢Δ σ
substitution A σ ⊢Δ | [Γ] , [A] | [Γ]′ , [σ] =
  escape (proj₁ (unwrap [A] ⊢Δ (irrelevanceSubst [Γ]′ [Γ] ⊢Δ ⊢Δ [σ])))

-- Well-formed substitution of type equality.
substitutionEq :  {A B Γ Δ}
                Γ  A  B  Δ ⊢ˢ σ  σ′  Γ   Δ  Δ  A [ σ ]  B [ σ′ ]
substitutionEq A≡B σ ⊢Δ with fundamentalEq A≡B | fundamentalSubstEq (wfEq A≡B) ⊢Δ σ
substitutionEq A≡B σ ⊢Δ | [Γ] , [A] , [B] , [A≡B] | [Γ]′ , [σ] , [σ′] , [σ≡σ′]  =
  let [σ]′ = irrelevanceSubst [Γ]′ [Γ] ⊢Δ ⊢Δ [σ]
      [σ′]′ = irrelevanceSubst [Γ]′ [Γ] ⊢Δ ⊢Δ [σ′]
      [σ≡σ′]′ = irrelevanceSubstEq [Γ]′ [Γ] ⊢Δ ⊢Δ [σ] [σ]′ [σ≡σ′]
  in  escapeEq (proj₁ (unwrap [A] ⊢Δ [σ]′))
                   (transEq (proj₁ (unwrap [A] ⊢Δ [σ]′)) (proj₁ (unwrap [B] ⊢Δ [σ]′))
                            (proj₁ (unwrap [B] ⊢Δ [σ′]′)) ([A≡B] ⊢Δ [σ]′)
                            (proj₂ (unwrap [B] ⊢Δ [σ]′) [σ′]′ [σ≡σ′]′))

-- Well-formed substitution of terms.
substitutionTerm :  {t A Γ Δ}
                Γ  t  A  Δ ⊢ˢ σ  Γ   Δ  Δ  t [ σ ]  A [ σ ]
substitutionTerm t σ ⊢Δ with fundamentalTerm t | fundamentalSubst (wfTerm t) ⊢Δ σ
substitutionTerm t σ ⊢Δ | [Γ] , [A] , [t] | [Γ]′ , [σ] =
  let [σ]′ = irrelevanceSubst [Γ]′ [Γ] ⊢Δ ⊢Δ [σ]
  in  escapeTerm (proj₁ (unwrap [A] ⊢Δ [σ]′)) (proj₁ ([t] ⊢Δ [σ]′))

-- Well-formed substitution of term equality.
substitutionEqTerm :  {t u A Γ Δ}
                    Γ  t  u  A  Δ ⊢ˢ σ  σ′  Γ   Δ
                    Δ  t [ σ ]  u [ σ′ ]  A [ σ ]
substitutionEqTerm t≡u σ≡σ′ ⊢Δ with fundamentalTermEq t≡u
                                  | fundamentalSubstEq (wfEqTerm t≡u) ⊢Δ σ≡σ′
... | [Γ] , modelsTermEq [A] [t] [u] [t≡u] | [Γ]′ , [σ] , [σ′] , [σ≡σ′] =
  let [σ]′ = irrelevanceSubst [Γ]′ [Γ] ⊢Δ ⊢Δ [σ]
      [σ′]′ = irrelevanceSubst [Γ]′ [Γ] ⊢Δ ⊢Δ [σ′]
      [σ≡σ′]′ = irrelevanceSubstEq [Γ]′ [Γ] ⊢Δ ⊢Δ [σ] [σ]′ [σ≡σ′]
  in  escapeTermEq (proj₁ (unwrap [A] ⊢Δ [σ]′))
                       (transEqTerm (proj₁ (unwrap [A] ⊢Δ [σ]′)) ([t≡u] ⊢Δ [σ]′)
                                    (proj₂ ([u] ⊢Δ [σ]′) [σ′]′ [σ≡σ′]′))

-- Reflexivity of well-formed substitution.
substRefl :  {Γ Δ}
           Δ ⊢ˢ σ  Γ
           Δ ⊢ˢ σ  σ  Γ
substRefl id = id
substRefl (σ , x) = substRefl σ , refl x

-- Weakening of well-formed substitution.
wkSubst′ :  {Γ Δ Δ′} (⊢Γ :  Γ) (⊢Δ :  Δ) (⊢Δ′ :  Δ′)
           ([ρ] : ρ  Δ′  Δ)
           ([σ] : Δ ⊢ˢ σ  Γ)
          Δ′ ⊢ˢ ρ •ₛ σ  Γ
wkSubst′ ε ⊢Δ ⊢Δ′ ρ id = id
wkSubst′ (_∙_ {Γ = Γ} {A} ⊢Γ ⊢A) ⊢Δ ⊢Δ′ ρ (tailσ , headσ) =
  wkSubst′ ⊢Γ ⊢Δ ⊢Δ′ ρ tailσ
  , PE.subst  x  _  _  x) (wk-subst A) (wkTerm ρ ⊢Δ′ headσ)

-- Weakening of well-formed substitution by one.
wk1Subst′ :  {F Γ Δ} (⊢Γ :  Γ) (⊢Δ :  Δ)
            (⊢F : Δ  F)
            ([σ] : Δ ⊢ˢ σ  Γ)
           (Δ  F) ⊢ˢ wk1Subst σ  Γ
wk1Subst′ {σ = σ} {F} {Γ} {Δ} ⊢Γ ⊢Δ ⊢F [σ] =
  wkSubst′ ⊢Γ ⊢Δ (⊢Δ  ⊢F) (step id) [σ]

-- Lifting of well-formed substitution.
liftSubst′ :  {F Γ Δ} (⊢Γ :  Γ) (⊢Δ :  Δ)
             (⊢F  : Γ  F)
             ([σ] : Δ ⊢ˢ σ  Γ)
            Δ  F [ σ ] ⊢ˢ liftSubst σ  Γ  F
liftSubst′ {σ = σ} {F} {Γ} {Δ} ⊢Γ ⊢Δ ⊢F [σ] =
  let ⊢Δ∙F = ⊢Δ  substitution ⊢F [σ] ⊢Δ
  in  wkSubst′ ⊢Γ ⊢Δ ⊢Δ∙F (step id) [σ]
  ,   var ⊢Δ∙F (PE.subst  x  x0  x  Δ  F [ σ ])
                         (wk-subst F) here)

-- Well-formed identity substitution.
idSubst′ : (⊢Γ :  Γ)
          Γ ⊢ˢ idSubst  Γ
idSubst′ ε = id
idSubst′ (_∙_ {Γ = Γ} {A} ⊢Γ ⊢A) =
  wk1Subst′ ⊢Γ ⊢Γ ⊢A (idSubst′ ⊢Γ)
  , PE.subst  x  Γ  A  _  x) (wk1-tailId A) (var (⊢Γ  ⊢A) here)

-- Well-formed substitution composition.
substComp′ :  {Γ Δ Δ′} (⊢Γ :  Γ) (⊢Δ :  Δ) (⊢Δ′ :  Δ′)
             ([σ] : Δ′ ⊢ˢ σ  Δ)
             ([σ′] : Δ ⊢ˢ σ′  Γ)
            Δ′ ⊢ˢ σ ₛ•ₛ σ′  Γ
substComp′ ε ⊢Δ ⊢Δ′ [σ] id = id
substComp′ (_∙_ {Γ = Γ} {A} ⊢Γ ⊢A) ⊢Δ ⊢Δ′ [σ] ([tailσ′] , [headσ′]) =
  substComp′ ⊢Γ ⊢Δ ⊢Δ′ [σ] [tailσ′]
  , PE.subst  x  _  _  x) (substCompEq A)
             (substitutionTerm [headσ′] [σ] ⊢Δ′)

-- Well-formed singleton substitution of terms.
singleSubst :  {A t}  Γ  t  A  Γ ⊢ˢ sgSubst t  Γ  A
singleSubst {A = A} t =
  let ⊢Γ = wfTerm t
  in  idSubst′ ⊢Γ , PE.subst  x  _  _  x) (PE.sym (subst-id A)) t

-- Well-formed singleton substitution of term equality.
singleSubstEq :  {A t u}  Γ  t  u  A
               Γ ⊢ˢ sgSubst t  sgSubst u  Γ  A
singleSubstEq {A = A} t =
  let ⊢Γ = wfEqTerm t
  in  substRefl (idSubst′ ⊢Γ) , PE.subst  x  _  _  _  x) (PE.sym (subst-id A)) t

-- Well-formed singleton substitution of terms with lifting.
singleSubst↑ :  {A t}  Γ  A  t  wk1 A  Γ  A ⊢ˢ consSubst (wk1Subst idSubst) t  Γ  A
singleSubst↑ {A = A} t with wfTerm t
... | ⊢Γ  ⊢A = wk1Subst′ ⊢Γ ⊢Γ ⊢A (idSubst′ ⊢Γ)
              , PE.subst  x  _  A  _  x) (wk1-tailId A) t

-- Well-formed singleton substitution of term equality with lifting.
singleSubst↑Eq :  {A t u}  Γ  A  t  u  wk1 A
               Γ  A ⊢ˢ consSubst (wk1Subst idSubst) t  consSubst (wk1Subst idSubst) u  Γ  A
singleSubst↑Eq {A = A} t with wfEqTerm t
... | ⊢Γ  ⊢A = substRefl (wk1Subst′ ⊢Γ ⊢Γ ⊢A (idSubst′ ⊢Γ))
              , PE.subst  x  _  A  _  _  x) (wk1-tailId A) t

-- Helper lemmas for single substitution

substType :  {t F G}  Γ  F  G  Γ  t  F  Γ  G [ t ]₀
substType {t = t} {F} {G} ⊢G ⊢t =
  let ⊢Γ = wfTerm ⊢t
  in  substitution ⊢G (singleSubst ⊢t) ⊢Γ

substTypeEq :  {t u F G E}  Γ  F  G  E  Γ  t  u  F  Γ  G [ t ]₀  E [ u ]₀
substTypeEq {F = F} ⊢G ⊢t =
  let ⊢Γ = wfEqTerm ⊢t
  in  substitutionEq ⊢G (singleSubstEq ⊢t) ⊢Γ

substTerm :  {F G t f}  Γ  F  f  G  Γ  t  F  Γ  f [ t ]₀  G [ t ]₀
substTerm {F = F} {G} {t} {f} ⊢f ⊢t =
  let ⊢Γ = wfTerm ⊢t
  in  substitutionTerm ⊢f (singleSubst ⊢t) ⊢Γ

substTypeΠ :  {t F G}  Γ  Π p , q  F  G  Γ  t  F  Γ  G [ t ]₀
substTypeΠ ΠFG t with syntacticΠ ΠFG
substTypeΠ ΠFG t | F , G = substType G t

subst↑Type :  {t F G}
            Γ  F  G
            Γ  F  t  wk1 F
            Γ  F  G [ t ]↑
subst↑Type ⊢G ⊢t = substitution ⊢G (singleSubst↑ ⊢t) (wfTerm ⊢t)

subst↑TypeEq :  {t u F G E}
              Γ  F  G  E
              Γ  F  t  u  wk1 F
              Γ  F  G [ t ]↑  E [ u ]↑
subst↑TypeEq ⊢G ⊢t = substitutionEq ⊢G (singleSubst↑Eq ⊢t) (wfEqTerm ⊢t)

subst↑²Type :  {t F G A B}
             Γ  F
             Γ  F  G
             Γ  A  B
             Γ  F  G  t  wk1 (wk1 A)
             Γ  F  G  B [ t ]↑²
subst↑²Type {n} {Γ} {t} {F} {G} {A} {B} ⊢F ⊢G ⊢B ⊢t =
  let ⊢Γ = wf ⊢F
      ⊢t′ = PE.subst  x  Γ  F  G  t  x)
                     (PE.trans (wk-comp (step id) (step id) A) (wk≡subst _ A))
      ⊢σ = wk1Subst′ ⊢Γ (⊢Γ  ⊢F) ⊢G (wk1Subst′ ⊢Γ ⊢Γ ⊢F (idSubst′ ⊢Γ)) , ⊢t′
  in  substitution ⊢B ⊢σ (⊢Γ  ⊢F  ⊢G)

subst↑²Type-prod :  {m F G A}
                  Γ  (Σ⟨ m  p , q  F  G)  A
                  Σ-allowed m p q
                  Γ  F  G  A [ prod m p (var x1) (var x0) ]↑²
subst↑²Type-prod {Γ = Γ} {F = F} {G} {A} ⊢A ok =
  let ⊢ΓΣ = wf ⊢A
      ⊢Γ , ⊢Σ = splitCon ⊢ΓΣ
      ⊢F , ⊢G = syntacticΣ ⊢Σ
      ⊢ΓFG = ⊢Γ  ⊢F  ⊢G
      ⊢ρF = wk (step (step id)) ⊢ΓFG ⊢F
      ⊢ρG = wk (lift (step (step id))) (⊢ΓFG  ⊢ρF) ⊢G
      ⊢ρF′ = PE.subst  x  _  x) (wk≡subst (step (step id)) F) ⊢ρF
      ⊢ρG′ = PE.subst₂  x y  (Γ  F  G  x)  y)
                       (wk≡subst (step (step id)) F)
                       (PE.trans (wk≡subst (lift (step (step id))) G)
                                 (substVar-to-subst (λ{x0  PE.refl
                                                    ; (x +1)  PE.refl}) G))
      var1 = PE.subst  x  Γ  F  G  var (x0 +1)  x)
                      (PE.trans (wk-comp (step id) (step id) F)
                                (wk≡subst (step id  step id) F))
                      (var ⊢ΓFG (there here))
      var0 = PE.subst  x  Γ  F  G  var x0  x)
                      (PE.trans (wk≡subst (step id) G)
                                (PE.trans (substVar-to-subst (λ{x0  PE.refl
                                                             ; (x +1)  PE.refl}) G)
                                          (PE.sym (substCompEq G))))
                      (var ⊢ΓFG here)
  in  substitution ⊢A
                   (wk1Subst′ ⊢Γ (⊢Γ  ⊢F) ⊢G (wk1Subst′ ⊢Γ ⊢Γ ⊢F (idSubst′ ⊢Γ))
                   , prodⱼ ⊢ρF′ ⊢ρG′ var1 var0 ok)
  splitCon :  {Γ : Con Term n} {F}   (Γ  F)   Γ × Γ  F
  splitCon (x  x₁) = x , x₁

subst↑²TypeEq :  {t u F G A B C}
               Γ  F
               Γ  F  G
               Γ  A  B  C
               Γ  F  G  t  u  wk1 (wk1 A)
               Γ  F  G  B [ t ]↑²  C [ u ]↑²
subst↑²TypeEq {n} {Γ} {t} {u} {F} {G} {A} {B} {C} ⊢F ⊢G B≡C t≡u =
  let ⊢Γ = wf ⊢F
      t≡u′ = PE.subst  x  Γ  F  G  t  u  x)
                      (PE.trans (wk-comp (step id) (step id) A) (wk≡subst _ A)) t≡u
      σ≡σ′ = substRefl (wk1Subst′ ⊢Γ (⊢Γ  ⊢F) ⊢G (wk1Subst′ ⊢Γ ⊢Γ ⊢F (idSubst′ ⊢Γ))) , t≡u′
  in  substitutionEq B≡C σ≡σ′ (⊢Γ  ⊢F  ⊢G)

subst↑²TypeEq-prod :  {m F G A B}
               Γ  (Σ⟨ m  p , q  F  G)  A  B
               Σ-allowed m p q
               Γ  F  G  A [ prod m p (var x1) (var x0) ]↑²
                           B [ prod m p (var x1) (var x0) ]↑²
subst↑²TypeEq-prod {Γ = Γ} {F = F} {G} {A} {B} A≡B ok =
  let ⊢A , ⊢B = syntacticEq A≡B
      ⊢ΓΣ = wf ⊢A
      ⊢Γ , ⊢Σ = splitCon ⊢ΓΣ
      ⊢F , ⊢G = syntacticΣ ⊢Σ
      ⊢ΓFG = ⊢Γ  ⊢F  ⊢G
      ⊢ρF = wk (step (step id)) ⊢ΓFG ⊢F
      ⊢ρG = wk (lift (step (step id))) (⊢ΓFG  ⊢ρF) ⊢G
      ⊢ρF′ = PE.subst  x  _  x) (wk≡subst (step (step id)) F) ⊢ρF
      ⊢ρG′ = PE.subst₂  x y  (Γ  F  G  x)  y)
                       (wk≡subst (step (step id)) F)
                       (PE.trans (wk≡subst (lift (step (step id))) G)
                                 (substVar-to-subst (λ{x0  PE.refl
                                                    ; (x +1)  PE.refl}) G))
      var1 = PE.subst  x  Γ  F  G  var (x0 +1)  x)
                      (PE.trans (wk-comp (step id) (step id) F)
                                (wk≡subst (step id  step id) F))
                      (var ⊢ΓFG (there here))
      var0 = PE.subst  x  Γ  F  G  var x0  x)
                      (PE.trans (wk≡subst (step id) G)
                                (PE.trans (substVar-to-subst (λ{x0  PE.refl
                                                             ; (x +1)  PE.refl}) G)
                                          (PE.sym (substCompEq G))))
                      (var ⊢ΓFG here)
  in  substitutionEq A≡B
                     (substRefl (wk1Subst′ ⊢Γ (⊢Γ  ⊢F) ⊢G
                                           (wk1Subst′ ⊢Γ ⊢Γ ⊢F
                                                      (idSubst′ ⊢Γ))
                                , prodⱼ ⊢ρF′ ⊢ρG′ var1 var0 ok))
  splitCon :  {Γ : Con Term n} {F}   (Γ  F)   Γ × Γ  F
  splitCon (x  x₁) = x , x₁