-- The fundamental lemma of the logical relation.

open import Graded.Modality
open import Graded.Usage.Restrictions
open import Definition.Typed.EqualityRelation
import Definition.Typed
open import Definition.Typed.Restrictions
import Definition.Untyped hiding (_∷_)
open import Tools.Empty
open import Tools.Sum hiding (id)
import Tools.PropositionalEquality as PE

module Graded.Erasure.LogicalRelation.Fundamental
  {a} {M : Set a}
  (𝕄 : Modality M)
  (open Modality 𝕄)
  (TR : Type-restrictions M)
  (UR : Usage-restrictions M)
  (𝟘-well-behaved : Has-well-behaved-zero M semiring-with-meet)
  {{eqrel : EqRelSet TR}}

open Definition.Untyped M
open Definition.Typed TR
open EqRelSet {{...}}

open import Definition.LogicalRelation TR
open import Definition.LogicalRelation.Properties.Escape TR
open import Definition.LogicalRelation.Substitution TR
open import Definition.LogicalRelation.Substitution.MaybeEmbed TR
open import Definition.LogicalRelation.Substitution.Properties TR
open import Definition.LogicalRelation.Substitution.Weakening TR
open import Definition.LogicalRelation.Substitution.Introductions.Pi TR
open import Definition.LogicalRelation.Substitution.Introductions.Nat TR

import Definition.LogicalRelation.Fundamental TR as F
import Definition.LogicalRelation.Irrelevance TR as I
import Definition.LogicalRelation.Substitution.Irrelevance TR as IS

open import Graded.Context 𝕄
open import Graded.Context.Properties 𝕄
open import Graded.Modality.Dedicated-star.Instance
open import Graded.Modality.Properties.PartialOrder semiring-with-meet
open import Graded.Modality.Properties.Has-well-behaved-zero
  semiring-with-meet 𝟘-well-behaved
open import Graded.Usage 𝕄 UR
open import Graded.Usage.Inversion 𝕄 UR
open import Graded.Usage.Properties 𝕄 UR
open import Graded.Mode 𝕄

open import Definition.Untyped.Properties M
open import Definition.Typed.Consequences.Syntactic TR

import Graded.Erasure.LogicalRelation 𝕄 TR is-𝟘? as LR
open import Graded.Erasure.LogicalRelation.Fundamental.Assumptions 𝕄 TR UR
import Graded.Erasure.LogicalRelation.Fundamental.Application
import Graded.Erasure.LogicalRelation.Fundamental.Empty
import Graded.Erasure.LogicalRelation.Fundamental.Lambda
import Graded.Erasure.LogicalRelation.Fundamental.Nat
import Graded.Erasure.LogicalRelation.Fundamental.Natrec
import Graded.Erasure.LogicalRelation.Fundamental.Prodrec
import Graded.Erasure.LogicalRelation.Fundamental.Product
import Graded.Erasure.LogicalRelation.Fundamental.Unit
import Graded.Erasure.LogicalRelation.Conversion
import Graded.Erasure.LogicalRelation.Irrelevance
import Graded.Erasure.LogicalRelation.Subsumption

import Graded.Erasure.Target as T
open import Graded.Erasure.Extraction 𝕄 is-𝟘?
import Graded.Erasure.Target.Properties as TP

open import Tools.Fin
open import Tools.Function
open import Tools.Nat
open import Tools.Nullary
open import Tools.Product
import Tools.PropositionalEquality as PE
import Tools.Reasoning.PartialOrder
import Tools.PropositionalEquality as PE

     l n : Nat
     Γ Δ : Con Term n
     t u A B : Term n
     γ δ : Conₘ n
     p q : M
     σ : Subst l n
     x : Fin n
     σ′ : T.Subst l n
     m : Mode

-- Some lemmas.

module _ (⊢Δ :  Δ) where

  open LR ⊢Δ

  open Graded.Erasure.LogicalRelation.Conversion 𝕄 TR is-𝟘? ⊢Δ
  open Graded.Erasure.LogicalRelation.Irrelevance 𝕄 TR is-𝟘? ⊢Δ
  open Graded.Erasure.LogicalRelation.Subsumption 𝕄 TR is-𝟘? ⊢Δ

  -- A special case of subsumption.

  subsumption-≤ :  {l}
                 ([Γ] : ⊩ᵛ Γ) ([A] : Γ ⊩ᵛ⟨ l  A / [Γ])
                 γ  Γ ⊩ʳ⟨ l  t ∷[ m ] A / [Γ] / [A]
                 δ ≤ᶜ γ
                 δ  Γ ⊩ʳ⟨ l  t ∷[ m ] A / [Γ] / [A]
  subsumption-≤ {t = t} [Γ] [A] γ⊩ʳt δ≤γ =
    subsumption {t = t} [Γ] [A] γ⊩ʳt λ x δx≡𝟘  lemma x δx≡𝟘 δ≤γ
    lemma : (x : Fin n)  δ  x  PE.≡ 𝟘  δ ≤ᶜ γ
           γ  x  PE.≡ 𝟘
    lemma {δ = δ  p} {γ  q} x0 PE.refl (δ≤γ  p≤q) = 𝟘≮ p≤q
    lemma {δ = δ  p} {γ  q} (x +1) δx≡𝟘 (δ≤γ  _) = lemma x δx≡𝟘 δ≤γ

  -- A lemma used to prove fundamentalVar.

  fundamentalVar′ :
    ([Γ] : ⊩ᵛ Γ) 
    x  A  Γ 
    γ ≤ᶜ 𝟘ᶜ , x  𝟙 
    ([σ] : Δ ⊩ˢ σ  Γ / [Γ] / ⊢Δ) 
    (σ®σ′ : σ ®⟨ ¹  σ′ ∷[ 𝟙ᵐ ] Γ  γ / [Γ] / [σ]) 
     λ ([A] : Γ ⊩ᵛ⟨ ¹  A / [Γ]) 
      σ x ®⟨ ¹  σ′ x  A [ σ ] / proj₁ (unwrap [A] ⊢Δ [σ])
  fundamentalVar′ ε ()
  fundamentalVar′ {σ = σ} (_∙_ {A = A} [Γ] [A]) here (_  p≤𝟙)
                  ([tailσ] , [headσ]) (σ®σ′ , σ0®σ′0) =
    let [A]′ = proj₁ (unwrap [A] ⊢Δ [tailσ])
        [↑A] = wk1ᵛ {A = A} {F = A} [Γ] [A] [A]
        [↑A]′ = maybeEmbᵛ {A = wk1 A} (_∙_ {A = A} [Γ] [A]) [↑A]
        [σ↑A] = proj₁ (unwrap [↑A]′ {σ = σ} ⊢Δ ([tailσ] , [headσ]))
        A≡A : Δ  A [ tail σ ]  A [ tail σ ]
        A≡A = refl (escape [A]′)
        A≡A′ = PE.subst (Δ  A [ tail σ ] ≡_)
                        (PE.sym (wk1-tail A)) A≡A
        σ0®σ′0′ = σ0®σ′0 ◀≢𝟘 λ 𝟙p≡𝟘 
          𝟙≢𝟘 (𝟘≮ (≤-trans (≤-reflexive (PE.trans (PE.sym 𝟙p≡𝟘) (·-identityˡ _))) p≤𝟙))
    in  [↑A]′ , convTermʳ [A]′ [σ↑A] A≡A′ σ0®σ′0′
  fundamentalVar′ (_∙_ {A = A} [Γ] [A]) (there {A = B} x) (γ≤eᵢ  _)
                  ([tailσ] , [headσ]) (σ®σ′ , σ0®σ′0) =
    let [σA] = proj₁ (unwrap [A] ⊢Δ [tailσ])
        [A]′ = maybeEmbᵛ {A = A} [Γ] [A]
        [B] , t®v = fundamentalVar′ [Γ] x γ≤eᵢ [tailσ] σ®σ′
        [↑B] = wk1ᵛ {A = B} {F = A} [Γ] [A]′ [B]
        [↑B]′ = maybeEmbᵛ {A = wk1 B} (_∙_ {A = A} [Γ] [A]′) [↑B]
        [↑B]″ = IS.irrelevance {A = wk1 B} (_∙_ {A = A} [Γ] [A]′) ([Γ]  [A]) [↑B]′
        t®v′ = irrelevanceTerm′ (PE.sym (wk1-tail B)) (proj₁ (unwrap [B] ⊢Δ [tailσ]))
                                (proj₁ (unwrap [↑B]″ ⊢Δ ([tailσ] , [headσ]))) t®v
    in  [↑B]″ , t®v′

  -- A fundamental lemma for variables.

  fundamentalVar : ([Γ] : ⊩ᵛ Γ)
                  x  A  Γ
                  γ ▸[ m ] var x
                   λ ([A] : Γ ⊩ᵛ⟨ ¹  A / [Γ])
                  γ  Γ ⊩ʳ⟨ ¹  var x ∷[ m ] A / [Γ] / [A]
  fundamentalVar {Γ = Γ} {x = x} {A = A} {γ = γ} {m = m} [Γ] x∷A∈Γ γ▸x =
    [A] , lemma m γ▸x
    [A] = proj₁ (F.fundamentalVar x∷A∈Γ [Γ])

    lemma :
      γ ▸[ m ] var x 
      γ  Γ ⊩ʳ⟨ ¹  var x ∷[ m ] A / [Γ] / [A]
    lemma 𝟘ᵐ with is-𝟘? 𝟘
    ... | yes 𝟘≡𝟘 = _
    ... | no 𝟘≢𝟘 = PE.⊥-elim (𝟘≢𝟘 PE.refl)

    lemma 𝟙ᵐ γ▸x [σ] σ®σ′ with is-𝟘? 𝟙
    ... | yes 𝟙≡𝟘 = PE.⊥-elim (𝟙≢𝟘 𝟙≡𝟘)
    ... | no 𝟙≢𝟘 =
       let [A]′ , t®v =
             fundamentalVar′ [Γ] x∷A∈Γ (inv-usage-var γ▸x) [σ] σ®σ′
       in  irrelevanceTerm (proj₁ (unwrap [A]′ ⊢Δ [σ]))
             (proj₁ (unwrap [A] ⊢Δ [σ])) t®v

-- The fundamental lemma, and a variant for terms in fully erased
-- contexts.

module Fundamental (FA : Fundamental-assumptions Δ) where

  open Fundamental-assumptions FA

  open Graded.Erasure.LogicalRelation.Fundamental.Application
    𝕄 TR 𝟘-well-behaved well-formed
  open Graded.Erasure.LogicalRelation.Fundamental.Empty
    𝕄 TR is-𝟘? well-formed consistent
  open Graded.Erasure.LogicalRelation.Fundamental.Lambda
    𝕄 TR is-𝟘? 𝟙≢𝟘 well-formed
  open Graded.Erasure.LogicalRelation.Fundamental.Nat
    𝕄 TR is-𝟘? well-formed
  open Graded.Erasure.LogicalRelation.Fundamental.Natrec
    𝕄 TR 𝟘-well-behaved well-formed
  open Graded.Erasure.LogicalRelation.Fundamental.Prodrec
    𝕄 TR 𝟘-well-behaved well-formed
  open Graded.Erasure.LogicalRelation.Fundamental.Product
    𝕄 TR UR 𝟘-well-behaved well-formed
  open Graded.Erasure.LogicalRelation.Fundamental.Unit
    𝕄 TR is-𝟘? well-formed
  open Graded.Erasure.LogicalRelation.Conversion 𝕄 TR is-𝟘? well-formed
  open Graded.Erasure.LogicalRelation.Irrelevance 𝕄 TR is-𝟘? well-formed
  open Graded.Erasure.LogicalRelation.Subsumption 𝕄 TR is-𝟘? well-formed

  open LR well-formed

  -- The fundamental lemma for the erasure relation.
  -- Note the assumptions of the local module Fundamental.
  -- The main parts of this proof are located in Graded.Erasure.LogicalRelation.Fundamental.X
  -- The general proof strategy of these is the following:
  -- To show that t is valid, find t′ in whnf such that t ⇒* t′ and show that t′ is valid.
  -- The result that t is valid then follows from the logical relation being closed under
  -- reduction (see Graded.Erasure.LogicalRelation.Reduction).

  fundamental :
    Γ  t  A  γ ▸[ m ] t 
    ∃₂ λ ([Γ] : ⊩ᵛ Γ) ([A] : Γ ⊩ᵛ⟨ ¹  A / [Γ]) 
      γ  Γ ⊩ʳ⟨ ¹  t ∷[ m ] A / [Γ] / [A]
  fundamental {m = 𝟘ᵐ} ⊢t _ with is-𝟘? 𝟘
  ... | yes 𝟘≡𝟘 =
    case F.fundamental (syntacticTerm ⊢t) of λ ([Γ] , [A]) 
      [Γ] , [A] , _
  ... | no 𝟘≢𝟘 = PE.⊥-elim (𝟘≢𝟘 PE.refl)
  fundamental Γ⊢ΠΣ@(ΠΣⱼ Γ⊢F:U _ _) γ▸t =
    let invUsageΠΣ δ▸F _ _ = inv-usage-ΠΣ γ▸t
        [Γ] , _ , _ = fundamental Γ⊢F:U δ▸F
        [U] , ⊩ʳΠΣ = ΠΣʳ [Γ] Γ⊢ΠΣ
    in  [Γ] , [U] , ⊩ʳΠΣ
  fundamental (ℕⱼ ⊢Γ) γ▸t = ℕʳ ⊢Γ
  fundamental (Emptyⱼ ⊢Γ) γ▸t = Emptyʳ ⊢Γ
  fundamental (Unitⱼ ⊢Γ ok) _ = Unitʳ ⊢Γ ok
  fundamental (var ⊢Γ x∷A∈Γ) γ▸t =
    let [Γ] = F.valid ⊢Γ
        [A] , ⊩ʳx = fundamentalVar well-formed [Γ] x∷A∈Γ γ▸t
    in  [Γ] , [A] , ⊩ʳx
    (lamⱼ {F = F} {t = t} {G = G} {p = p} {q = q} Γ⊢F Γ⊢t:G ok) γ▸t =
    let invUsageLam {δ = δ} δ▸t δ≤γ = inv-usage-lam γ▸t
        [ΓF] , [G]′ , ⊩ʳt = fundamental Γ⊢t:G δ▸t
        [Γ] , [F] = F.fundamental Γ⊢F
        [G] = IS.irrelevance {A = G} [ΓF] ([Γ]  [F]) [G]′
        [Γ]′ , [G]″ , [t]′ = F.fundamentalTerm Γ⊢t:G
        [t] = IS.irrelevanceTerm {A = G} {t = t}
                [Γ]′ ([Γ]  [F]) [G]″ [G] [t]′
        ⊩ʳt′ = irrelevance {A = G} {t = t}
                 [ΓF] ([Γ]  [F]) [G]′ [G] ⊩ʳt
        ⊩ʳλt = lamʳ {t = t} [Γ] [F] [G] [t] ⊩ʳt′ ok
        [Π] = Πᵛ [Γ] [F] [G] ok
    in  [Γ] , [Π] ,
        subsumption-≤ well-formed {A = Π p , q  F  G} {t = lam p t}
          [Γ] [Π] ⊩ʳλt δ≤γ
    (_∘ⱼ_ {t = t} {p = p} {q = q} {F = F} {G = G} {u = u} Γ⊢t:Π Γ⊢u:F)
    γ▸t =
    let invUsageApp δ▸t η▸u γ≤δ+pη = inv-usage-app γ▸t
        [Γ]′ , [Π]′ , ⊩ʳt′ = fundamental Γ⊢t:Π δ▸t
        [Γ] , [F] , ⊩ʳu = fundamental Γ⊢u:F η▸u
        [Π] = IS.irrelevance {A = Π p , q  F  G} [Γ]′ [Γ] [Π]′
        ⊩ʳt = irrelevance {A = Π p , q  F  G} {t = t}
                [Γ]′ [Γ] [Π]′ [Π] ⊩ʳt′
        [Γ]″ , [F]′ , [u]′ = F.fundamentalTerm Γ⊢u:F
        [u] = IS.irrelevanceTerm {A = F} {t = u}
                [Γ]″ [Γ] [F]′ [F] [u]′
        [G[u]] , ⊩ʳt∘u = appʳ {F = F} {G = G} {u = u} {t = t}
                           [Γ] [F] [Π] [u] ⊩ʳt ⊩ʳu
    in  [Γ] , [G[u]] ,
        subsumption-≤ well-formed {A = G [ u ]₀} {t = t ∘⟨ p  u}
          [Γ] [G[u]] ⊩ʳt∘u γ≤δ+pη
    (prodⱼ {F = F} {G = G} {t = t} {u = u} {k = Σₚ}
       Γ⊢F Γ⊢G Γ⊢t:F Γ⊢u:G ok)
    γ▸t =
    let invUsageProdₚ δ▸t η▸u γ≤pδ∧η = inv-usage-prodₚ γ▸t
        [Γ]₁ , [F] , ⊩ʳt = fundamental Γ⊢t:F δ▸t
        [Γ]₂ , [G[t]]′ , ⊩ʳu = fundamental Γ⊢u:G η▸u
        [Γ] = [Γ]₁
        [Γ]₃ , [G]′ = F.fundamental Γ⊢G
        [G] = IS.irrelevance {A = G} [Γ]₃ ([Γ]  [F]) [G]′
        [G[t]] = IS.irrelevance {A = G [ t ]₀} [Γ]₂ [Γ] [G[t]]′
        [Γ]₄ , [F]₄ , [t]′ = F.fundamentalTerm Γ⊢t:F
        [t] = IS.irrelevanceTerm {A = F} {t = t}
                [Γ]₄ [Γ] [F]₄ [F] [t]′
        [Γ]₅ , [G]₅ , [u]′ = F.fundamentalTerm Γ⊢u:G
        [u] = IS.irrelevanceTerm {A = G [ t ]₀} {t = u}
                [Γ]₅ [Γ] [G]₅ [G[t]] [u]′
        [Σ] , ⊩ʳp =
            {F = F} {G = G} {t = t} {u = u} {_⊕ᶜ_ = _∧ᶜ_}
            [Γ] [F] [G] [G[t]] [t] [u] ⊩ʳt
            (irrelevance {A = G [ t ]₀} {t = u}
               [Γ]₂ [Γ] [G[t]]′ [G[t]] ⊩ʳu)
             {x} {γ} {δ} γ∧δ≡𝟘 
                 (PE.trans (PE.sym (lookup-distrib-∧ᶜ γ δ x)) γ∧δ≡𝟘))
             {x} {γ} {δ} γ∧δ≡𝟘 
                 (PE.trans (PE.sym (lookup-distrib-∧ᶜ γ δ x)) γ∧δ≡𝟘))
    in  [Γ] , [Σ] ,
        subsumption-≤ well-formed {t = prod! t u} [Γ] [Σ] ⊩ʳp γ≤pδ∧η
    (prodⱼ {F = F} {G = G} {t = t} {u = u} {k = Σᵣ}
       Γ⊢F Γ⊢G Γ⊢t:F Γ⊢u:G ok)
    γ▸t =
    let invUsageProdᵣ δ▸t η▸u γ≤pδ+η = inv-usage-prodᵣ γ▸t
        [Γ]₁ , [F] , ⊩ʳt = fundamental Γ⊢t:F δ▸t
        [Γ]₂ , [G[t]]′ , ⊩ʳu = fundamental Γ⊢u:G η▸u
        [Γ] = [Γ]₁
        [Γ]₃ , [G]′ = F.fundamental Γ⊢G
        [G] = IS.irrelevance {A = G} [Γ]₃ ([Γ]  [F]) [G]′
        [G[t]] = IS.irrelevance {A = G [ t ]₀} [Γ]₂ [Γ] [G[t]]′
        [Γ]₄ , [F]₄ , [t]′ = F.fundamentalTerm Γ⊢t:F
        [t] = IS.irrelevanceTerm {A = F} {t = t}
                [Γ]₄ [Γ] [F]₄ [F] [t]′
        [Γ]₅ , [G]₅ , [u]′ = F.fundamentalTerm Γ⊢u:G
        [u] = IS.irrelevanceTerm {A = G [ t ]₀} {t = u}
                [Γ]₅ [Γ] [G]₅ [G[t]] [u]′
        [Σ] , ⊩ʳp =
            {F = F} {G = G} {t = t} {u = u} {_⊕ᶜ_ = _+ᶜ_}
            [Γ] [F] [G] [G[t]] [t] [u] ⊩ʳt
            (irrelevance {A = G [ t ]₀} {t = u}
               [Γ]₂ [Γ] [G[t]]′ [G[t]] ⊩ʳu)
             {x} {γ} {δ} γ∧δ≡𝟘 
               +-positiveˡ $
               PE.trans (PE.sym (lookup-distrib-+ᶜ γ δ x)) γ∧δ≡𝟘)
             {x} {γ} {δ} γ∧δ≡𝟘 
               +-positiveʳ $
               PE.trans (PE.sym (lookup-distrib-+ᶜ γ δ x)) γ∧δ≡𝟘)
    in  [Γ] , [Σ] ,
        subsumption-≤ well-formed {t = prod! t u} [Γ] [Σ] ⊩ʳp γ≤pδ+η
  fundamental (fstⱼ {F = F} {t = t} Γ⊢F Γ⊢G Γ⊢t:Σ) γ▸t =
    let invUsageFst m′ m≡m′ᵐ·p δ▸t γ≤δ ok = inv-usage-fst γ▸t
        [Γ] , [Σ] , ⊩ʳt = fundamental Γ⊢t:Σ δ▸t
        [F] , ⊩ʳt₁ =
          fstʳ Γ⊢F Γ⊢G Γ⊢t:Σ [Γ] [Σ] ⊩ʳt
            (fstₘ m′ (▸-cong m≡m′ᵐ·p δ▸t) (PE.sym m≡m′ᵐ·p) ok)
    in  [Γ] , [F] ,
        subsumption-≤ well-formed {t = fst _ t} [Γ] [F] ⊩ʳt₁ γ≤δ
  fundamental (sndⱼ {G = G} {t = t} Γ⊢F Γ⊢G Γ⊢t:Σ) γ▸t =
    let invUsageSnd δ▸t γ≤δ = inv-usage-snd γ▸t
        [Γ] , [Σ] , ⊩ʳt = fundamental Γ⊢t:Σ δ▸t
        [G] , ⊩ʳt₂ = sndʳ Γ⊢F Γ⊢G Γ⊢t:Σ [Γ] [Σ] ⊩ʳt
    in  [Γ] , [G] ,
        subsumption-≤ well-formed {t = snd _ t} [Γ] [G] ⊩ʳt₂ γ≤δ
    (prodrecⱼ {F = F} {G} {A = A} {t = t} {u} {r = r}
       Γ⊢F Γ⊢G Γ⊢A Γ⊢t Γ⊢u _)
    γ▸prodrec =
    let invUsageProdrec {δ = δ} δ▸t η▸u _ ok γ≤pδ+η =
          inv-usage-prodrec γ▸prodrec
        [Γ] , [Σ] , ⊩ʳt = fundamental Γ⊢t δ▸t
        [Γ]₂ , [A₊]₂ , ⊩ʳu = fundamental Γ⊢u η▸u
        [Γ]₃ , [F]₃ = F.fundamental Γ⊢F
        [Γ]₄ , [G]₄ = F.fundamental Γ⊢G
        [Γ]₅ , [A]₅ = F.fundamental Γ⊢A
        [Γ]₆ , [Σ]₆ , [t]₆ = F.fundamentalTerm Γ⊢t
        [Γ]₇ , [A₊]₇ , [u]₇ = F.fundamentalTerm Γ⊢u
        A₊ = A [ prodᵣ _ (var (x0 +1)) (var x0) ]↑²
        [F] = IS.irrelevance {A = F} [Γ]₃ [Γ] [F]₃
        [G] = IS.irrelevance {A = G} [Γ]₄ ([Γ]  [F]) [G]₄
        [A₊] = IS.irrelevance {A = A₊} [Γ]₂ ([Γ]  [F]  [G]) [A₊]₂
        [A] = IS.irrelevance {A = A} [Γ]₅ ([Γ]  [Σ]) [A]₅
        [t] = IS.irrelevanceTerm {t = t} [Γ]₆ [Γ] [Σ]₆ [Σ] [t]₆
        [u] = IS.irrelevanceTerm {A = A₊} {u}
                [Γ]₇ ([Γ]  [F]  [G]) [A₊]₇ [A₊] [u]₇
        ⊩ʳu′ = irrelevance {t = u}
                 [Γ]₂ ([Γ]  [F]  [G]) [A₊]₂ [A₊] ⊩ʳu
        r≡𝟘→k≡0 = case closed-or-no-erased-matches of λ where
          (inj₁ nem)  λ r≡𝟘  PE.⊥-elim (nem 𝟙≢𝟘 ok r≡𝟘)
          (inj₂ k≡0)  λ _  k≡0
        [At] , ⊩ʳprodrec =
            [Γ] [F] [G] [Σ] [A] [A₊] [t] [u]
               PE.subst (δ  _ ⊩ʳ⟨ _  t ∷[_] _ / _ / [Σ])
                 (≢𝟘→ᵐ·≡ r≢𝟘) ⊩ʳt)
            ⊩ʳu′ r≡𝟘→k≡0
    in  [Γ] , [At] ,
        subsumption-≤ well-formed {t = prodrec _ _ _ A t u}
          [Γ] [At] ⊩ʳprodrec γ≤pδ+η
  fundamental (zeroⱼ ⊢Γ) γ▸t = zeroʳ ⊢Γ
  fundamental (sucⱼ {n = t} Γ⊢t:ℕ) γ▸t =
    let invUsageSuc δ▸t γ≤δ = inv-usage-suc γ▸t
        [Γ] , [ℕ] , ⊩ʳt = fundamental Γ⊢t:ℕ δ▸t
        δ⊩ʳsuct = sucʳ [Γ] [ℕ] ⊩ʳt Γ⊢t:ℕ
        γ⊩ʳsuct =
          subsumption-≤ well-formed {A = } {t = suc t}
            [Γ] [ℕ] δ⊩ʳsuct γ≤δ
    in  [Γ] , [ℕ] , γ⊩ʳsuct
    (natrecⱼ {A = A} {z = z} {s = s} {p = p} {q = q} {r = r} {n = n}
       Γ⊢A Γ⊢z:A Γ⊢s:A Γ⊢n:ℕ)
    γ▸t =
    case inv-usage-natrec γ▸t of λ {
      (invUsageNatrec {δ = δ} δ▸z η▸s θ▸n _ γ≤γ′ extra) 
    let [Γ]   , [A₀]  , ⊩ʳz  = fundamental Γ⊢z:A δ▸z
        [ΓℕA] , [A₊]′ , ⊩ʳs′ = fundamental Γ⊢s:A η▸s
        [Γ]′  , [ℕ]′  , ⊩ʳn′ = fundamental Γ⊢n:ℕ θ▸n
        [ℕ] = ℕᵛ {l = ¹} [Γ]
        [Γℕ] = [Γ]  [ℕ]
        [Γℕ]′ , [A]′ = F.fundamental Γ⊢A
        [A] = IS.irrelevance {A = A} [Γℕ]′ [Γℕ] [A]′
        [A₊] = IS.irrelevance {A = A [ suc (var x1) ]↑²}
                              [ΓℕA] ([Γℕ]  [A]) [A₊]′
        [Γ]ᶻ , [A]ᶻ , [z]′ = F.fundamentalTerm Γ⊢z:A
        [z] = IS.irrelevanceTerm {A = A [ zero ]₀} {t = z}
                [Γ]ᶻ [Γ] [A]ᶻ [A₀] [z]′
        [Γ]ˢ , [A]ˢ , [s]′ = F.fundamentalTerm Γ⊢s:A
        [s] = IS.irrelevanceTerm
                {A = A [ suc (var x1) ]↑²} {t = s}
                [Γ]ˢ ([Γℕ]  [A]) [A]ˢ [A₊] [s]′
        [Γ]ⁿ , [ℕ]ⁿ , [n]′ = F.fundamentalTerm Γ⊢n:ℕ
        [n] = IS.irrelevanceTerm {A = } {t = n}
                [Γ]ⁿ [Γ] [ℕ]ⁿ [ℕ] [n]′
        ⊩ʳs = irrelevance
                {A = A [ suc (var x1) ]↑²} {t = s}
                [ΓℕA] ([Γℕ]  [A]) [A₊]′ [A₊] ⊩ʳs′
        ⊩ʳn = irrelevance {A = } {t = n} [Γ]′ [Γ] [ℕ]′ [ℕ] ⊩ʳn′
        [A[n]] , ⊩ʳnatrec =
          natrecʳ {A = A} {z = z} {s = s} {m = n}
            [Γ] [A] [A₊] [A₀] [z] [s] [n] ⊩ʳz ⊩ʳs ⊩ʳn
            (case extra of λ where
               invUsageNatrecStar          ⟨⟩≡𝟘→⟨⟩≡𝟘-⊛ 𝟘-well-behaved δ
               (invUsageNatrecNoStar fix) 
                 ⟨⟩≡𝟘→⟨⟩≡𝟘-fixpoint 𝟘-well-behaved fix)
    in  [Γ] , [A[n]] ,
        λ {_ _} 
          subsumption-≤ well-formed
            {A = A [ n ]₀} {t = natrec p q r A z s n}
            [Γ] [A[n]] ⊩ʳnatrec γ≤γ′ }
    {Γ = Γ} {γ = γ}
    (emptyrecⱼ {A = A} {t = t} {p = p} ⊢A Γ⊢t:Empty) γ▸t =
    let invUsageemptyrec δ▸t _ γ≤δ = inv-usage-emptyrec γ▸t
        [Γ] , [Empty] , ⊩ʳt = fundamental Γ⊢t:Empty δ▸t
        [Γ]′ , [A]′ = F.fundamental ⊢A
        [A] = IS.irrelevance {A = A} [Γ]′ [Γ] [A]′
        [Γ]″ , [Empty]′ , [t]′ = F.fundamentalTerm Γ⊢t:Empty
        [t] = IS.irrelevanceTerm {A = Empty} {t = t}
                [Γ]″ [Γ] [Empty]′ [Empty] [t]′
        γ⊩ʳemptyrec = emptyrecʳ {A = A} {t = t} {p = p}
                        [Γ] [Empty] [A] [t]
    in  [Γ] , [A] , γ⊩ʳemptyrec
  fundamental (starⱼ ⊢Γ ok) _ = starʳ ⊢Γ ok
  fundamental (conv {t = t} {A = A} {B = B} Γ⊢t:A A≡B) γ▸t =
    let [Γ] , [A] , ⊩ʳt = fundamental Γ⊢t:A γ▸t
        Γ⊢B = syntacticTerm (conv Γ⊢t:A A≡B)
        [Γ]′ , [B]′ = F.fundamental Γ⊢B
        [B] = IS.irrelevance {A = B} [Γ]′ [Γ] [B]′
    in  [Γ] , [B] ,
        convʳ {A = A} {B = B} {t = t} [Γ] [A] [B] A≡B ⊩ʳt

  -- A fundamental lemma for terms in fully erased contexts.
  -- Note the assumptions of the local module Fundamental.

  fundamentalErased :
    Δ  t  A  𝟘ᶜ ▸[ m ] t 
     λ ([A] : Δ ⊩⟨ ¹  A)  t ®⟨ ¹  erase t  A   m  / [A]
  fundamentalErased {t = t} {A = A} {m = m} ⊢t 𝟘▸t =
    [A]′ , lemma m ⊩ʳt
    [Δ]-[A]-⊩ʳt = fundamental ⊢t 𝟘▸t
    [Δ] = [Δ]-[A]-⊩ʳt .proj₁
    [A] = [Δ]-[A]-⊩ʳt .proj₂ .proj₁
    ⊩ʳt = [Δ]-[A]-⊩ʳt .proj₂ .proj₂
    [id]′ = idSubstS [Δ]
    ⊢Δ′ = soundContext [Δ]
    [id] = IS.irrelevanceSubst [Δ] [Δ] ⊢Δ′ well-formed [id]′
    [idA] = proj₁ (unwrap [A] {σ = idSubst} well-formed [id])
    [A]′ = I.irrelevance′ (subst-id A) [idA]

    lemma :
      𝟘ᶜ  Δ ⊩ʳ⟨ ¹  t ∷[ m ] A / [Δ] / [A] 
      t ®⟨ ¹  erase t  A   m  / [A]′
    lemma 𝟘ᵐ with is-𝟘? 𝟘
    ... | yes 𝟘≡𝟘 = _
    ... | no 𝟘≢𝟘 = PE.⊥-elim (𝟘≢𝟘 PE.refl)

    lemma 𝟙ᵐ ⊩ʳt with is-𝟘? 𝟙
    ... | yes 𝟙≡𝟘 = ⊥-elim (𝟙≢𝟘 𝟙≡𝟘)
    ... | no 𝟙≢𝟘 =
      PE.subst₂  x y  x ®⟨ ¹  y  A / [A]′)
        (subst-id t) (TP.subst-id (erase t)) t®t″
      id®id′ = erasedSubst {l = ¹} {σ′ = T.idSubst} [Δ] [id]
      t®t′ = ⊩ʳt [id] id®id′
      t®t″ = irrelevanceTerm′ (subst-id A) [idA] [A]′ t®t′