-- The logical relation is clsoed under reduction (in both directions).

open import Definition.Typed.EqualityRelation
import Definition.Typed
open import Definition.Typed.Restrictions
import Definition.Untyped using (Con; Term)
open import Graded.Modality
open import Tools.Nullary
import Tools.PropositionalEquality as PE

module Graded.Erasure.LogicalRelation.Reduction
  {a} {M : Set a}
  (open Definition.Untyped M)
  (𝕄 : Modality M)
  (open Modality 𝕄)
  (R : Type-restrictions M)
  (open Definition.Typed R)
  (is-𝟘? : (p : M)  Dec (p PE.≡ 𝟘))
  {{eqrel : EqRelSet R}}
  {k} {Δ : Con Term k} (⊢Δ :  Δ)

open EqRelSet {{...}}

open import Definition.LogicalRelation R
open import Definition.LogicalRelation.Properties.Escape R

import Definition.LogicalRelation.Fundamental R as F
import Definition.LogicalRelation.Irrelevance R as I
import Definition.LogicalRelation.Properties.Reduction R as R

open import Definition.Untyped M as U hiding (_∷_)
open import Definition.Typed.Consequences.Syntactic R
open import Definition.Typed.Consequences.Reduction R
open import Definition.Typed.Properties R
open import Definition.Typed.RedSteps R as RS
open import Definition.Typed.Weakening R

open import Definition.Untyped.Properties M as UP using (wk-id ; wk-lift-id)

open import Graded.Erasure.LogicalRelation 𝕄 R is-𝟘? ⊢Δ
open import Graded.Erasure.Target as T hiding (_⇒_; _⇒*_)
open import Graded.Erasure.Target.Properties as TP

open import Tools.Function
open import Tools.Nat
open import Tools.Product
open import Tools.Sum hiding (id ; sym)

    n : Nat
    t t′ A : U.Term n
    v v′ : T.Term n
    Γ : U.Con U.Term n

-- Logical relation for erasure is preserved under a single reduction backwards on the source language term
-- If t′ ® v ∷ A and Δ ⊢ t ⇒ t′ ∷ A then t ® v ∷ A
-- Proof by induction on t′ ® v ∷ A

sourceRedSubstTerm :  {l} ([A] : Δ ⊩⟨ l  A)  t′ ®⟨ l  v  A / [A]
                    Δ  t  t′  A  t ®⟨ l  v  A / [A]
sourceRedSubstTerm (Uᵣ _) (Uᵣ _) t⇒t′ =
  Uᵣ (redFirstTerm t⇒t′)
sourceRedSubstTerm (ℕᵣ ([ ⊢A , ⊢B , D ])) (zeroᵣ t′⇒zero v⇒v′) t⇒t′ =
  zeroᵣ ((conv t⇒t′ (subset* D))  t′⇒zero) v⇒v′
sourceRedSubstTerm (ℕᵣ ([ ⊢A , ⊢B , D ])) (sucᵣ t′⇒suc v⇒v′ t®v) t⇒t′ =
  sucᵣ ((conv t⇒t′ (subset* D))  t′⇒suc) v⇒v′ t®v
  (Unitᵣ (Unitₜ [ _ , _ , D ] _)) (starᵣ _ v⇒star) t⇒t′ =
  starᵣ (conv (redFirstTerm t⇒t′) (subset* D)) v⇒star
  (Bᵣ′ ( p q) F G ([ ⊢A , ⊢B , D ]) ⊢F ⊢G A≡A [F] [G] G-ext _)
  t®v′ t⇒t′ {a = a} [a] with is-𝟘? p
... | yes PE.refl =
  let t®v = t®v′ [a]
      ⊢a = escapeTerm ([F] id ⊢Δ) [a]
      ⊢a′ = PE.subst (Δ  a ∷_) (UP.wk-id F) ⊢a
      t∘a⇒t′∘w′ = app-subst (conv t⇒t′ (subset* D)) ⊢a′
      t∘a⇒t′∘w = PE.subst (_⊢_⇒_∷_ Δ _ _) (PE.cong (U._[ a ]₀) (PE.sym (UP.wk-lift-id G))) t∘a⇒t′∘w′
  in  sourceRedSubstTerm ([G] id ⊢Δ [a]) t®v t∘a⇒t′∘w
... | no p≢𝟘 = λ a®w 
  let t®v = t®v′ [a] a®w
      ⊢a = escapeTerm ([F] id ⊢Δ) [a]
      ⊢a′ = PE.subst (Δ  a ∷_) (UP.wk-id F) ⊢a
      t∘a⇒t′∘w′ = app-subst (conv t⇒t′ (subset* D)) ⊢a′
      t∘a⇒t′∘w = PE.subst (Δ  _  _ ∷_) (PE.cong (U._[ a ]₀) (PE.sym (UP.wk-lift-id G))) t∘a⇒t′∘w′
  in  sourceRedSubstTerm ([G] id ⊢Δ [a]) t®v t∘a⇒t′∘w
  (Bᵣ′ BΣ! F G ([ ⊢A , ⊢B , D ]) ⊢F ⊢G A≡A [F] [G] G-ext _)
  (t₁ , t₂ , t′⇒p , [t₁] , v₂ , t₂®v₂ , extra) t⇒t′ =
  t₁ , t₂ , conv t⇒t′ (subset* D)  t′⇒p , [t₁] , v₂ , t₂®v₂ , extra
sourceRedSubstTerm (emb 0<1 [A]) t®v t⇒t′ = sourceRedSubstTerm [A] t®v t⇒t′

-- Logical relation for erasure is preserved under reduction closure backwards on the source language term
-- If t′ ® v ∷ A and Δ ⊢ t ⇒* t′ ∷ A then t ® v ∷ A
-- Proof by induction on t′ ® v ∷ A

sourceRedSubstTerm* :  {l} ([A] : Δ ⊩⟨ l  A)  t′ ®⟨ l  v  A / [A]
                     Δ  t ⇒* t′  A  t ®⟨ l  v  A / [A]
sourceRedSubstTerm* [A] t′®v (id x) = t′®v
sourceRedSubstTerm* [A] t′®v (x  t⇒t′) =
  sourceRedSubstTerm [A] (sourceRedSubstTerm* [A] t′®v t⇒t′) x

-- Logical relation for erasure is preserved under a single reduction backwards on the target language term
-- If t ® v′ ∷ A and v ⇒ v′ then t ® v ∷ A
-- Proof by induction on t ® v′ ∷ A

targetRedSubstTerm :  {l} ([A] : Δ ⊩⟨ l  A)  t ®⟨ l  v′  A / [A]
                    v T.⇒ v′  t ®⟨ l  v  A / [A]
targetRedSubstTerm (Uᵣ x) (Uᵣ x₁) v⇒v′ = Uᵣ x₁
targetRedSubstTerm (ℕᵣ x) (zeroᵣ t′⇒zero v′⇒zero) v⇒v′ = zeroᵣ t′⇒zero (trans v⇒v′ v′⇒zero)
targetRedSubstTerm (ℕᵣ x) (sucᵣ t′⇒suc v′⇒suc t®v) v⇒v′ = sucᵣ t′⇒suc (trans v⇒v′ v′⇒suc) t®v
targetRedSubstTerm (Unitᵣ x) (starᵣ x₁ v′⇒star) v⇒v′ = starᵣ x₁ (trans v⇒v′ v′⇒star)
  (Bᵣ′ ( p q) F G ([ ⊢A , ⊢B , D ]) ⊢F ⊢G A≡A [F] [G] G-ext _)
  t®v′ v⇒v′ {a = a} [a] with is-𝟘? p
... | yes PE.refl =
  let t®v = t®v′ [a]
      v∘w⇒v′∘w′ = T.app-subst v⇒v′
      [G[a]] = [G] id ⊢Δ [a]
  in  targetRedSubstTerm [G[a]] t®v v∘w⇒v′∘w′
... | no p≢𝟘 = λ a®w 
  let t®v = t®v′ [a] a®w
      v∘w⇒v′∘w′ = T.app-subst v⇒v′
      [G[a]] = [G] id ⊢Δ [a]
  in  targetRedSubstTerm [G[a]] t®v v∘w⇒v′∘w′
targetRedSubstTerm {A = A} {t = t} {v = v}
  [Σ]@(Bᵣ′ ( _ p _) F G ([ ⊢A , ⊢B , D ]) ⊢F ⊢G A≡A [F] [G] G-ext _)
  (t₁ , t₂ , t⇒t′ , [t₁] , v₂ , t₂®v₂ , extra) v⇒v′ =
    t₁ , t₂ , t⇒t′ , [t₁] , v₂ , t₂®v₂ , extra′
  extra′ = Σ-®-elim  _  Σ-® _ F ([F] id ⊢Δ) t₁ v v₂ p) extra
                     v′⇒v₂          Σ-®-intro-𝟘 (trans v⇒v′ v′⇒v₂))
                     v₁ v′⇒p t₁®v₁  Σ-®-intro-ω v₁ (trans v⇒v′ v′⇒p) t₁®v₁)
targetRedSubstTerm (emb 0<1 [A]) t®v′ v⇒v′ = targetRedSubstTerm [A] t®v′ v⇒v′

-- Logical relation for erasure is preserved under reduction closure backwards
-- on the target language term.
-- If t ® v′ ∷ A and v ⇒* v′ then t ® v ∷ A
-- Proof by induction on t ® v′ ∷ A

targetRedSubstTerm* :  {l} ([A] : Δ ⊩⟨ l  A)  t ®⟨ l  v′  A / [A]
                     v T.⇒* v′  t ®⟨ l  v  A / [A]
targetRedSubstTerm* [A] t®v′ refl = t®v′
targetRedSubstTerm* [A] t®v′ (trans x v⇒v′) =
  targetRedSubstTerm [A] (targetRedSubstTerm* [A] t®v′ v⇒v′) x

-- Logical relation for erasure is preserved under reduction backwards
-- If t′ ® v′ ∷ A and Δ ⊢ t ⇒ t′ ∷ A and v ⇒ v′ then t ® v ∷ A
-- Proof by induction on t′ ® v′ ∷ A

redSubstTerm :  {l} ([A] : Δ ⊩⟨ l  A)  t′ ®⟨ l  v′  A / [A]
              Δ  t  t′  A  v T.⇒ v′  t ®⟨ l  v  A / [A]
redSubstTerm [A] t′®v′ t⇒t′ v⇒v′ =
  targetRedSubstTerm [A] (sourceRedSubstTerm [A] t′®v′ t⇒t′) v⇒v′

-- Logical relation for erasure is preserved under reduction closure backwards
-- If t′ ® v′ ∷ A and Δ ⊢ t ⇒* t′ ∷ A and v ⇒* v′ then t ® v ∷ A
-- Proof by induction on t′ ® v′ ∷ A

redSubstTerm* :  {l} ([A] : Δ ⊩⟨ l  A)  t′ ®⟨ l  v′  A / [A]
               Δ  t ⇒* t′  A  v T.⇒* v′  t ®⟨ l  v  A / [A]
redSubstTerm* [A] t′®v′ t⇒t′ v⇒v′ = targetRedSubstTerm* [A] (sourceRedSubstTerm* [A] t′®v′ t⇒t′) v⇒v′

-- Logical relation for erasure is preserved under one reduction step on the source language term
-- If t ® v ∷ A and Δ ⊢ t ⇒ t′ ∷ A  then t′ ® v ∷ A
-- Proof by induction on t ® v ∷ A

sourceRedSubstTerm′ :  {l} ([A] : Δ ⊩⟨ l  A)  t ®⟨ l  v  A / [A]
                     Δ  t  t′  A  t′ ®⟨ l  v  A / [A]
sourceRedSubstTerm′ (Uᵣ x) (Uᵣ x₁) t⇒t′ with syntacticRedTerm (redMany t⇒t′)
... | _ , _ , Δ⊢t′∷U = Uᵣ Δ⊢t′∷U
sourceRedSubstTerm′ (ℕᵣ [ ⊢A , ⊢B , D ]) (zeroᵣ t⇒zero v⇒zero) t⇒t′
  with whrDet↘Term (t⇒zero , zeroₙ) (conv* (redMany t⇒t′) (subset* D))
... | t′⇒zero = zeroᵣ t′⇒zero v⇒zero
sourceRedSubstTerm′ (ℕᵣ [ ⊢A , ⊢B , D ]) (sucᵣ t⇒suc v⇒suc t®v) t⇒t′
  with whrDet↘Term (t⇒suc , sucₙ) (conv* (redMany t⇒t′) (subset* D))
... | t′⇒suc = sucᵣ t′⇒suc v⇒suc t®v
sourceRedSubstTerm′ (Unitᵣ (Unitₜ x _)) (starᵣ _ v⇒star) t⇒t′
  with syntacticRedTerm (redMany t⇒t′)
... | _ , _ , Δ⊢t′∷Unit = starᵣ (conv Δ⊢t′∷Unit (subset* (red x))) v⇒star
  (Bᵣ′ ( p q) F G D ⊢F ⊢G A≡A [F] [G] G-ext _) t®v′ t⇒t′ {a = a} [a]
  with is-𝟘? p
... | yes PE.refl =
  let t®v = t®v′ [a]
      ⊢a = escapeTerm ([F] id ⊢Δ) [a]
      ⊢a′ = PE.subst (Δ  a ∷_) (UP.wk-id F) ⊢a
      t∘a⇒t′∘a′ = app-subst (conv t⇒t′ (subset* (red D))) ⊢a′
      t∘a⇒t′∘a = PE.subst (_⊢_⇒_∷_ Δ _ _)
                          (PE.cong (U._[ a ]₀) (PE.sym (UP.wk-lift-id G)))
  in  sourceRedSubstTerm′ ([G] id ⊢Δ [a]) t®v t∘a⇒t′∘a
... | no p≢𝟘 = λ a®w 
  let t®v = t®v′ [a] a®w
      ⊢a = escapeTerm ([F] id ⊢Δ) [a]
      ⊢a′ = PE.subst (Δ  a ∷_) (UP.wk-id F) ⊢a
      t∘a⇒t′∘a′ = app-subst (conv t⇒t′ (subset* (red D))) ⊢a′
      t∘a⇒t′∘a = PE.subst (_⊢_⇒_∷_ Δ _ _)
                          (PE.cong (U._[ a ]₀) (PE.sym (UP.wk-lift-id G)))
  in  sourceRedSubstTerm′ ([G] id ⊢Δ [a]) t®v t∘a⇒t′∘a
  (Bᵣ′ BΣ! F G D ⊢F ⊢G A≡A [F] [G] G-ext _)
  (t₁ , t₂ , t⇒p , [t₁] , v₂ , t₂®v₂ , extra) t⇒t′ =
  t₁ , t₂
     , whrDet↘Term (t⇒p , prodₙ) (redMany (conv t⇒t′ (subset* (red D))))
     , [t₁] , v₂ , t₂®v₂ , extra
sourceRedSubstTerm′ (emb 0<1 [A]) t®v t⇒t′ = sourceRedSubstTerm′ [A] t®v t⇒t′

-- Logical relation for erasure is preserved under reduction closure on the source language term
-- If t ® v ∷ A and Δ ⊢ t ⇒* t′ ∷ A  then t′ ® v ∷ A
-- Proof by induction on t ® v ∷ A

sourceRedSubstTerm*′ :  {l} ([A] : Δ ⊩⟨ l  A)  t ®⟨ l  v  A / [A]
                      Δ  t ⇒* t′  A  t′ ®⟨ l  v  A / [A]
sourceRedSubstTerm*′ [A] t®v (id x) = t®v
sourceRedSubstTerm*′ [A] t®v (x  t⇒t′) =
  sourceRedSubstTerm*′ [A] (sourceRedSubstTerm′ [A] t®v x) t⇒t′

-- The logical relation for erasure is preserved under reduction of
-- the target language term.

targetRedSubstTerm*′ :
   {l} ([A] : Δ ⊩⟨ l  A)  t ®⟨ l  v  A / [A] 
  v T.⇒* v′  t ®⟨ l  v′  A / [A]

-- Logical relation for erasure is preserved under one reduction step on the target language term
-- If t ® v ∷ A and v ⇒ v′  then t ® v′ ∷ A
-- Proof by induction on t ® v ∷ A

targetRedSubstTerm′ :  {l} ([A] : Δ ⊩⟨ l  A)  t ®⟨ l  v  A / [A]
                     v T.⇒ v′  t ®⟨ l  v′  A / [A]
targetRedSubstTerm′ (Uᵣ x) (Uᵣ x₁) v⇒v′ = Uᵣ x₁
targetRedSubstTerm′ (ℕᵣ x) (zeroᵣ x₁ v⇒zero) v⇒v′ with red*Det v⇒zero (T.trans v⇒v′ T.refl)
... | inj₁ x₂ rewrite zero-noRed x₂ = zeroᵣ x₁ T.refl
... | inj₂ x₂ = zeroᵣ x₁ x₂
targetRedSubstTerm′ (ℕᵣ x) (sucᵣ x₁ v⇒suc t®v) v⇒v′ with red*Det v⇒suc (T.trans v⇒v′ T.refl)
... | inj₁ x₂ rewrite suc-noRed x₂ = sucᵣ x₁ T.refl t®v
... | inj₂ x₂ = sucᵣ x₁ x₂ t®v
targetRedSubstTerm′ (Unitᵣ x) (starᵣ x₁ v⇒star) v⇒v′ with red*Det v⇒star (T.trans v⇒v′ T.refl)
... | inj₁ x₂ rewrite star-noRed x₂ = starᵣ x₁ T.refl
... | inj₂ x₂ = starᵣ x₁ x₂
  (Bᵣ′ ( p q) F G D ⊢F ⊢G A≡A [F] [G] G-ext _) t®v′ v⇒v′ [a]
  with is-𝟘? p
... | yes PE.refl =
  let t®v = t®v′ [a]
      v∘w⇒v′∘w = T.app-subst v⇒v′
  in  targetRedSubstTerm′ ([G] id ⊢Δ [a]) t®v v∘w⇒v′∘w
... | no p≢𝟘 = λ a®w 
  let t®v = t®v′ [a] a®w
      v∘w⇒v′∘w = T.app-subst v⇒v′
  in  targetRedSubstTerm′ ([G] id ⊢Δ [a]) t®v v∘w⇒v′∘w
  {v′ = v′}
  (Bᵣ′ ( _ p _) F G D ⊢F ⊢G A≡A [F] [G] G-ext _)
  (t₁ , t₂ , t⇒t′ , [t₁] , v₂ , t₂®v₂ , extra) v⇒v′ =
  let [Gt₁] = [G] id ⊢Δ [t₁]
  in  t₁ , t₂ , t⇒t′ , [t₁]
      , Σ-®-elim
          _   λ v₂  (t₂ ®⟨ _  v₂  U.wk (lift id) G U.[ t₁ ]₀ / [Gt₁])
                       × Σ-® _ F _ t₁ v′ v₂ p)
          v⇒v₂ p≡𝟘  case red*Det v⇒v₂ (trans v⇒v′ refl) of λ where
           (inj₁ v₂⇒v′)  v′ , targetRedSubstTerm*′ [Gt₁] t₂®v₂ v₂⇒v′
                             , Σ-®-intro-𝟘 refl p≡𝟘
           (inj₂ v′⇒v₂)  v₂ , t₂®v₂ , Σ-®-intro-𝟘 v′⇒v₂ p≡𝟘)
         λ v₁ v⇒p t₁®v₁ p≢𝟘  v₂ , t₂®v₂ , (case red*Det v⇒p (trans v⇒v′ refl) of λ where
           (inj₁ p⇒v′)  case prod-noRed p⇒v′ of λ where
             PE.refl  Σ-®-intro-ω v₁ refl t₁®v₁ p≢𝟘
           (inj₂ v′⇒p)  Σ-®-intro-ω v₁ v′⇒p t₁®v₁ p≢𝟘)

targetRedSubstTerm′ (emb 0<1 [A]) t®v v⇒v′ = targetRedSubstTerm′ [A] t®v v⇒v′

targetRedSubstTerm*′ [A] t®v refl = t®v
targetRedSubstTerm*′ [A] t®v (trans x v⇒v′) =
  targetRedSubstTerm*′ [A] (targetRedSubstTerm′ [A] t®v x) v⇒v′

-- Logical relation for erasure is preserved under reduction
-- If t ® v ∷ A and Δ ⊢ t ⇒ t′ ∷ A and v ⇒ v′ then t′ ® v′ ∷ A
-- Proof by induction on t ® v ∷ A

redSubstTerm′ :  {l} ([A] : Δ ⊩⟨ l  A)  t ®⟨ l  v  A / [A]
               Δ  t  t′  A  v T.⇒ v′  t′ ®⟨ l  v′  A / [A]
redSubstTerm′ [A] t®v t⇒t′ v⇒v′ =
  targetRedSubstTerm′ [A] (sourceRedSubstTerm′ [A] t®v t⇒t′) v⇒v′

-- Logical relation for erasure is preserved under reduction closure
-- If t ® v ∷ A and Δ ⊢ t ⇒* t′ ∷ A and v ⇒* v′ then t′ ® v′ ∷ A
-- Proof by induction on t ® v ∷ A

redSubstTerm*′ :  {l} ([A] : Δ ⊩⟨ l  A)  t ®⟨ l  v  A / [A]
                Δ  t ⇒* t′  A  v T.⇒* v′  t′ ®⟨ l  v′  A / [A]
redSubstTerm*′ [A] t®v t⇒t′ v⇒v′ =
  targetRedSubstTerm*′ [A] (sourceRedSubstTerm*′ [A] t®v t⇒t′) v⇒v′