-- The erasure modality.

module Graded.Modality.Instances.Erasure.Modality where

open import Tools.Level
open import Tools.Product
open import Tools.PropositionalEquality
open import Tools.Relation
open import Tools.Sum

open import Graded.Modality.Instances.Erasure
open import Graded.Modality.Variant lzero

open import Graded.Modality Erasure public

-- Erasure annotations forms a semiring with meet

erasure-semiring-with-meet : Semiring-with-meet
erasure-semiring-with-meet = record
  { _+_ = _+_
  ; _·_ = _·_
  ; _∧_ = _∧_
  ; 𝟘 = 𝟘
  ; 𝟙 = ω
  ; +-·-Semiring = +-·-Semiring
  ; ∧-Semilattice = +-Semilattice
  ; ·-distrib-∧ = ·-distrib-+
  ; +-distrib-∧ = +-distrib-+

-- The zero of the erasure semiring is well-behaved

erasure-has-well-behaved-zero : Has-well-behaved-zero erasure-semiring-with-meet
erasure-has-well-behaved-zero = record
  { 𝟙≢𝟘 = λ ()
  ; is-𝟘? = λ where
      𝟘  yes refl
      ω  no  ())
  ; zero-product = λ where
      {p = 𝟘} {q = 𝟘} _   inj₁ refl
      {p = 𝟘} {q = ω} _   inj₁ refl
      {p = ω} {q = 𝟘} _   inj₂ refl
      {p = ω} {q = ω} ()
  ; +-positiveˡ = λ where
      {p = 𝟘}         _   refl
      {p = ω} {q = 𝟘} ()
      {p = ω} {q = ω} ()
  ; ∧-positiveˡ = λ where
      {p = 𝟘} _  refl
      {p = ω} ()


  -- A natrec-star operator can be defined for Erasure.

  erasure-has-star : Has-star erasure-semiring-with-meet
  erasure-has-star = record
    { _⊛_▷_ = _⊛_▷_
    ; ⊛-ineq = ⊛-ineq₁ , ⊛-ineq₂
    ; +-sub-interchangeable-⊛ = +-sub-interchangeable-⊛
    ; ·-sub-distribʳ-⊛ = ·-sub-distribʳ-⊛
    ; ⊛-sub-distrib-∧ = λ r  ⊛-sub-distribˡ-∧ r , ⊛-sub-distribʳ-∧ r

-- Erasure modality instances (for different modality variants).

ErasureModality : Modality-variant  Modality
ErasureModality variant = record
  { variant            = variant
  ; semiring-with-meet = erasure-semiring-with-meet
  ; has-star           = λ _  erasure-has-star
  ; 𝟘-well-behaved     = λ _  erasure-has-well-behaved-zero
  ; +-decreasingˡ      = λ _ _  +-decreasingˡ