-- A modality for the natural numbers extended with infinity

module Graded.Modality.Instances.Nat-plus-infinity where

import Tools.Algebra
open import Tools.Bool using (T)
open import Tools.Function
open import Tools.Level
open import Tools.Nat as N using (Nat; 1+)
open import Tools.Nullary
open import Tools.Product as Σ
open import Tools.PropositionalEquality as PE
import Tools.Reasoning.PartialOrder
import Tools.Reasoning.PropositionalEquality
open import Tools.Relation
open import Tools.Sum as  using (_⊎_; inj₁; inj₂)

open import Graded.FullReduction.Assumptions
import Graded.Modality
import Graded.Modality.Instances.BoundedStar as BoundedStar
import Graded.Modality.Instances.LowerBounded as LowerBounded
import Graded.Modality.Instances.Recursive.Sequences
import Graded.Modality.Properties.Division
import Graded.Modality.Properties.Meet
import Graded.Modality.Properties.PartialOrder
open import Graded.Modality.Variant lzero

import Definition.Typed.Restrictions

-- The grades are the natural numbers extended with ∞.

data ℕ⊎∞ : Set where
  ⌞_⌟ : Nat  ℕ⊎∞
     : ℕ⊎∞

open Definition.Typed.Restrictions ℕ⊎∞
open Graded.Modality               ℕ⊎∞
open Tools.Algebra                 ℕ⊎∞

private variable
  m n o   : ℕ⊎∞
  TRs     : Type-restrictions
  variant : Modality-variant

-- Operators

-- Meet.
-- The meet operation is defined in such a way that
-- ∞ ≤ … ≤ ⌞ 1 ⌟ ≤ ⌞ 0 ⌟.

infixr 40 _∧_

_∧_ : ℕ⊎∞  ℕ⊎∞  ℕ⊎∞
      _     = 
 _        = 
 m    n  =  m N.⊔ n 

-- Addition.

infixr 40 _+_

_+_ : ℕ⊎∞  ℕ⊎∞  ℕ⊎∞
     + _     = 
 _  +      = 
 m  +  n  =  m N.+ n 

-- Multiplication.

infixr 45 _·_

_·_ : ℕ⊎∞  ℕ⊎∞  ℕ⊎∞
 0  · _     =  0 
_     ·  0  =  0 
     · _     = 
 _  ·      = 
 m  ·  n  =  m N.* n 

-- Division.

infixl 45 _/_

_/_ : ℕ⊎∞  ℕ⊎∞  ℕ⊎∞
_     /  0     = 
 m  /  1+ n  =  m N./ 1+ n 
     /  1+ _  = 
     /         = 
 _  /         =  0 

-- A star operator.

infix 50 _*

_* : ℕ⊎∞  ℕ⊎∞
 0  * =  1 
_     * = 

-- The inferred ordering relation.

infix 10 _≤_

_≤_ : ℕ⊎∞  ℕ⊎∞  Set
m  n = m  m  n

-- Some properties

-- The grade ∞ is the least one.

∞≤ :  n    n
∞≤ _ = refl

-- The grade ⌞ 0 ⌟ is the greatest one.

≤0 : n   0 
≤0 {n = }     = refl
≤0 {n =  n } = cong ⌞_⌟ (
  n        ≡˘⟨ N.⊔-identityʳ _ 
  n N.⊔ 0  )
  open Tools.Reasoning.PropositionalEquality

-- Multiplication is commutative.

·-comm : Commutative _·_
·-comm = λ where
   0      0      refl
   1+ _   0      refl
   0      1+ _   refl
   1+ m   1+ _   cong ⌞_⌟ (N.*-comm (1+ m) _)
   0              refl
   1+ _           refl
           0      refl
           1+ _   refl

-- The function ⌞_⌟ is injective.

⌞⌟-injective :  {m n}   m    n   m  n
⌞⌟-injective refl = refl

-- The function ⌞_⌟ is antitone.

⌞⌟-antitone :  {m n}  m N.≤ n   n    m 
⌞⌟-antitone {m = m} {n = n} m≤n =
   n         ≡˘⟨ cong ⌞_⌟ (N.m≥n⇒m⊔n≡m m≤n) 
   n N.⊔ m   
  open Tools.Reasoning.PropositionalEquality

-- An inverse to ⌞⌟-antitone.

⌞⌟-antitone⁻¹ :  {m n}   n    m   m N.≤ n
⌞⌟-antitone⁻¹ {m = m} {n = n} =
   n    m   →⟨ ⌞⌟-injective 
  n  n N.⊔ m    →⟨ N.m⊔n≡m⇒n≤m ∘→ sym 
  m N.≤ n        

-- The function ⌞_⌟ is homomorphic with respect to _·_/N._*_.

⌞⌟·⌞⌟≡⌞*⌟ :  {m n}   m  ·  n    m N.* n 
⌞⌟·⌞⌟≡⌞*⌟ {m = 0}               = refl
⌞⌟·⌞⌟≡⌞*⌟ {m = 1+ _} {n = 1+ _} = refl
⌞⌟·⌞⌟≡⌞*⌟ {m = 1+ m} {n = 0}    = cong ⌞_⌟ (sym (N.*-zeroʳ m))

-- Addition is decreasing for the left argument.

+-decreasingˡ : m + n  m
+-decreasingˡ {m = }                 = refl
+-decreasingˡ {m =  _ } {n = }     = refl
+-decreasingˡ {m =  _ } {n =  n } = ⌞⌟-antitone (N.m≤m+n _ n)

-- One of the two characteristic properties of the star operator of a
-- star semiring.

*≡+·* : n *   1  + n · n *
*≡+·* {n = }        = refl
*≡+·* {n =  0 }    = refl
*≡+·* {n =  1+ _ } = refl

-- One of the two characteristic properties of the star operator of a
-- star semiring.

*≡+*· : n *   1  + n * · n
*≡+*· {n = }        = refl
*≡+*· {n =  0 }    = refl
*≡+*· {n =  1+ _ } = refl

-- Equality is decidable.

_≟_ : Decidable (_≡_ {A = ℕ⊎∞})
_≟_ = λ where
             yes refl
   _        no  ())
        _   no  ())
   m   n   case m N.≟ n of λ where
    (yes refl)  yes refl
    (no m≢n)    no  { refl  m≢n refl })

-- The modality

-- A "semiring with meet" for ℕ⊎∞.

ℕ⊎∞-semiring-with-meet : Semiring-with-meet
ℕ⊎∞-semiring-with-meet = record
  { _+_          = _+_
  ; _·_          = _·_
  ; _∧_          = _∧_
  ; 𝟘            =  0 
  ; 𝟙            =  1 
  ; +-·-Semiring = record
    { isSemiringWithoutAnnihilatingZero = record
      { +-isCommutativeMonoid = record
        { isMonoid = record
          { isSemigroup = record
            { isMagma = record
              { isEquivalence = PE.isEquivalence
              ; ∙-cong        = cong₂ _+_
            ; assoc = +-assoc
          ; identity =
                    _   refl
              ,  where
                    _   cong ⌞_⌟ (N.+-identityʳ _)
        ; comm = +-comm
      ; *-isMonoid = record
        { isSemigroup = record
          { isMagma = record
            { isEquivalence = PE.isEquivalence
            ; ∙-cong        = cong₂ _·_
          ; assoc = ·-assoc
        ; identity =
                  0      refl
                  1+ _   cong ⌞_⌟ (N.+-identityʳ _)
            ,  where
                  0      refl
                  1+ _   cong (⌞_⌟ ∘→ 1+) (N.*-identityʳ _)
      ; distrib = ·-distrib-+
    ; zero =
           _  refl)
        ,  where
              0      refl
              1+ _   refl
  ; ∧-Semilattice = record
    { isBand = record
      { isSemigroup = record
        { isMagma = record
          { isEquivalence = PE.isEquivalence
          ; ∙-cong        = cong₂ _∧_
        ; assoc = ∧-assoc
      ; idem = λ where
           _   cong ⌞_⌟ (N.⊔-idem _)
    ; comm = ∧-comm
  ; ·-distrib-∧ = ·-distrib-∧
  ; +-distrib-∧ = +-distrib-∧
  open Tools.Reasoning.PropositionalEquality

  +-assoc : Associative _+_
  +-assoc = λ where
     m   _   _   cong ⌞_⌟ (N.+-assoc m _ _)
     _   _        refl
     _       _      refl
         _     _      refl

  +-comm : Commutative _+_
  +-comm = λ where
     0      0      refl
     1+ _   0      cong ⌞_⌟ (N.+-identityʳ _)
     0      1+ _   cong ⌞_⌟ (sym (N.+-identityʳ _))
     1+ m   1+ _   cong ⌞_⌟ (N.+-comm (1+ m) _)
     0              refl
     1+ _           refl
             0      refl
             1+ _   refl

  ·-assoc : Associative _·_
  ·-assoc = λ where
     0     _        _         refl
     1+ _   0     _         refl
     1+ _   1+ _   0      refl
     1+ m   1+ n   1+ _   cong ⌞_⌟ $
                                 N.*-assoc (1+ m) (1+ n) (1+ _)
     1+ _   1+ _           refl
     1+ _           0      refl
     1+ _           1+ _   refl
     1+ _                   refl
             0     _         refl
             1+ _   0      refl
             1+ _   1+ _   refl
             1+ _           refl
                     0      refl
                     1+ _   refl

  ·-distribˡ-+ : _·_ DistributesOverˡ _+_
  ·-distribˡ-+ = λ where
     0     _        _         refl
     1+ _   0      0      refl
     1+ _   0      1+ _   refl
     1+ _   0              refl
     1+ m   1+ n   0     
       1+ m  · ( 1+ n  +  0 )           ≡⟨⟩
       1+ m N.* (1+ n N.+ 0)                ≡⟨ cong ⌞_⌟ (N.*-distribˡ-+ (1+ m) (1+ _) 0) 
       1+ m N.* 1+ n N.+ 1+ m N.* 0         ≡⟨ cong  o   1+ m N.* 1+ n N.+ o ) (N.*-zeroʳ (1+ m)) 
       1+ m N.* 1+ n N.+ 0                  ≡⟨⟩
       1+ m  ·  1+ n  +  1+ m  ·  0   
     1+ m   1+ _   1+ _   cong ⌞_⌟ $
                                 N.*-distribˡ-+ (1+ m) (1+ _) (1+ _)
     1+ _   1+ _           refl
     1+ _           0      refl
     1+ _           1+ _   refl
     1+ _                   refl
             0      0      refl
             0      1+ _   refl
             0              refl
             1+ _   0      refl
             1+ _   1+ _   refl
             1+ _           refl
                     0      refl
                     1+ _   refl

  ·-distrib-+ : _·_ DistributesOver _+_
  ·-distrib-+ =
    ·-distribˡ-+ , comm+distrˡ⇒distrʳ ·-comm ·-distribˡ-+

  ∧-assoc : Associative _∧_
  ∧-assoc = λ where
     m   _   _   cong ⌞_⌟ (N.⊔-assoc m _ _)
     _   _        refl
     _       _      refl
         _     _      refl

  ∧-comm : Commutative _∧_
  ∧-comm = λ where
     0      0      refl
     1+ _   0      refl
     0      1+ _   refl
     1+ m   1+ _   cong ⌞_⌟ (N.⊔-comm (1+ m) (1+ _))
     0              refl
     1+ _           refl
             0      refl
             1+ _   refl

  ·-distribˡ-∧ : _·_ DistributesOverˡ _∧_
  ·-distribˡ-∧ = λ where
     0     _        _         refl
     1+ _   0      0      refl
     1+ _   0      1+ _   refl
     1+ _   0              refl
     1+ _   1+ _   0      refl
     1+ m   1+ n   1+ _   cong ⌞_⌟ $
                                 N.*-distribˡ-⊔ (1+ m) (1+ n) (1+ _)
     1+ _   1+ _           refl
     1+ _           0      refl
     1+ _           1+ _   refl
     1+ _                   refl
             0      0      refl
             0      1+ _   refl
             0              refl
             1+ _   0      refl
             1+ _   1+ _   refl
             1+ _           refl
                     0      refl
                     1+ _   refl

  ·-distrib-∧ : _·_ DistributesOver _∧_
  ·-distrib-∧ =
    ·-distribˡ-∧ , comm+distrˡ⇒distrʳ ·-comm ·-distribˡ-∧

  +-distribˡ-∧ : _+_ DistributesOverˡ _∧_
  +-distribˡ-∧ = λ where
     m   _   _   cong ⌞_⌟ (N.+-distribˡ-⊔ m _ _)
     _   _        refl
     _       _      refl
         _     _      refl

  +-distrib-∧ : _+_ DistributesOver _∧_
  +-distrib-∧ =
    +-distribˡ-∧ , comm+distrˡ⇒distrʳ +-comm +-distribˡ-∧

-- The semiring has a well-behaved zero.

ℕ⊎∞-has-well-behaved-zero :
  Has-well-behaved-zero ℕ⊎∞-semiring-with-meet
ℕ⊎∞-has-well-behaved-zero = record
  { 𝟙≢𝟘          = λ ()
  ; is-𝟘?        = _≟  0 
  ; zero-product = λ where
      {p =  0 } {q =  _ } _  inj₁ refl
      {p =  0 } {q = }     _  inj₁ refl
      {p =  _ } {q =  0 } _  inj₂ refl
      {p = }     {q =  0 } _  inj₂ refl
  ; +-positiveˡ  = λ where
      {p =  0 } {q =  _ } _  refl
  ; ∧-positiveˡ  = λ where
      {p =  0 }    {q =  _ } _   refl
      {p =  1+ _ } {q =  0 } ()

  module BS =
      ℕ⊎∞-semiring-with-meet _*  _  *≡+·*)  _  inj₁ ≤0)

-- A natrec-star operator for ℕ⊎∞ defined using the construction in
-- Graded.Modality.Instances.BoundedStar.

ℕ⊎∞-has-star-bounded-star : Has-star ℕ⊎∞-semiring-with-meet
ℕ⊎∞-has-star-bounded-star = BS.has-star

-- A natrec-star operator for ℕ⊎∞ defined using the construction in
-- Graded.Modality.Instances.LowerBounded.

ℕ⊎∞-has-star-lower-bounded : Has-star ℕ⊎∞-semiring-with-meet
ℕ⊎∞-has-star-lower-bounded =
  LowerBounded.has-star ℕ⊎∞-semiring-with-meet  ∞≤

-- The _⊛_▷_ operator of the second modality is equal to the _⊛_▷_
-- operator of the first modality for non-zero last arguments.

≢𝟘→⊛▷≡⊛▷ :
  let module HS₁ = Has-star ℕ⊎∞-has-star-bounded-star
      module HS₂ = Has-star ℕ⊎∞-has-star-lower-bounded
  o   0  
  m HS₁.⊛ n  o  m HS₂.⊛ n  o
≢𝟘→⊛▷≡⊛▷ {o = }        _   = refl
≢𝟘→⊛▷≡⊛▷ {o =  1+ _ } _   = refl
≢𝟘→⊛▷≡⊛▷ {o =  0 }    0≢0 = ⊥-elim (0≢0 refl)

-- The _⊛_▷_ operator of the second modality is bounded strictly by
-- the _⊛_▷_ operator of the first modality.

⊛▷<⊛▷ :
  let module HS₁ = Has-star ℕ⊎∞-has-star-bounded-star
      module HS₂ = Has-star ℕ⊎∞-has-star-lower-bounded
  (∀ m n o  m HS₂.⊛ n  o  m HS₁.⊛ n  o) ×
  (∃₃ λ m n o  m HS₂.⊛ n  o  m HS₁.⊛ n  o)
⊛▷<⊛▷ =
    BS.LowerBounded.⊛′≤⊛   _  refl)
  ,  1  ,  1  ,  0  ,  ())

-- A modality (of any kind) for ℕ⊎∞ defined using the construction in
-- Graded.Modality.Instances.BoundedStar.

ℕ⊎∞-modality : Modality-variant  Modality
ℕ⊎∞-modality variant =
     _  ℕ⊎∞-has-well-behaved-zero)
     _ _ _ _  +-decreasingˡ)

-- A property related to division

  module D = Graded.Modality.Properties.Division ℕ⊎∞-semiring-with-meet

-- The division operator is correctly defined.

/≡/ : m D./ n  m / n
/≡/ {m = }     {n = }        = refl , λ _ _  refl
/≡/ {m =  _ } {n = }        = ≤0   , λ {  0  _  refl }
/≡/             {n =  0 }    = ≤0   , λ _ _  refl
/≡/ {m = }     {n =  1+ _ } = refl , λ _ _  refl
/≡/ {m =  m } {n =  1+ n } =
        m                       ≤⟨ ⌞⌟-antitone (N.m/n*n≤m _ (1+ _)) 
        (m N./ 1+ n) N.* 1+ n   ≡⟨ cong ⌞_⌟ (N.*-comm _ (1+ n)) 
        1+ n N.* (m N./ 1+ n)   ≡˘⟨ ⌞⌟·⌞⌟≡⌞*⌟ 
        1+ n  ·  m N./ 1+ n   )
  , λ where
         m    1+ n  ·  o   ≡⟨ cong (_ ≤_) ⌞⌟·⌞⌟≡⌞*⌟ ⟩→
         m    1+ n N.* o     →⟨ ⌞⌟-antitone⁻¹ 
        1+ n N.* o N.≤ m          →⟨ N.*≤→≤/ 
        o N.≤ m N./ 1+ n          →⟨ ⌞⌟-antitone 
         m N./ 1+ n    o     
  open Graded.Modality.Properties.PartialOrder ℕ⊎∞-semiring-with-meet
  open Tools.Reasoning.PartialOrder ≤-poset

-- A lemma related to Graded.Modality.Instances.Recursive

open Graded.Modality.Instances.Recursive.Sequences

-- The family of sequences that Graded.Modality.Instances.Recursive is
-- about does not have the required fixpoints.

¬-Has-fixpoints-nr : ¬ Has-fixpoints-nr
¬-Has-fixpoints-nr =
  (∀ r   λ n   p q  nr (1+ n) p q r  nr n p q r)  →⟨  hyp  Σ.map idᶠ  f  f p q) (hyp r)) 
  ( λ n  nr (1+ n) p q r  nr n p q r)                →⟨ Σ.map idᶠ  {x = n}  trans (sym (increasing n))) 
  ( λ n   1  + nr n p q r  nr n p q r)             →⟨  (n , hyp) 
                                                              , subst  n   1  + n  n) (always-⌞⌟ n .proj₂) hyp) 
  ( λ n   1+ n    n )                            →⟨  { (_ , ()) }) 
  open module S = Semiring-with-meet ℕ⊎∞-semiring-with-meet using (𝟘; 𝟙)
  open Graded.Modality.Properties.Meet ℕ⊎∞-semiring-with-meet
  open Tools.Reasoning.PropositionalEquality

  r = 𝟙
  p = 𝟘
  q = 𝟙

  increasing :  n  nr (1+ n) p q r  𝟙 + nr n p q r
  increasing 0      = refl
  increasing (1+ n) =
    p  (q + r · nr (1+ n) p q r)   ≡⟨ largest→∧≡ʳ  _  ≤0) 
    q + r · nr (1+ n) p q r         ≡⟨ cong  n  q + r · n) (increasing n) 
    q + r · (𝟙 + nr n p q r)        ≡⟨ cong (q +_) (S.·-identityˡ _) 
    q + (𝟙 + nr n p q r)            ≡˘⟨ S.+-assoc _ _ _ 
    (q + 𝟙) + nr n p q r            ≡⟨ cong (_+ nr n p q r) (S.+-comm q _) 
    (𝟙 + q) + nr n p q r            ≡⟨ S.+-assoc _ _ _ 
    𝟙 + (q + nr n p q r)            ≡˘⟨ cong ((𝟙 +_) ∘→ (q +_)) (S.·-identityˡ _) 
    𝟙 + (q + r · nr n p q r)        ≡˘⟨ cong (𝟙 +_) (largest→∧≡ʳ  _  ≤0)) 
    𝟙 + (p  (q + r · nr n p q r))  

  always-⌞⌟ :  m   λ n  nr m p q r   n 
  always-⌞⌟ 0      = _ , refl
  always-⌞⌟ (1+ m) =
    case always-⌞⌟ m of λ {
      (n , eq) 
      1+ n
    , (nr (1+ m) p q r  ≡⟨ increasing m 
       𝟙 + nr m p q r   ≡⟨ cong (𝟙 +_) eq 
        1+ n          ) }

-- Instances of Full-reduction-assumptions

-- An instance of Modality-variant along with an instance of
-- Type-restrictions are suitable for the full reduction theorem if
-- whenever Σₚ-allowed m n holds, then m is ⌞ 1 ⌟, or m is ⌞ 0 ⌟ and
-- 𝟘ᵐ is allowed.

Suitable-for-full-reduction :
  Modality-variant  Type-restrictions  Set
Suitable-for-full-reduction variant TRs =
   m n  Σₚ-allowed m n  m   1   m   0  × T 𝟘ᵐ-allowed
  open Modality-variant variant
  open Type-restrictions TRs

-- Given an instance of Modality-variant and an instance of
-- Type-restrictions one can create a "suitable" instance of
-- Type-restrictions.

suitable-for-full-reduction :
  (variant : Modality-variant)  Type-restrictions 
   (Suitable-for-full-reduction variant)
suitable-for-full-reduction variant TRs =
    record TRs
      { ΠΣ-allowed = λ b m n 
          ΠΣ-allowed b m n ×
          (m   1   m   0  × T 𝟘ᵐ-allowed)
  ,  _ _ (_ , ok)  ok)
  open Modality-variant variant
  open Type-restrictions TRs

-- The full reduction assumptions hold for ℕ⊎∞-modality variant and
-- any "suitable" Type-restrictions.

full-reduction-assumptions :
  Suitable-for-full-reduction variant TRs 
  Full-reduction-assumptions (ℕ⊎∞-modality variant) TRs
full-reduction-assumptions ok = record
  { 𝟙≤𝟘    = λ _  refl
  ; ≡𝟙⊎𝟙≤𝟘 = ⊎.map idᶠ  (p≡⌞0⌟ , ok)  p≡⌞0⌟ , ok , refl) ∘→ ok _ _