-- Definitions related to type and usage restrictions

module Graded.Restrictions {a} {M : Set a} where

open import Tools.Bool
open import Tools.Function
open import Tools.Level
open import Tools.Product
open import Tools.PropositionalEquality
open import Tools.Unit

open import Graded.Modality M
open import Graded.Usage.Restrictions M

open import Definition.Typed.Restrictions M

-- No type restrictions.

no-type-restrictions : Type-restrictions
no-type-restrictions = λ where
    .Unit-allowed  Lift _ 
    .ΠΣ-allowed    λ _ _ _  Lift _ 
  open Type-restrictions

-- No usage restrictions.

no-usage-restrictions : Usage-restrictions
no-usage-restrictions = λ where
    .Prodrec-allowed  λ _ _ _  Lift _ 
  open Usage-restrictions

-- The function adds the restriction that the two quantities on a Π-
-- or Σ-type have to be equal.

equal-binder-quantities : Type-restrictions  Type-restrictions
equal-binder-quantities R = record R
  { ΠΣ-allowed = λ b p q  ΠΣ-allowed b p q × p  q
  open Type-restrictions R

-- The function adds the restriction that the second quantities
-- associated with Π- and Σ-types are equal to 𝟘.

second-ΠΣ-quantities-𝟘 :
  Modality  Type-restrictions  Type-restrictions
second-ΠΣ-quantities-𝟘 𝕄 R = record R
  { ΠΣ-allowed = λ b p q  ΠΣ-allowed b p q × q  𝟘
  open Modality 𝕄
  open Type-restrictions R

-- The function second-ΠΣ-quantities-𝟘-or-ω ω 𝕄 adds the restriction
-- that if the first quantity associated with a Π- or Σ-type is ω,
-- then the second quantity is also ω, and if the first quantity is
-- not ω, then the second quantity is the 𝟘 of 𝕄.

second-ΠΣ-quantities-𝟘-or-ω :
  M  Modality  Type-restrictions  Type-restrictions
second-ΠΣ-quantities-𝟘-or-ω ω 𝕄 R = record R
  { ΠΣ-allowed = λ b p q 
      ΠΣ-allowed b p q ×
      (p  ω  q  ω) ×
      (p  ω  q  𝟘)
  open Modality 𝕄
  open Type-restrictions R

-- The property of not allowing erased matches.
-- "Erased" matches are allowed for trivial modalities.

No-erased-matches : Modality  Usage-restrictions  Set a
No-erased-matches 𝕄 R =
  𝟙  𝟘   {r p q}  Prodrec-allowed r p q  r  𝟘
  open Modality 𝕄
  open Usage-restrictions R

-- The function adds the restriction that erased matches are not
-- allowed (for non-trivial modalities).

no-erased-matches : Modality  Usage-restrictions  Usage-restrictions
no-erased-matches 𝕄 R = record R
  { Prodrec-allowed = λ r p q 
      Prodrec-allowed r p q × (𝟙  𝟘  r  𝟘)
  open Modality 𝕄
  open Usage-restrictions R

-- The modalities obtained from no-erased-matches satisfy
-- No-erased-matches.

No-erased-matches-no-erased-matches :
   𝕄 R  No-erased-matches 𝕄 (no-erased-matches 𝕄 R)
  𝕄 R 𝟙≢𝟘 {r = r} {p = p} {q = q} =
  Prodrec-allowed r p q × (𝟙  𝟘  r  𝟘)  →⟨ proj₂ 
  (𝟙  𝟘  r  𝟘)                          →⟨ _$ 𝟙≢𝟘 
  r  𝟘                                    
  open Modality 𝕄
  open Usage-restrictions R