-- Properties of substitution matrices.

import Graded.Modality
open import Graded.Usage.Restrictions

module Graded.Substitution.Properties
  {a} {M : Set a}
  (open Graded.Modality M)
  (𝕄 : Modality)
  (R : Usage-restrictions M)

open Modality 𝕄

open import Graded.Context 𝕄
open import Graded.Context.Properties 𝕄
open import Graded.Substitution 𝕄 R
open import Graded.Modality.Dedicated-star 𝕄
open import Graded.Modality.Natrec-star-instances
open import Graded.Modality.Properties 𝕄
open import Graded.Usage 𝕄 R
open import Graded.Usage.Properties 𝕄 R
open import Graded.Usage.Weakening 𝕄 R
open import Graded.Mode 𝕄
open import Definition.Untyped M renaming (_[_,_] to _[_,,_])

open import Tools.Bool using (T)
open import Tools.Fin
open import Tools.Function
open import Tools.Nat using (Nat)
open import Tools.Nullary
open import Tools.Product
open import Tools.PropositionalEquality as PE
import Tools.Reasoning.Equivalence
import Tools.Reasoning.PartialOrder
import Tools.Reasoning.PropositionalEquality
import Tools.Relation
open import Tools.Sum using (_⊎_; inj₁; inj₂)

     m n : Nat
    x y : Fin n
    γ γ′ δ η θ χ : Conₘ n
    t u u′ : Term n
    σ : Subst m n
    p q r : M
    mo : Mode
    mos mos₁ mos₂ : Mode-vector n

-- Properties of <* --

-- Modality substitution application distributes over addition.
-- (γ +ᶜ δ) <* Ψ ≡ γ <* Ψ +ᶜ δ <* Ψ.
-- Proof by induciton on Ψ using identity, commutativity and associtivity of addition
-- and distributivity of multiplication over addition.

<*-distrib-+ᶜ : (Ψ : Substₘ m n) (γ δ : Conₘ n)  (γ +ᶜ δ) <* Ψ ≈ᶜ γ <* Ψ +ᶜ δ <* Ψ
<*-distrib-+ᶜ []       ε       ε      = ≈ᶜ-sym (+ᶜ-identityˡ 𝟘ᶜ)
<*-distrib-+ᶜ (Ψ  η) (γ  p) (δ  q) = begin
  ((γ  p) +ᶜ (δ  q)) <* (Ψ  η)
    ≈⟨ +ᶜ-cong (·ᶜ-distribʳ-+ᶜ p q η) (<*-distrib-+ᶜ Ψ γ δ) 
  (p ·ᶜ η +ᶜ q ·ᶜ η) +ᶜ γ <* Ψ +ᶜ δ <* Ψ
    ≈⟨ +ᶜ-congˡ (+ᶜ-comm (γ <* Ψ) (δ <* Ψ)) 
  (p ·ᶜ η +ᶜ q ·ᶜ η) +ᶜ δ <* Ψ +ᶜ γ <* Ψ
    ≈⟨ +ᶜ-assoc (p ·ᶜ η) (q ·ᶜ η) (δ <* Ψ +ᶜ γ <* Ψ) 
  p ·ᶜ η +ᶜ q ·ᶜ η +ᶜ δ <* Ψ +ᶜ γ <* Ψ
    ≈⟨ +ᶜ-comm (p ·ᶜ η) (q ·ᶜ η +ᶜ δ <* Ψ +ᶜ γ <* Ψ) 
  (q ·ᶜ η +ᶜ δ <* Ψ +ᶜ γ <* Ψ) +ᶜ p ·ᶜ η
    ≈⟨ +ᶜ-assoc _ _ _ 
  q ·ᶜ η +ᶜ (δ <* Ψ +ᶜ γ <* Ψ) +ᶜ p ·ᶜ η
    ≈⟨ +ᶜ-congˡ (+ᶜ-assoc (δ <* Ψ) (γ <* Ψ) (p ·ᶜ η)) 
  q ·ᶜ η +ᶜ δ <* Ψ +ᶜ γ <* Ψ +ᶜ p ·ᶜ η
    ≈˘⟨ +ᶜ-assoc _ _ _ 
  (q ·ᶜ η +ᶜ δ <* Ψ) +ᶜ γ <* Ψ +ᶜ p ·ᶜ η
    ≈⟨ +ᶜ-congˡ (+ᶜ-comm (γ <* Ψ) (p ·ᶜ η)) 
  (q ·ᶜ η +ᶜ δ <* Ψ) +ᶜ p ·ᶜ η +ᶜ γ <* Ψ
    ≈⟨ +ᶜ-comm _ _ 
  ((p ·ᶜ η +ᶜ γ <* Ψ) +ᶜ q ·ᶜ η +ᶜ δ <* Ψ) 
  where open Tools.Reasoning.Equivalence Conₘ-setoid

-- Modality substitution application distributes over context scaling.
-- (pγ) <* Ψ ≡ p ·ᶜ (γ <* Ψ).
-- Proof by induction on Ψ using zero and associtivity of multiplication,
-- and distributivity of multiplication over addition.

<*-distrib-·ᶜ : (Ψ : Substₘ m n) (p : M) (γ : Conₘ n)
               (p ·ᶜ γ) <* Ψ ≈ᶜ p ·ᶜ (γ <* Ψ)
<*-distrib-·ᶜ [] p ε = ≈ᶜ-sym (·ᶜ-zeroʳ p)
<*-distrib-·ᶜ (Ψ  δ) p (γ  q) = begin
  (p · q) ·ᶜ δ +ᶜ (p ·ᶜ γ) <* Ψ  ≈⟨ +ᶜ-cong (·ᶜ-assoc p q δ) (<*-distrib-·ᶜ Ψ p γ) 
  p ·ᶜ (q ·ᶜ δ) +ᶜ p ·ᶜ (γ <* Ψ) ≈˘⟨ ·ᶜ-distribˡ-+ᶜ p (q ·ᶜ δ) (γ <* Ψ) 
  p ·ᶜ (q ·ᶜ δ +ᶜ γ <* Ψ)        
  where open Tools.Reasoning.Equivalence Conₘ-setoid

-- Modality substitution application is linear, i.e. distributes over addition and scaling.
-- (pγ +ᶜ qδ) <* Ψ ≡ p ·ᶜ (γ <* Ψ) +ᶜ q ·ᶜ (δ <* Ψ).
-- Follows from the distributivity over addition and multiplication.

<*-linear : (Ψ : Substₘ m n) (p q : M) (γ δ : Conₘ n)
           (p ·ᶜ γ +ᶜ q ·ᶜ δ) <* Ψ ≈ᶜ p ·ᶜ γ <* Ψ +ᶜ q ·ᶜ δ <* Ψ
<*-linear Ψ p q γ δ = begin
  (p ·ᶜ γ +ᶜ q ·ᶜ δ) <* Ψ        ≈⟨ <*-distrib-+ᶜ Ψ (p ·ᶜ γ) (q ·ᶜ δ) 
  (p ·ᶜ γ) <* Ψ +ᶜ (q ·ᶜ δ) <* Ψ ≈⟨ +ᶜ-cong (<*-distrib-·ᶜ Ψ p γ) (<*-distrib-·ᶜ Ψ q δ) 
  (p ·ᶜ γ <* Ψ +ᶜ q ·ᶜ δ <* Ψ)   
  where open Tools.Reasoning.Equivalence Conₘ-setoid

<*-sub-distrib-∧ᶜ : (Ψ : Substₘ m n) (γ δ : Conₘ n)  (γ ∧ᶜ δ) <* Ψ ≤ᶜ γ <* Ψ ∧ᶜ δ <* Ψ
<*-sub-distrib-∧ᶜ [] ε ε = begin
  𝟘ᶜ        ≈˘⟨ ∧ᶜ-idem _ 
  𝟘ᶜ ∧ᶜ 𝟘ᶜ  
  open Tools.Reasoning.PartialOrder ≤ᶜ-poset
<*-sub-distrib-∧ᶜ (Ψ  η) (γ  p) (δ  q) = begin
  (p  q) ·ᶜ η +ᶜ (γ ∧ᶜ δ) <* Ψ             ≤⟨ +ᶜ-monotone (≤ᶜ-reflexive (·ᶜ-distribʳ-∧ᶜ _ _ _))
                                                          (<*-sub-distrib-∧ᶜ Ψ γ δ) 
  (p ·ᶜ η ∧ᶜ q ·ᶜ η) +ᶜ (γ <* Ψ ∧ᶜ δ <* Ψ)  ≤⟨ +ᶜ-sub-interchangeable-∧ᶜ _ _ _ _ 
  (p ·ᶜ η +ᶜ γ <* Ψ) ∧ᶜ q ·ᶜ η +ᶜ δ <* Ψ    
  open Tools.Reasoning.PartialOrder ≤ᶜ-poset

-- Modality substitution application sub-distributes over the two first arguments of ⊛ᶜ
-- γ ⊛ᶜ δ ▷ r <* Ψ ≤ (γ <* Ψ) ⊛ (δ <* Ψ) ▷ r
-- Proof by induction on Ψ using sub-distributivity and interchange properties of ⊛ᶜ

<*-sub-distrib-⊛ᶜ :
   has-star : Has-star semiring-with-meet  
  (Ψ : Substₘ m n) (γ δ : Conₘ n) (r : M) 
  (γ ⊛ᶜ δ  r) <* Ψ ≤ᶜ (γ <* Ψ) ⊛ᶜ (δ <* Ψ)  r
<*-sub-distrib-⊛ᶜ [] ε ε r = ≤ᶜ-reflexive (≈ᶜ-sym (⊛ᶜ-idem-𝟘ᶜ r))
<*-sub-distrib-⊛ᶜ (Ψ  η) (γ  p) (δ  q) r = begin
  ((γ  p) ⊛ᶜ (δ  q)  r) <* (Ψ  η)
  (γ ⊛ᶜ δ  r  p  q  r) <* (Ψ  η)
  p  q  r ·ᶜ η +ᶜ (γ ⊛ᶜ δ  r) <* Ψ
      ≤⟨ +ᶜ-monotone (·ᶜ-sub-distribʳ-⊛ p q r η) (<*-sub-distrib-⊛ᶜ Ψ γ δ r) 
  (p ·ᶜ η) ⊛ᶜ (q ·ᶜ η)  r +ᶜ (γ <* Ψ) ⊛ᶜ (δ <* Ψ)  r
      ≤⟨ +ᶜ-sub-interchangeable-⊛ᶜ r (p ·ᶜ η) (q ·ᶜ η) (γ <* Ψ) (δ <* Ψ) 
  (p ·ᶜ η +ᶜ γ <* Ψ) ⊛ᶜ (q ·ᶜ η +ᶜ δ <* Ψ)  r
  ((γ  p) <* (Ψ  η)) ⊛ᶜ ((δ  q) <* (Ψ  η))  r 
  where open Tools.Reasoning.PartialOrder ≤ᶜ-poset

--- The zero-context is a left zero to modality substitution application.
-- 𝟘ᶜ <* Ψ ≡ 𝟘ᶜ.
-- Proof by induction on Ψ using zero of multiplication and identity of addition.

<*-zeroˡ : (Ψ : Substₘ m n)  𝟘ᶜ <* Ψ ≈ᶜ 𝟘ᶜ
<*-zeroˡ []      = ≈ᶜ-refl
<*-zeroˡ (Ψ  γ) = begin
  𝟘ᶜ <* (Ψ  γ)       ≡⟨⟩
  𝟘 ·ᶜ γ +ᶜ (𝟘ᶜ <* Ψ) ≈⟨ +ᶜ-cong (·ᶜ-zeroˡ γ) (<*-zeroˡ Ψ) 
  𝟘ᶜ +ᶜ 𝟘ᶜ            ≈⟨ +ᶜ-identityˡ 𝟘ᶜ 
  where open Tools.Reasoning.Equivalence Conₘ-setoid

-- The substitution family εₘ is a kind of right zero for _<*_.

<*-zeroʳ : (γ : Conₘ n)  γ <* εₘ ≈ᶜ ε
<*-zeroʳ ε       = ε
<*-zeroʳ (γ  p) = begin
  ε +ᶜ γ <* εₘ  ≈⟨ +ᶜ-congˡ (<*-zeroʳ γ) 
  ε +ᶜ ε        ≈⟨ +ᶜ-identityˡ _ 
  open Tools.Reasoning.Equivalence Conₘ-setoid

-- Modality substitution application is a monotone function.
-- If γ ≤ᶜ δ, then γ <* Ψ ≤ᶜ δ <* Ψ.
-- Proof by induction on Ψ using monotonicity of addition and multiplication.

<*-monotone : {γ δ : Conₘ n} (Ψ : Substₘ m n)  γ ≤ᶜ δ  γ <* Ψ ≤ᶜ δ <* Ψ
<*-monotone {γ = ε} {ε} [] γ≤δ = ≤ᶜ-refl
<*-monotone {γ = γ  p} {δ  q} (Ψ  η) (γ≤δ  p≤q) =
  +ᶜ-monotone (·ᶜ-monotoneˡ p≤q) (<*-monotone Ψ γ≤δ)

-- The function  <*_Ψ preserves equivalence.

<*-cong : (Ψ : Substₘ m n)  γ ≈ᶜ δ  γ <* Ψ ≈ᶜ δ <* Ψ
<*-cong Ψ γ≈ᶜδ = ≤ᶜ-antisym
  (<*-monotone Ψ (≤ᶜ-reflexive γ≈ᶜδ))
  (<*-monotone Ψ (≤ᶜ-reflexive (≈ᶜ-sym γ≈ᶜδ)))

-- Matrix/vector multiplication is associative.
-- γ <* (Ψ <*> Φ) ≡ (γ <* Φ) <* Ψ.
-- Proof by induction on γ using linearity of matrix multiplication.

<*-<*>-assoc : { m n : Nat} (Ψ : Substₘ m n) (Φ : Substₘ n ) (γ : Conₘ )
              γ <* (Ψ <*> Φ) ≈ᶜ (γ <* Φ) <* Ψ
<*-<*>-assoc Ψ [] ε = ≈ᶜ-sym (<*-zeroˡ Ψ)
<*-<*>-assoc Ψ (Φ  δ) (γ  p) = begin
  p ·ᶜ (δ <* Ψ) +ᶜ γ <* (Ψ <*> Φ) ≈⟨ +ᶜ-cong (≈ᶜ-sym (<*-distrib-·ᶜ Ψ p δ)) (<*-<*>-assoc Ψ Φ γ) 
  (p ·ᶜ δ) <* Ψ +ᶜ (γ <* Φ) <* Ψ  ≈˘⟨ <*-distrib-+ᶜ Ψ (p ·ᶜ δ) (γ <* Φ) 
  (p ·ᶜ δ +ᶜ γ <* Φ) <* Ψ        
  where open Tools.Reasoning.Equivalence Conₘ-setoid

-- A corollary.

·ᶜ-<*-𝟘ᶜ,≔𝟙 :
  (Ψ : Substₘ m n) 
  p ·ᶜ (𝟘ᶜ , x  𝟙) <* Ψ ≈ᶜ (𝟘ᶜ , x  p) <* Ψ
·ᶜ-<*-𝟘ᶜ,≔𝟙 {p = p} {x = x} Ψ = begin
  p ·ᶜ (𝟘ᶜ , x  𝟙) <* Ψ      ≈˘⟨ <*-distrib-·ᶜ Ψ _ (𝟘ᶜ , x  𝟙) 
  (p ·ᶜ (𝟘ᶜ , x  𝟙)) <* Ψ    ≡˘⟨ cong (_<* Ψ) (update-distrib-·ᶜ 𝟘ᶜ p 𝟙 x) 
  (p ·ᶜ 𝟘ᶜ , x  p · 𝟙) <* Ψ  ≈⟨ <*-cong Ψ (update-cong (·ᶜ-zeroʳ _) (·-identityʳ _)) 
  (𝟘ᶜ , x  p) <* Ψ           
  open Tools.Reasoning.Equivalence Conₘ-setoid

-- Properties of specific substitutions --

-- Application of a shifted substitution.
-- γ <* wk1Substₘ Ψ ≡ (γ <* Ψ) ∙ 𝟘.
-- Proof by induction on γ using identity of addition and zero of multiplication

wk1Substₘ-app : (Ψ : Substₘ m n) (γ : Conₘ n)  γ <* wk1Substₘ Ψ ≈ᶜ (γ <* Ψ)  𝟘
wk1Substₘ-app [] ε            = ≈ᶜ-refl
wk1Substₘ-app (Ψ  δ) (γ  p) = begin
  (γ  p) <* wk1Substₘ (Ψ  δ) ≡⟨⟩
  ((p ·ᶜ δ)  (p · 𝟘)) +ᶜ γ <* wk1Substₘ Ψ
      ≈⟨ +ᶜ-cong (≈ᶜ-refl  (·-zeroʳ p)) (wk1Substₘ-app Ψ γ) 
  ((p ·ᶜ δ)  𝟘) +ᶜ ((γ <* Ψ)  𝟘)
  (p ·ᶜ δ) +ᶜ (γ <* Ψ)  (𝟘 + 𝟘)
     ≈⟨ ≈ᶜ-refl  (+-identityˡ 𝟘) 
  ((γ  p) <* (Ψ  δ))  𝟘         
  where open Tools.Reasoning.Equivalence Conₘ-setoid

-- Application of a lifted substitution.
-- (γ ∙ p) <* liftSubstₘ Ψ ≡ (γ <* Ψ) ∙ p.
-- Proof by induction on γ using lemma on application of a shifted substitution.

liftSubstₘ-app : (Ψ : Substₘ m n) (γ : Conₘ n) (p : M)
                (γ  p) <* liftSubstₘ Ψ ≈ᶜ (γ <* Ψ)  p
liftSubstₘ-app [] ε p = begin
  (ε  p) <* liftSubstₘ []   ≡⟨⟩
  (ε  p) <* ([]  (𝟘ᶜ  𝟙)) ≡⟨⟩
  p ·ᶜ (𝟘ᶜ  𝟙) +ᶜ 𝟘ᶜ         ≡⟨⟩
  ((p ·ᶜ 𝟘ᶜ)  (p · 𝟙)) +ᶜ 𝟘ᶜ ≈⟨ +ᶜ-identityʳ _ 
  (p ·ᶜ 𝟘ᶜ)  (p · 𝟙)        ≈⟨ (·ᶜ-zeroʳ p)  (·-identityʳ p) 
  𝟘ᶜ  p                     ≡⟨⟩
  (ε <* [])  p 
  where open Tools.Reasoning.Equivalence Conₘ-setoid

liftSubstₘ-app (Ψ  η) γ p = begin
  (γ  p) <* liftSubstₘ (Ψ  η)
  (γ  p) <* (wk1Substₘ (Ψ  η)  (𝟘ᶜ  𝟙))
  p ·ᶜ (𝟘ᶜ  𝟙) +ᶜ (γ <* wk1Substₘ (Ψ  η))
     ≈⟨ +ᶜ-cong ((·ᶜ-zeroʳ p)  (·-identityʳ p)) (wk1Substₘ-app (Ψ  η) γ) 
  (𝟘ᶜ  p) +ᶜ ((γ <* (Ψ  η))  𝟘)
     ≈⟨ (+ᶜ-identityˡ (γ <* (Ψ  η)))  (+-identityʳ p) 
  (γ <* (Ψ  η))  p 
  where open Tools.Reasoning.Equivalence Conₘ-setoid

-- The identity matrix is a left identity to substitution application.
-- γ <* idSubstₘ ≡ γ.
-- Proof by identity of addition, multiplication and matrix multiplication,
-- zero of multiplication and lemma on the application of shifted substitution matrices.

<*-identityˡ : (γ : Conₘ n)  γ <* idSubstₘ ≈ᶜ γ
<*-identityˡ ε       = ≈ᶜ-refl
<*-identityˡ (γ  p) = begin
  (γ  p) <* idSubstₘ ≡⟨⟩
  ((p ·ᶜ 𝟘ᶜ)  (p · 𝟙)) +ᶜ (γ <* wk1Substₘ idSubstₘ)
    ≈⟨ +ᶜ-cong ((·ᶜ-zeroʳ p)  (·-identityʳ p)) (wk1Substₘ-app idSubstₘ γ) 
  ((𝟘ᶜ  p) +ᶜ ((γ <* idSubstₘ)  𝟘))
    ≈⟨ (+ᶜ-identityˡ _)  (+-identityʳ p) 
  (γ <* idSubstₘ)  p
    ≈⟨ (<*-identityˡ γ)  refl 
  γ  p 
  where open Tools.Reasoning.Equivalence Conₘ-setoid

-- Well-formed substitutions --

-- The substitution of a single variable is well-formed if the
-- substituted term is suitably well-resourced.

wf-sgSubstₘ :
   mo  ·ᶜ γ ▸[ mo ] u  sgSubstₘ γ ▶[ consᵐ mo mos ] sgSubst u
wf-sgSubstₘ {mo = mo} {γ = γ} γ▸u x0 = sub
      mo  ·ᶜ γ +ᶜ 𝟘ᶜ <* idSubstₘ  ≈⟨ +ᶜ-congˡ (<*-identityˡ 𝟘ᶜ) 
      mo  ·ᶜ γ +ᶜ 𝟘ᶜ              ≈⟨ +ᶜ-identityʳ _ 
      mo  ·ᶜ γ                    )
  open Tools.Reasoning.PartialOrder ≤ᶜ-poset
wf-sgSubstₘ {γ = γ} {mos = mos} _ (x +1) = sub
     𝟘 ·ᶜ γ +ᶜ (𝟘ᶜ , x   mos x ) <* idSubstₘ  ≈⟨ +ᶜ-cong (·ᶜ-zeroˡ γ) (<*-identityˡ _) 
     𝟘ᶜ +ᶜ (𝟘ᶜ , x   mos x )                  ≈⟨ +ᶜ-identityˡ _ 
     𝟘ᶜ , x   mos x                           )
  open Tools.Reasoning.PartialOrder ≤ᶜ-poset

-- The one-step weakening of a well-formed substitution is
-- well-formed.

wf-wk1Substₘ : (Ψ : Substₘ m n) (σ : Subst m n)
              Ψ ▶[ mos ] σ  wk1Substₘ Ψ ▶[ mos ] wk1Subst σ
wf-wk1Substₘ Ψ σ Ψ▶σ x =
  sub (wkUsage (step id) (Ψ▶σ x)) (≤ᶜ-reflexive (wk1Substₘ-app Ψ (𝟘ᶜ , x  _)))

-- The one-step lift of a well-formed substitution is well-formed.

wf-liftSubstₘ :
  {Ψ : Substₘ m n} 
  Ψ ▶[ mos ] σ  liftSubstₘ Ψ ▶[ consᵐ mo mos ] liftSubst σ
wf-liftSubstₘ {mo = mo} {Ψ = Ψ} _ x0 = sub
     ( mo  ·ᶜ 𝟘ᶜ   mo  · 𝟙) +ᶜ 𝟘ᶜ <* wk1Substₘ Ψ  ≈⟨ +ᶜ-cong (·ᶜ-zeroʳ _  ·-identityʳ _) (<*-zeroˡ (wk1Substₘ Ψ)) 
     (𝟘ᶜ   mo ) +ᶜ 𝟘ᶜ                               ≈⟨ +ᶜ-identityʳ _ 
     𝟘ᶜ   mo                                        ≡⟨⟩
     𝟘ᶜ , x0   mo                                   )
  open Tools.Reasoning.PartialOrder ≤ᶜ-poset
wf-liftSubstₘ {mos = mos} {Ψ = Ψ} Ψ▶σ (x +1) = sub
  (wf-wk1Substₘ Ψ _ Ψ▶σ x)
    (𝟘 ·ᶜ 𝟘ᶜ  𝟘 · 𝟙) +ᶜ (𝟘ᶜ , x   mos x ) <* wk1Substₘ Ψ  ≈⟨ +ᶜ-congʳ (·ᶜ-zeroʳ _  ·-zeroˡ _) 
    𝟘ᶜ +ᶜ (𝟘ᶜ , x   mos x ) <* wk1Substₘ Ψ                 ≈⟨ +ᶜ-identityˡ _ 
    (𝟘ᶜ , x   mos x ) <* wk1Substₘ Ψ                       )
  open Tools.Reasoning.PartialOrder ≤ᶜ-poset

-- The extension of a well-formed substitution with a suitably
-- well-resourced term is a well-formed substitution.

wf-consSubstₘ :
  {Ψ : Substₘ m n} {γ : Conₘ m} 
  Ψ ▶[ mos ] σ   mo  ·ᶜ γ ▸[ mo ] t 
  Ψ  γ ▶[ consᵐ mo mos ] consSubst σ t
wf-consSubstₘ {mo = mo} {Ψ = Ψ} {γ = γ} Ψ▶σ γ▸t x0 = sub
      mo  ·ᶜ γ +ᶜ 𝟘ᶜ <* Ψ ≈⟨ +ᶜ-congˡ (<*-zeroˡ Ψ) 
      mo  ·ᶜ γ +ᶜ 𝟘ᶜ       ≈⟨ +ᶜ-identityʳ _ 
      mo  ·ᶜ γ             )
  open Tools.Reasoning.PartialOrder ≤ᶜ-poset
wf-consSubstₘ {mos = mos} {Ψ = Ψ} {γ = γ} Ψ▶σ γ▸t (x +1) = sub
  (Ψ▶σ x)
     𝟘 ·ᶜ γ +ᶜ (𝟘ᶜ , x   mos x ) <* Ψ ≈⟨ +ᶜ-congʳ (·ᶜ-zeroˡ _) 
     𝟘ᶜ +ᶜ (𝟘ᶜ , x   mos x ) <* Ψ     ≈⟨ +ᶜ-identityˡ _ 
     (𝟘ᶜ , x   mos x ) <* Ψ           )
  open Tools.Reasoning.PartialOrder ≤ᶜ-poset

-- The tail of a well-formed substitution is a well-formed
-- substitution.

wf-tailSubstₘ :
  {Ψ : Substₘ m n} 
  (Ψ  γ) ▶[ mos ] σ  Ψ ▶[ tailᵐ mos ] tail σ
wf-tailSubstₘ Ψ▶σ x =
  sub (Ψ▶σ (x +1))
      (≤ᶜ-reflexive (≈ᶜ-sym (≈ᶜ-trans (+ᶜ-congʳ (·ᶜ-zeroˡ _)) (+ᶜ-identityˡ _))))

-- A preservation lemma for _▶[_]_.

▶-cong :
  (Ψ : Substₘ m n) 
  (∀ x  mos₁ x  mos₂ x)  Ψ ▶[ mos₁ ] σ  Ψ ▶[ mos₂ ] σ
▶-cong Ψ mos₁≡mos₂ Ψ▶ x0 =
  PE.subst  mo  (𝟘ᶜ   mo ) <* Ψ ▸[ mo ] _) (mos₁≡mos₂ x0) (Ψ▶ x0)
▶-cong {mos₁ = mos₁} {mos₂ = mos₂} (Ψ  γ) mos₁≡mos₂ Ψ⊙▶ (x +1) = sub
  (▶-cong Ψ  x  mos₁≡mos₂ (x +1))
     x  sub (Ψ⊙▶ (x +1)) (≤ᶜ-reflexive (≈ᶜ-sym (lemma mos₁ x))))
  (≤ᶜ-reflexive (lemma mos₂ x))
  open Tools.Reasoning.Equivalence Conₘ-setoid

  lemma = λ mos x  begin
     𝟘 ·ᶜ γ +ᶜ (𝟘ᶜ , x   mos (x +1) ) <* Ψ  ≈⟨ +ᶜ-congʳ (·ᶜ-zeroˡ _) 
     𝟘ᶜ +ᶜ (𝟘ᶜ , x   mos (x +1) ) <* Ψ      ≈⟨ +ᶜ-identityˡ _ 
     (𝟘ᶜ , x   mos (x +1) ) <* Ψ            

-- Another preservation lemma for _▶[_]_.

▶-≤ :
  (Ψ : Substₘ m n) 
  γ ≤ᶜ δ  Ψ ▶[  γ ⌟ᶜ ] σ  Ψ ▶[  δ ⌟ᶜ ] σ
▶-≤ Ψ γ≤δ Ψ▶ x = sub
  (▸-≤ (lookup-monotone _ γ≤δ)
     (sub (Ψ▶ x) (≤ᶜ-reflexive (·ᶜ-<*-𝟘ᶜ,≔𝟙 Ψ))))
  (≤ᶜ-reflexive (≈ᶜ-sym (·ᶜ-<*-𝟘ᶜ,≔𝟙 Ψ)))

-- A preservation lemma for _▶[_]_ that holds if 𝟘ᵐ is not allowed.

▶-without-𝟘ᵐ :
  (Ψ : Substₘ m n) 
  ¬ T 𝟘ᵐ-allowed 
  Ψ ▶[ mos₁ ] σ  Ψ ▶[ mos₂ ] σ
▶-without-𝟘ᵐ Ψ not-ok =
  ▶-cong Ψ  _  Mode-propositional-without-𝟘ᵐ not-ok)

-- An inversion lemma for _▶[_]_ related to multiplication.

▶-⌞·⌟ :
  (Ψ : Substₘ m n) (γ : Conₘ n) 
  Ψ ▶[  p ·ᶜ γ ⌟ᶜ ] σ 
  (p  𝟘 × T 𝟘ᵐ-allowed)  (Ψ ▶[  γ ⌟ᶜ ] σ)
▶-⌞·⌟ {p = p} {σ = σ} Ψ γ Ψ▶ = 𝟘ᵐ-allowed-elim
   ok  case is-𝟘? ok p of λ where
     (yes p≡𝟘)  inj₁ (p≡𝟘 , ok)
     (no p≢𝟘)   inj₂ λ x 
       case ▸-⌞·⌟
         (sub (▸-cong (cong ⌞_⌟ (lookup-distrib-·ᶜ γ _ _)) (Ψ▶ x))
                 p · γ  x    ·ᶜ (𝟘ᶜ , x  𝟙) <* Ψ  ≈⟨ ·ᶜ-<*-𝟘ᶜ,≔𝟙 Ψ 
               (𝟘ᶜ , x    p · γ  x   ) <* Ψ      ≡˘⟨ cong  p  (𝟘ᶜ , x    p  ) <* Ψ)
                                                                (lookup-distrib-·ᶜ γ _ _) 
               (𝟘ᶜ , x    p ·ᶜ γ ⌟ᶜ x ) <* Ψ         ))
       of λ where
         (inj₂ ▸γx)  sub ▸γx (≤ᶜ-reflexive (≈ᶜ-sym (·ᶜ-<*-𝟘ᶜ,≔𝟙 Ψ)))
         (inj₁ ▸p)   lemma _ _ _ (≢𝟘→⌞⌟≡𝟙ᵐ p≢𝟘) ▸p)
   not-ok  inj₂ (▶-without-𝟘ᵐ Ψ not-ok Ψ▶))
  open Tools.Reasoning.PartialOrder ≤ᶜ-poset

  lemma :
     mo₁ mo₂ x 
    mo₁  𝟙ᵐ 
     mo₁  ·ᶜ (𝟘ᶜ , x  𝟙) <* Ψ ▸[ mo₁ ] t 
    (𝟘ᶜ , x   mo₂ ) <* Ψ ▸[ mo₂ ] t
  lemma 𝟙ᵐ 𝟘ᵐ x _ ▸t = sub (▸-𝟘 ▸t)
       (𝟘ᶜ , x  𝟘) <* Ψ  ≡⟨ cong (_<* Ψ) 𝟘ᶜ,≔𝟘 
       𝟘ᶜ <* Ψ            ≈⟨ <*-zeroˡ Ψ 
       𝟘ᶜ                 )
  lemma 𝟙ᵐ 𝟙ᵐ x _ ▸t = sub ▸t
       (𝟘ᶜ , x  𝟙) <* Ψ       ≈˘⟨ ·ᶜ-identityˡ _ 
       𝟙 ·ᶜ (𝟘ᶜ , x  𝟙) <* Ψ  )

-- An inversion lemma for _▶[_]_ related to addition.

▶-⌞+ᶜ⌟ˡ :
  (Ψ : Substₘ m n) (γ : Conₘ n) 
  Ψ ▶[  γ +ᶜ δ ⌟ᶜ ] σ  Ψ ▶[  γ ⌟ᶜ ] σ
▶-⌞+ᶜ⌟ˡ {δ = δ} Ψ γ Ψ▶ x = sub
     (sub (▸-cong (cong ⌞_⌟ (lookup-distrib-+ᶜ γ _ _)) (Ψ▶ x)) (begin
          γ  x  + δ  x    ·ᶜ (𝟘ᶜ , x  𝟙) <* Ψ  ≈⟨ ·ᶜ-<*-𝟘ᶜ,≔𝟙 Ψ 
        (𝟘ᶜ , x    γ  x  + δ  x   ) <* Ψ      ≡˘⟨ cong  p  (𝟘ᶜ , x    p  ) <* Ψ)
                                                             (lookup-distrib-+ᶜ γ _ _) 
        (𝟘ᶜ , x    γ +ᶜ δ ⌟ᶜ x ) <* Ψ               )))
  (≤ᶜ-reflexive (≈ᶜ-sym (·ᶜ-<*-𝟘ᶜ,≔𝟙 Ψ)))
  open Tools.Reasoning.PartialOrder ≤ᶜ-poset

-- An inversion lemma for _▶[_]_ related to addition.

▶-⌞+ᶜ⌟ʳ :
  (Ψ : Substₘ m n) (γ : Conₘ n) 
  Ψ ▶[  γ +ᶜ δ ⌟ᶜ ] σ  Ψ ▶[  δ ⌟ᶜ ] σ
▶-⌞+ᶜ⌟ʳ {δ = δ} Ψ γ Ψ▶ =
  ▶-⌞+ᶜ⌟ˡ Ψ δ (▶-cong Ψ (⌞⌟ᶜ-cong (+ᶜ-comm γ _)) Ψ▶)

-- An inversion lemma for _▸[_]_ related to _<*_.

▸-⌞<*⌟ :
  (Ψ : Substₘ m n) 
    γ <* Ψ ⌟ᶜ y  ·ᶜ δ ▸[  γ <* Ψ ⌟ᶜ y ] t 
    (𝟘ᶜ , x  γ  x ) <* Ψ ⌟ᶜ y  ·ᶜ δ
    ▸[  (𝟘ᶜ , x  γ  x ) <* Ψ ⌟ᶜ y ] t
▸-⌞<*⌟ {γ = γ  p} {y = y} {δ = δ} {t = t} {x = x0} (Ψ  η) ▸₁ = ▸₄
  ▸₂ :
      (p ·ᶜ η)  y  + (γ <* Ψ)  y    ·ᶜ δ
      ▸[  (p ·ᶜ η)  y  + (γ <* Ψ)  y   ] t
  ▸₂ = PE.subst
     γ    γ   ·ᶜ _ ▸[  γ  ] _)
    (lookup-distrib-+ᶜ (_ ·ᶜ η) _ _)

  ▸₃ :   p ·ᶜ η ⌟ᶜ y  ·ᶜ δ ▸[  p ·ᶜ η ⌟ᶜ y ] t
  ▸₃ = ▸-⌞+⌟ˡ ▸₂

  ▸₄ :
      p ·ᶜ η +ᶜ (𝟘ᶜ <* Ψ) ⌟ᶜ y  ·ᶜ δ
      ▸[  p ·ᶜ η +ᶜ (𝟘ᶜ <* Ψ) ⌟ᶜ y ] t
  ▸₄ = PE.subst
     m   m  ·ᶜ δ ▸[ m ] t)
    (⌞⌟-cong (lookup-cong (begin
       p ·ᶜ η               ≈˘⟨ +ᶜ-identityʳ _ 
       p ·ᶜ η +ᶜ 𝟘ᶜ         ≈˘⟨ +ᶜ-congˡ (<*-zeroˡ Ψ) 
       p ·ᶜ η +ᶜ (𝟘ᶜ <* Ψ)  )))
    open Tools.Reasoning.Equivalence Conₘ-setoid

▸-⌞<*⌟ {γ = γ  p} {y = y} {δ = δ} {t = t} {x = x +1} (Ψ  η) ▸₁ = ▸₅
  ▸₂ :
      (p ·ᶜ η)  y  + (γ <* Ψ)  y    ·ᶜ δ
      ▸[  (p ·ᶜ η)  y  + (γ <* Ψ)  y   ] t
  ▸₂ = PE.subst
     γ    γ   ·ᶜ _ ▸[  γ  ] _)
    (lookup-distrib-+ᶜ (_ ·ᶜ η) _ _)

  ▸₃ :   γ <* Ψ ⌟ᶜ y  ·ᶜ δ ▸[  γ <* Ψ ⌟ᶜ y ] t
  ▸₃ = ▸-⌞+⌟ʳ ▸₂

  ▸₄ :   (𝟘ᶜ , x  γ  x ) <* Ψ ⌟ᶜ y  ·ᶜ δ
         ▸[  (𝟘ᶜ , x  γ  x ) <* Ψ ⌟ᶜ y ] t
  ▸₄ = ▸-⌞<*⌟ {γ = γ} Ψ ▸₃

  ▸₅ :
      𝟘 ·ᶜ η +ᶜ ((𝟘ᶜ , x  γ  x ) <* Ψ) ⌟ᶜ y  ·ᶜ δ
      ▸[  𝟘 ·ᶜ η +ᶜ ((𝟘ᶜ , x  γ  x ) <* Ψ) ⌟ᶜ y ] t
  ▸₅ = PE.subst
     m   m  ·ᶜ δ ▸[ m ] t)
    (⌞⌟-cong (lookup-cong (begin
       (𝟘ᶜ , x  γ  x ) <* Ψ            ≈˘⟨ +ᶜ-identityˡ ((𝟘ᶜ , _  _) <* Ψ) 
       𝟘ᶜ +ᶜ (𝟘ᶜ , x  γ  x ) <* Ψ      ≈˘⟨ +ᶜ-congʳ (·ᶜ-zeroˡ η) 
       𝟘 ·ᶜ η +ᶜ (𝟘ᶜ , x  γ  x ) <* Ψ  )))
    open Tools.Reasoning.Equivalence Conₘ-setoid

-- An inversion lemma for _▶[_]_ related to _<*_.

▶-⌞<*⌟ :
  (Ψ : Substₘ  m) {Φ : Substₘ m n} 
  Ψ ▶[  γ <* Φ ⌟ᶜ ] σ 
  Ψ ▶[  (𝟘ᶜ , x  γ  x ) <* Φ ⌟ᶜ ] σ
▶-⌞<*⌟ {γ = γ} {x = x} Ψ {Φ = Φ} Ψ▶ y = sub
  (▸-⌞<*⌟ {γ = γ} Φ (sub (Ψ▶ y) (≤ᶜ-reflexive (·ᶜ-<*-𝟘ᶜ,≔𝟙 Ψ))))
  (≤ᶜ-reflexive (≈ᶜ-sym (·ᶜ-<*-𝟘ᶜ,≔𝟙 Ψ)))

-- An inversion lemma for _▶[_]_ related to the meet operation.

▶-⌞∧ᶜ⌟ˡ :
  (Ψ : Substₘ m n) (γ : Conₘ n) 
  Ψ ▶[  γ ∧ᶜ δ ⌟ᶜ ] σ  Ψ ▶[  γ ⌟ᶜ ] σ
▶-⌞∧ᶜ⌟ˡ {δ = δ} Ψ γ Ψ▶ x = sub
     (sub (▸-cong (cong ⌞_⌟ (lookup-distrib-∧ᶜ γ _ _)) (Ψ▶ x)) (begin
          γ  x   δ  x    ·ᶜ (𝟘ᶜ , x  𝟙) <* Ψ  ≈⟨ ·ᶜ-<*-𝟘ᶜ,≔𝟙 Ψ 
        (𝟘ᶜ , x    γ  x   δ  x   ) <* Ψ       ≡˘⟨ cong  p  (𝟘ᶜ , x    p  ) <* Ψ)
                                                                     (lookup-distrib-∧ᶜ γ _ _) 
        (𝟘ᶜ , x    γ ∧ᶜ δ ⌟ᶜ x ) <* Ψ               )))
  (≤ᶜ-reflexive (≈ᶜ-sym (·ᶜ-<*-𝟘ᶜ,≔𝟙 Ψ)))
  open Tools.Reasoning.PartialOrder ≤ᶜ-poset

-- An inversion lemma for _▶[_]_ related to the meet operation.

▶-⌞∧ᶜ⌟ʳ :
  (Ψ : Substₘ m n) (γ : Conₘ n) 
  Ψ ▶[  γ ∧ᶜ δ ⌟ᶜ ] σ  Ψ ▶[  δ ⌟ᶜ ] σ
▶-⌞∧ᶜ⌟ʳ {δ = δ} Ψ γ Ψ▶ =
  ▶-⌞∧ᶜ⌟ˡ Ψ δ (▶-cong Ψ (⌞⌟ᶜ-cong (∧ᶜ-comm γ _)) Ψ▶)

-- An inversion lemma for _▶[_]_ related to the star operation.

▶-⌞⊛ᶜ⌟ˡ :
   has-star : Has-star semiring-with-meet  
  (Ψ : Substₘ m n) (γ : Conₘ n) 
  Ψ ▶[  γ ⊛ᶜ δ  r ⌟ᶜ ] σ  Ψ ▶[  γ ⌟ᶜ ] σ
▶-⌞⊛ᶜ⌟ˡ {δ = δ} {r = r} Ψ γ Ψ▶ x = sub
     (sub (▸-cong (cong ⌞_⌟ (lookup-distrib-⊛ᶜ γ _ _ _)) (Ψ▶ x)) (begin
          γ  x   δ  x   r   ·ᶜ (𝟘ᶜ , x  𝟙) <* Ψ  ≡˘⟨ cong  p    p   ·ᶜ _)
                                                                  (lookup-distrib-⊛ᶜ γ _ _ _) 
          γ ⊛ᶜ δ  r ⌟ᶜ x  ·ᶜ (𝟘ᶜ , x  𝟙) <* Ψ          ≈⟨ ·ᶜ-<*-𝟘ᶜ,≔𝟙 Ψ 
        (𝟘ᶜ , x    γ ⊛ᶜ δ  r ⌟ᶜ x ) <* Ψ               )))
  (≤ᶜ-reflexive (≈ᶜ-sym (·ᶜ-<*-𝟘ᶜ,≔𝟙 Ψ)))
  open Tools.Reasoning.PartialOrder ≤ᶜ-poset

-- An inversion lemma for _▶[_]_ related to the star operation.

▶-⌞⊛ᶜ⌟ʳ :
   has-star : Has-star semiring-with-meet  
  (Ψ : Substₘ m n) (γ : Conₘ n) 
  Ψ ▶[  γ ⊛ᶜ δ  r ⌟ᶜ ] σ  Ψ ▶[  δ ⌟ᶜ ] σ
▶-⌞⊛ᶜ⌟ʳ {δ = δ} {r = r} Ψ γ Ψ▶ x = sub
     (sub (▸-cong (cong ⌞_⌟ (lookup-distrib-⊛ᶜ γ _ _ _)) (Ψ▶ x)) (begin
          γ  x   δ  x   r   ·ᶜ (𝟘ᶜ , x  𝟙) <* Ψ  ≡˘⟨ cong  p    p   ·ᶜ _)
                                                                   (lookup-distrib-⊛ᶜ γ _ _ _) 
          γ ⊛ᶜ δ  r ⌟ᶜ x  ·ᶜ (𝟘ᶜ , x  𝟙) <* Ψ          ≈⟨ ·ᶜ-<*-𝟘ᶜ,≔𝟙 Ψ 
        (𝟘ᶜ , x    γ ⊛ᶜ δ  r ⌟ᶜ x ) <* Ψ               )))
  (≤ᶜ-reflexive (≈ᶜ-sym (·ᶜ-<*-𝟘ᶜ,≔𝟙 Ψ)))
  open Tools.Reasoning.PartialOrder ≤ᶜ-poset

-- Substitution lemma for modalities --

-- A substitution lemma for the mode 𝟘ᵐ[ ok ]: if σ is well-formed and
-- t is well-resourced with respect to any context and mode, then
-- t [ σ ] is well-resourced with respect to the zero usage context
-- and the mode 𝟘ᵐ[ ok ].
-- Proof by induction on t being well resourced.

substₘ-lemma₀ :
    ok  (Ψ : Substₘ m n) 
  Ψ ▶[ mos ] σ  γ ▸[ mo ] t  𝟘ᶜ ▸[ 𝟘ᵐ[ ok ] ] t [ σ ]
substₘ-lemma₀ _ _ Uₘ =

substₘ-lemma₀ _ _ ℕₘ =

substₘ-lemma₀ _ _ Emptyₘ =

substₘ-lemma₀ _ _ Unitₘ =

substₘ-lemma₀ Ψ Ψ▶σ (ΠΣₘ {p = p} γ▸F δ▸G) = sub
  (ΠΣₘ (substₘ-lemma₀ Ψ Ψ▶σ γ▸F)
     (sub (substₘ-lemma₀ (liftSubstₘ Ψ) (wf-liftSubstₘ {mo = 𝟘ᵐ} Ψ▶σ)
        (≤ᶜ-reflexive (≈ᶜ-refl  ·-zeroˡ _))))
  (≤ᶜ-reflexive (≈ᶜ-sym (+ᶜ-identityˡ _)))

substₘ-lemma₀ Ψ Ψ▶σ (var {x = x}) = ▸-𝟘 (Ψ▶σ x)

substₘ-lemma₀ Ψ Ψ▶σ (lamₘ γ▸t) = lamₘ
  (sub (substₘ-lemma₀ (liftSubstₘ Ψ) (wf-liftSubstₘ {mo = 𝟘ᵐ} Ψ▶σ) γ▸t)
     (≤ᶜ-reflexive (≈ᶜ-refl  ·-zeroˡ _)))

substₘ-lemma₀ Ψ Ψ▶σ (_∘ₘ_ {p = p} γ▸t δ▸u) = sub
  (substₘ-lemma₀ Ψ Ψ▶σ γ▸t ∘ₘ
   substₘ-lemma₀ Ψ Ψ▶σ δ▸u)
     𝟘ᶜ             ≈˘⟨ +ᶜ-identityˡ _ 
     𝟘ᶜ +ᶜ 𝟘ᶜ       ≈˘⟨ +ᶜ-congˡ (·ᶜ-zeroʳ _) 
     𝟘ᶜ +ᶜ p ·ᶜ 𝟘ᶜ  )
  open Tools.Reasoning.PartialOrder ≤ᶜ-poset

substₘ-lemma₀ Ψ Ψ▶σ (prodᵣₘ {p = p} γ▸t δ▸u) = sub
  (prodᵣₘ (substₘ-lemma₀ Ψ Ψ▶σ γ▸t) (substₘ-lemma₀ Ψ Ψ▶σ δ▸u))
     𝟘ᶜ             ≈˘⟨ ·ᶜ-zeroʳ _ 
     p ·ᶜ 𝟘ᶜ        ≈˘⟨ +ᶜ-identityʳ _ 
     p ·ᶜ 𝟘ᶜ +ᶜ 𝟘ᶜ  )
  open Tools.Reasoning.PartialOrder ≤ᶜ-poset

substₘ-lemma₀ Ψ Ψ▶σ (prodₚₘ {p = p} γ▸t γ▸u) = sub
  (prodₚₘ (substₘ-lemma₀ Ψ Ψ▶σ γ▸t) (substₘ-lemma₀ Ψ Ψ▶σ γ▸u))
     𝟘ᶜ             ≈˘⟨ ∧ᶜ-idem _ 
     𝟘ᶜ ∧ᶜ 𝟘ᶜ       ≈˘⟨ ∧ᶜ-congʳ (·ᶜ-zeroʳ _) 
     p ·ᶜ 𝟘ᶜ ∧ᶜ 𝟘ᶜ  )
  open Tools.Reasoning.PartialOrder ≤ᶜ-poset

substₘ-lemma₀ Ψ Ψ▶σ (fstₘ m γ▸t PE.refl ok) =
  fstₘ 𝟘ᵐ (substₘ-lemma₀ Ψ Ψ▶σ γ▸t) PE.refl λ ()

substₘ-lemma₀ Ψ Ψ▶σ (sndₘ γ▸t) =
  sndₘ (substₘ-lemma₀ Ψ Ψ▶σ γ▸t)

substₘ-lemma₀  ok = ok  Ψ Ψ▶σ (prodrecₘ {r = r} {q = q} γ▸t δ▸u η▸A P) = sub
  (prodrecₘ (substₘ-lemma₀ Ψ Ψ▶σ γ▸t)
     (sub (substₘ-lemma₀ (liftSubstₘ (liftSubstₘ Ψ))
             (wf-liftSubstₘ {mo = 𝟘ᵐ} (wf-liftSubstₘ {mo = 𝟘ᵐ} Ψ▶σ))
        (≤ᶜ-reflexive (≈ᶜ-refl  ·-zeroˡ _  ·-zeroˡ _)))
     (sub (▸-cong (PE.sym 𝟘ᵐ?≡𝟘ᵐ)
             (substₘ-lemma₀ (liftSubstₘ Ψ)
                (wf-liftSubstₘ {mo = 𝟘ᵐ} Ψ▶σ) η▸A))
        (let open Tools.Reasoning.PartialOrder ≤ᶜ-poset in begin
           𝟘ᶜ   𝟘ᵐ?  · q  ≈⟨ ≈ᶜ-refl  ·-congʳ (⌜𝟘ᵐ?⌝≡𝟘 ok) 
           𝟘ᶜ  𝟘 · q        ≈⟨ ≈ᶜ-refl  ·-zeroˡ _ 
           𝟘ᶜ                ))
  (let open Tools.Reasoning.PartialOrder ≤ᶜ-poset in begin
     𝟘ᶜ             ≈˘⟨ +ᶜ-identityˡ _ 
     𝟘ᶜ +ᶜ 𝟘ᶜ       ≈˘⟨ +ᶜ-congʳ (·ᶜ-zeroʳ _) 
     r ·ᶜ 𝟘ᶜ +ᶜ 𝟘ᶜ  )

substₘ-lemma₀ _ _ zeroₘ =

substₘ-lemma₀ Ψ Ψ▶σ (sucₘ γ▸t) =
  sucₘ (substₘ-lemma₀ Ψ Ψ▶σ γ▸t)

substₘ-lemma₀  ok = ok  Ψ Ψ▶σ
  (natrecₘ {p = p} {r = r} {q = q} γ▸z δ▸s η▸n θ▸A) = sub
  (natrecₘ (substₘ-lemma₀ Ψ Ψ▶σ γ▸z)
     (sub (substₘ-lemma₀ (liftSubstₘ (liftSubstₘ Ψ))
             (wf-liftSubstₘ {mo = 𝟘ᵐ} (wf-liftSubstₘ {mo = 𝟘ᵐ} Ψ▶σ))
        (≤ᶜ-reflexive (≈ᶜ-refl  ·-zeroˡ _  ·-zeroˡ _)))
     (substₘ-lemma₀ Ψ Ψ▶σ η▸n)
     (sub (▸-cong (PE.sym 𝟘ᵐ?≡𝟘ᵐ)
             (substₘ-lemma₀ (liftSubstₘ Ψ)
                (wf-liftSubstₘ {mo = 𝟘ᵐ} Ψ▶σ) θ▸A))
        (let open Tools.Reasoning.PartialOrder ≤ᶜ-poset in begin
           𝟘ᶜ   𝟘ᵐ?  · q  ≈⟨ ≈ᶜ-refl  ·-congʳ (⌜𝟘ᵐ?⌝≡𝟘 ok) 
           𝟘ᶜ  𝟘 · q        ≈⟨ ≈ᶜ-refl  ·-zeroˡ _ 
           𝟘ᶜ                )))
  (let open Tools.Reasoning.PartialOrder ≤ᶜ-poset in begin
     𝟘ᶜ                               ≈˘⟨ ⊛ᶜ-idem-𝟘ᶜ _ 
     𝟘ᶜ ⊛ᶜ 𝟘ᶜ  r                     ≈˘⟨ ⊛ᵣᶜ-congˡ (·ᶜ-zeroʳ _) 
     𝟘ᶜ ⊛ᶜ p ·ᶜ 𝟘ᶜ  r                ≈˘⟨ ⊛ᵣᶜ-cong (∧ᶜ-idem _) (+ᶜ-identityˡ _) 
     (𝟘ᶜ ∧ᶜ 𝟘ᶜ) ⊛ᶜ 𝟘ᶜ +ᶜ p ·ᶜ 𝟘ᶜ  r  )
  open import Graded.Modality.Dedicated-star.Instance

substₘ-lemma₀  ok = ok  Ψ Ψ▶σ
  (natrec-no-starₘ {p = p} {r = r} {q = q} γ▸z δ▸s η▸n θ▸A fix) =
  natrec-no-starₘ (substₘ-lemma₀ Ψ Ψ▶σ γ▸z)
    (sub (substₘ-lemma₀ (liftSubstₘ (liftSubstₘ Ψ))
            (wf-liftSubstₘ {mo = 𝟘ᵐ} (wf-liftSubstₘ {mo = 𝟘ᵐ} Ψ▶σ))
       (≤ᶜ-reflexive (≈ᶜ-refl  ·-zeroˡ _  ·-zeroˡ _)))
    (substₘ-lemma₀ Ψ Ψ▶σ η▸n)
    (sub (▸-cong (PE.sym 𝟘ᵐ?≡𝟘ᵐ)
            (substₘ-lemma₀ (liftSubstₘ Ψ)
               (wf-liftSubstₘ {mo = 𝟘ᵐ} Ψ▶σ) θ▸A))
       (let open Tools.Reasoning.PartialOrder ≤ᶜ-poset in begin
          𝟘ᶜ   𝟘ᵐ?  · q  ≈⟨ ≈ᶜ-refl  ·-congʳ (⌜𝟘ᵐ?⌝≡𝟘 ok) 
          𝟘ᶜ  𝟘 · q        ≈⟨ ≈ᶜ-refl  ·-zeroˡ _ 
          𝟘ᶜ                ))
    (let open Tools.Reasoning.PartialOrder ≤ᶜ-poset in begin
       𝟘ᶜ                                      ≈˘⟨ ∧ᶜ-idem _ 
       𝟘ᶜ ∧ᶜ 𝟘ᶜ                                ≈˘⟨ ∧ᶜ-congˡ $ ∧ᶜ-idem _ 
       𝟘ᶜ ∧ᶜ 𝟘ᶜ ∧ᶜ 𝟘ᶜ                          ≈˘⟨ ∧ᶜ-congˡ $ ∧ᶜ-congˡ $ +ᶜ-identityˡ _ 
       𝟘ᶜ ∧ᶜ 𝟘ᶜ ∧ᶜ (𝟘ᶜ +ᶜ 𝟘ᶜ)                  ≈˘⟨ ∧ᶜ-congˡ $ ∧ᶜ-congˡ $ +ᶜ-cong (·ᶜ-zeroʳ _) (·ᶜ-zeroʳ _) 
       𝟘ᶜ ∧ᶜ 𝟘ᶜ ∧ᶜ (p ·ᶜ 𝟘ᶜ +ᶜ r ·ᶜ 𝟘ᶜ)        ≈˘⟨ ∧ᶜ-congˡ $ ∧ᶜ-congˡ $ +ᶜ-identityˡ _ 
       𝟘ᶜ ∧ᶜ 𝟘ᶜ ∧ᶜ (𝟘ᶜ +ᶜ p ·ᶜ 𝟘ᶜ +ᶜ r ·ᶜ 𝟘ᶜ)  )

substₘ-lemma₀ Ψ Ψ▶σ (emptyrecₘ γ▸t δ▸A) =
  sub (emptyrecₘ (substₘ-lemma₀ Ψ Ψ▶σ γ▸t)
         (▸-cong (PE.sym 𝟘ᵐ?≡𝟘ᵐ) (substₘ-lemma₀ Ψ Ψ▶σ δ▸A)))
    (≤ᶜ-reflexive (≈ᶜ-sym (·ᶜ-zeroʳ _)))

substₘ-lemma₀ _ _ starₘ =

substₘ-lemma₀ Ψ Ψ▶σ (sub γ▸t _) =
  substₘ-lemma₀ Ψ Ψ▶σ γ▸t


  -- Some lemmas used in the proofs of the substitution lemmas below.

  *>∙∙≤liftSubst-listSubst*>∙∙ :
    (Ψ : Substₘ m n) 
    (δ <* Ψ)  p  q ≤ᶜ (δ  p  q) <* liftSubstₘ (liftSubstₘ Ψ)
  *>∙∙≤liftSubst-listSubst*>∙∙ {δ = δ} {p = p} {q = q} Ψ = begin
    (δ <* Ψ)  p  q                           ≈˘⟨ +ᶜ-identityˡ _  +-identityʳ _  refl 
    (𝟘ᶜ +ᶜ δ <* Ψ)  (p + 𝟘)  q               ≈˘⟨ (+ᶜ-cong (·ᶜ-zeroʳ _  ·-identityʳ _) (wk1Substₘ-app Ψ δ))  refl 
    (p ·ᶜ 𝟘ᶜ  p · 𝟙) +ᶜ δ <* wk1Substₘ Ψ  q  ≈˘⟨ liftSubstₘ-app (liftSubstₘ Ψ) (δ  _) _ 
    (δ  p  q) <* liftSubstₘ (liftSubstₘ Ψ)   
    open Tools.Reasoning.PartialOrder ≤ᶜ-poset

  ∧∧+·+·<*≤ :
     (Ψ : Substₘ m n) γ 
    (γ ∧ᶜ η ∧ᶜ (δ +ᶜ p ·ᶜ η +ᶜ r ·ᶜ χ)) <* Ψ ≤ᶜ
    γ <* Ψ ∧ᶜ η <* Ψ ∧ᶜ (δ <* Ψ +ᶜ p ·ᶜ η <* Ψ +ᶜ r ·ᶜ χ <* Ψ)
  ∧∧+·+·<*≤ {η = η} {δ = δ} {χ = χ} Ψ γ =
    ≤ᶜ-trans (<*-sub-distrib-∧ᶜ Ψ γ _) $
    ∧ᶜ-monotoneʳ $
    ≤ᶜ-trans (<*-sub-distrib-∧ᶜ Ψ η _) $
    ≤ᶜ-reflexive $
    ∧ᶜ-congˡ $
    ≈ᶜ-trans (<*-distrib-+ᶜ Ψ δ _) $
    +ᶜ-congˡ $
    ≈ᶜ-trans (<*-distrib-+ᶜ Ψ (_ ·ᶜ η) _) $
    +ᶜ-cong (<*-distrib-·ᶜ Ψ _ η) (<*-distrib-·ᶜ Ψ _ χ)

-- A substitution lemma for the case where the mode 𝟘ᵐ is not allowed.
-- Proof by induction on t being well resourced.

substₘ-lemma₁ :
  ¬ T 𝟘ᵐ-allowed 
  (Ψ : Substₘ m n) 
  Ψ ▶[ mos ] σ  γ ▸[ mo ] t  substₘ Ψ γ ▸[ 𝟙ᵐ ] t [ σ ]
substₘ-lemma₁ {mo = 𝟘ᵐ[ ok ]} not-ok = ⊥-elim (not-ok ok)

substₘ-lemma₁ _ Ψ _ Uₘ =
  sub Uₘ (≤ᶜ-reflexive (<*-zeroˡ Ψ))

substₘ-lemma₁ _ Ψ _ ℕₘ =
  sub ℕₘ (≤ᶜ-reflexive (<*-zeroˡ Ψ))

substₘ-lemma₁ _ Ψ _ Emptyₘ =
  sub Emptyₘ (≤ᶜ-reflexive (<*-zeroˡ Ψ))

substₘ-lemma₁ _ Ψ _ Unitₘ =
  sub Unitₘ (≤ᶜ-reflexive (<*-zeroˡ Ψ))

substₘ-lemma₁ {mo = 𝟙ᵐ} not-ok Ψ Ψ▶σ (ΠΣₘ {γ = γ} {δ = δ} γ▸F δ▸G) = sub
  (ΠΣₘ (▸-without-𝟘ᵐ not-ok
          (substₘ-lemma₁ not-ok Ψ Ψ▶σ γ▸F))
     (sub (substₘ-lemma₁ not-ok (liftSubstₘ Ψ)
             (wf-liftSubstₘ {mo = 𝟙ᵐ} Ψ▶σ)
        (≤ᶜ-reflexive (≈ᶜ-sym (liftSubstₘ-app Ψ δ _)))))
  (≤ᶜ-reflexive (<*-distrib-+ᶜ Ψ γ δ))

substₘ-lemma₁ {mos = mos} {mo = 𝟙ᵐ} not-ok Ψ Ψ▶σ (var {x = x}) = sub
  (▸-without-𝟘ᵐ not-ok (Ψ▶σ x))
     (𝟘ᶜ , x  𝟙) <* Ψ          ≡˘⟨ cong  m  (𝟘ᶜ , x   m ) <* Ψ)
                                         (only-𝟙ᵐ-without-𝟘ᵐ {m = mos x} not-ok) 
     (𝟘ᶜ , x   mos x ) <* Ψ  )
  open Tools.Reasoning.PartialOrder ≤ᶜ-poset

substₘ-lemma₁ {mo = 𝟙ᵐ} not-ok Ψ Ψ▶σ (lamₘ {γ = γ} {p = p} γ▸t) = lamₘ
  (sub (substₘ-lemma₁ not-ok (liftSubstₘ Ψ)
          (wf-liftSubstₘ {mo = 𝟙ᵐ} Ψ▶σ)
     (≤ᶜ-reflexive (≈ᶜ-sym (liftSubstₘ-app Ψ γ _))))

substₘ-lemma₁ not-ok Ψ Ψ▶σ (_∘ₘ_ {γ = γ} {δ = δ} {p = p} γ▸t δ▸u) = sub
  (substₘ-lemma₁ not-ok Ψ Ψ▶σ γ▸t ∘ₘ
   ▸-without-𝟘ᵐ not-ok (substₘ-lemma₁ not-ok Ψ Ψ▶σ δ▸u))
     (γ +ᶜ p ·ᶜ δ) <* Ψ       ≈⟨ <*-distrib-+ᶜ Ψ γ (p ·ᶜ δ) 
     γ <* Ψ +ᶜ (p ·ᶜ δ) <* Ψ  ≈⟨ +ᶜ-congˡ (<*-distrib-·ᶜ Ψ _ δ) 
     γ <* Ψ +ᶜ p ·ᶜ δ <* Ψ    )
  open Tools.Reasoning.PartialOrder ≤ᶜ-poset

  not-ok Ψ Ψ▶σ (prodᵣₘ {γ = γ} {p = p} {δ = δ} γ▸t δ▸u) = sub
  (prodᵣₘ (▸-without-𝟘ᵐ not-ok (substₘ-lemma₁ not-ok Ψ Ψ▶σ γ▸t))
     (substₘ-lemma₁ not-ok Ψ Ψ▶σ δ▸u))
     (p ·ᶜ γ +ᶜ δ) <* Ψ       ≈⟨ <*-distrib-+ᶜ Ψ (p ·ᶜ γ) δ 
     (p ·ᶜ γ) <* Ψ +ᶜ δ <* Ψ  ≈⟨ +ᶜ-congʳ (<*-distrib-·ᶜ Ψ _ γ) 
     p ·ᶜ γ <* Ψ +ᶜ δ <* Ψ    )
  open Tools.Reasoning.PartialOrder ≤ᶜ-poset

  not-ok Ψ Ψ▶σ (prodₚₘ {γ = γ} {p = p} {δ = δ} γ▸t δ▸u) = sub
  (prodₚₘ (▸-without-𝟘ᵐ not-ok (substₘ-lemma₁ not-ok Ψ Ψ▶σ γ▸t))
     (substₘ-lemma₁ not-ok Ψ Ψ▶σ δ▸u))
     (p ·ᶜ γ ∧ᶜ δ) <* Ψ       ≤⟨ <*-sub-distrib-∧ᶜ Ψ (p ·ᶜ γ) δ 
     (p ·ᶜ γ) <* Ψ ∧ᶜ δ <* Ψ  ≈⟨ ∧ᶜ-congʳ (<*-distrib-·ᶜ Ψ _ γ) 
     p ·ᶜ γ <* Ψ ∧ᶜ δ <* Ψ    )
  open Tools.Reasoning.PartialOrder ≤ᶜ-poset

substₘ-lemma₁ {mo = 𝟙ᵐ} not-ok Ψ Ψ▶σ (fstₘ m γ▸t _ ok) =
  fstₘ m (▸-without-𝟘ᵐ not-ok (substₘ-lemma₁ not-ok Ψ Ψ▶σ γ▸t))
    (only-𝟙ᵐ-without-𝟘ᵐ not-ok) ok

substₘ-lemma₁ not-ok Ψ Ψ▶σ (sndₘ γ▸t) =
  sndₘ (substₘ-lemma₁ not-ok Ψ Ψ▶σ γ▸t)

  {mo = 𝟙ᵐ} not-ok Ψ Ψ▶σ
  (prodrecₘ {γ = γ} {r = r} {δ = δ} {η = η} {q = q}
     γ▸t δ▸u η▸A P) = sub
  (prodrecₘ (▸-without-𝟘ᵐ not-ok (substₘ-lemma₁ not-ok Ψ Ψ▶σ γ▸t))
     (sub (substₘ-lemma₁ not-ok (liftSubstₘ (liftSubstₘ Ψ))
             (wf-liftSubstₘ {mo = 𝟙ᵐ} (wf-liftSubstₘ {mo = 𝟙ᵐ} Ψ▶σ))
        (*>∙∙≤liftSubst-listSubst*>∙∙ {δ = δ} Ψ))
     (sub (▸-cong (PE.sym (only-𝟙ᵐ-without-𝟘ᵐ not-ok))
             (substₘ-lemma₁ not-ok (liftSubstₘ Ψ)
                (wf-liftSubstₘ {mo = 𝟙ᵐ} Ψ▶σ)
        (let open Tools.Reasoning.PartialOrder ≤ᶜ-poset in begin
           η <* Ψ   𝟘ᵐ?  · q               ≈˘⟨ liftSubstₘ-app Ψ η _ 
           (η   𝟘ᵐ?  · q) <* liftSubstₘ Ψ  ))
  (let open Tools.Reasoning.PartialOrder ≤ᶜ-poset in begin
     (r ·ᶜ γ +ᶜ δ) <* Ψ       ≈⟨ <*-distrib-+ᶜ Ψ (r ·ᶜ γ) δ 
     (r ·ᶜ γ) <* Ψ +ᶜ δ <* Ψ  ≈⟨ +ᶜ-congʳ (<*-distrib-·ᶜ Ψ _ γ) 
     r ·ᶜ γ <* Ψ +ᶜ δ <* Ψ    )

substₘ-lemma₁ _ Ψ _ zeroₘ =
  sub zeroₘ (≤ᶜ-reflexive (<*-zeroˡ Ψ))

substₘ-lemma₁ not-ok Ψ Ψ▶σ (sucₘ γ▸t) =
  sucₘ (substₘ-lemma₁ not-ok Ψ Ψ▶σ γ▸t)

  {mo = 𝟙ᵐ} not-ok Ψ Ψ▶σ
  (natrecₘ {γ = γ} {δ = δ} {p = p} {r = r} {η = η} {θ = θ} {q = q}
     γ▸z δ▸s η▸n θ▸A) = sub
     (substₘ-lemma₁ not-ok Ψ Ψ▶σ γ▸z)
       (substₘ-lemma₁ not-ok (liftSubstₘ (liftSubstₘ Ψ))
          (wf-liftSubstₘ {mo = 𝟙ᵐ} (wf-liftSubstₘ {mo = 𝟙ᵐ} Ψ▶σ)) δ▸s)
       (*>∙∙≤liftSubst-listSubst*>∙∙ {δ = δ} Ψ))
     (substₘ-lemma₁ not-ok Ψ Ψ▶σ η▸n)
     (sub (▸-cong (PE.sym (only-𝟙ᵐ-without-𝟘ᵐ not-ok))
             (substₘ-lemma₁ not-ok (liftSubstₘ Ψ)
                (wf-liftSubstₘ {mo = 𝟙ᵐ} Ψ▶σ) θ▸A))
        (let open Tools.Reasoning.PartialOrder ≤ᶜ-poset in begin
           θ <* Ψ   𝟘ᵐ?  · q               ≈˘⟨ liftSubstₘ-app Ψ θ _ 
           (θ   𝟘ᵐ?  · q) <* liftSubstₘ Ψ  )))
  (let open Tools.Reasoning.PartialOrder ≤ᶜ-poset in begin
     ((γ ∧ᶜ η) ⊛ᶜ (δ +ᶜ p ·ᶜ η)  r) <* Ψ                 ≤⟨ <*-sub-distrib-⊛ᶜ Ψ (γ ∧ᶜ η) (δ +ᶜ p ·ᶜ η) _ 
     ((γ ∧ᶜ η) <* Ψ) ⊛ᶜ ((δ +ᶜ p ·ᶜ η) <* Ψ)  r          ≈⟨ ⊛ᵣᶜ-congˡ (<*-distrib-+ᶜ Ψ δ (p ·ᶜ η)) 
     ((γ ∧ᶜ η) <* Ψ) ⊛ᶜ (δ <* Ψ +ᶜ (p ·ᶜ η) <* Ψ)  r     ≤⟨ ⊛ᶜ-monotoneʳ (<*-sub-distrib-∧ᶜ Ψ γ η) 
     (γ <* Ψ ∧ᶜ η <* Ψ) ⊛ᶜ (δ <* Ψ +ᶜ (p ·ᶜ η) <* Ψ)  r  ≈⟨ ⊛ᵣᶜ-congˡ (+ᶜ-congˡ (<*-distrib-·ᶜ Ψ _ η)) 
     (γ <* Ψ ∧ᶜ η <* Ψ) ⊛ᶜ (δ <* Ψ +ᶜ p ·ᶜ η <* Ψ)  r    )
  open import Graded.Modality.Dedicated-star.Instance

  {mo = 𝟙ᵐ} not-ok Ψ Ψ▶σ
     {γ = γ} {δ = δ} {p = p} {r = r} {η = η} {θ = θ} {q = q} {χ = χ}
     γ▸z δ▸s η▸n θ▸A fix) =
    (substₘ-lemma₁ not-ok Ψ Ψ▶σ γ▸z)
       (substₘ-lemma₁ not-ok (liftSubstₘ (liftSubstₘ Ψ))
          (wf-liftSubstₘ {mo = 𝟙ᵐ} (wf-liftSubstₘ {mo = 𝟙ᵐ} Ψ▶σ)) δ▸s)
       (*>∙∙≤liftSubst-listSubst*>∙∙ {δ = δ} Ψ))
    (substₘ-lemma₁ not-ok Ψ Ψ▶σ η▸n)
    (sub (▸-cong (PE.sym (only-𝟙ᵐ-without-𝟘ᵐ not-ok))
             (substₘ-lemma₁ not-ok (liftSubstₘ Ψ)
                (wf-liftSubstₘ {mo = 𝟙ᵐ} Ψ▶σ) θ▸A))
        (let open Tools.Reasoning.PartialOrder ≤ᶜ-poset in begin
           θ <* Ψ   𝟘ᵐ?  · q               ≈˘⟨ liftSubstₘ-app Ψ θ _ 
           (θ   𝟘ᵐ?  · q) <* liftSubstₘ Ψ  ))
    (let open Tools.Reasoning.PartialOrder ≤ᶜ-poset in begin
       χ <* Ψ                                                      ≤⟨ <*-monotone Ψ fix 
       (γ ∧ᶜ η ∧ᶜ (δ +ᶜ p ·ᶜ η +ᶜ r ·ᶜ χ)) <* Ψ                    ≤⟨ ∧∧+·+·<*≤ Ψ γ 
       γ <* Ψ ∧ᶜ η <* Ψ ∧ᶜ (δ <* Ψ +ᶜ p ·ᶜ η <* Ψ +ᶜ r ·ᶜ χ <* Ψ)  )

  {mo = 𝟙ᵐ} not-ok Ψ Ψ▶σ
  (emptyrecₘ {γ = γ} {p = p} γ▸t δ▸A) = sub
  (emptyrecₘ (▸-without-𝟘ᵐ not-ok (substₘ-lemma₁ not-ok Ψ Ψ▶σ γ▸t))
     (▸-cong (PE.sym (only-𝟙ᵐ-without-𝟘ᵐ not-ok))
        (substₘ-lemma₁ not-ok Ψ Ψ▶σ δ▸A)))
  (≤ᶜ-reflexive (<*-distrib-·ᶜ Ψ _ γ))

substₘ-lemma₁ _ Ψ _ starₘ = sub
  (≤ᶜ-reflexive (<*-zeroˡ Ψ))

substₘ-lemma₁ not-ok Ψ Ψ▶σ (sub γ▸t γ≤δ) = sub
  (substₘ-lemma₁ not-ok Ψ Ψ▶σ γ▸t)
  (<*-monotone Ψ γ≤δ)


  -- Some lemmas used in the proof of the substitution lemma below.

  substₘ-lemma-𝟘ᵐ? :
    (Ψ : Substₘ m n) 
    Ψ ▶[ mos ] σ  γ ▸[ mo ] t 
     λ δ  δ ▸[ 𝟘ᵐ? ] t [ σ ]
  substₘ-lemma-𝟘ᵐ? Ψ Ψ▶ γ▸ = 𝟘ᵐ-allowed-elim
       , ▸-cong
           (PE.sym 𝟘ᵐ?≡𝟘ᵐ)
           (substₘ-lemma₀  ok = ok  Ψ Ψ▶ γ▸))
       , ▸-cong
           (PE.sym (only-𝟙ᵐ-without-𝟘ᵐ not-ok))
           (substₘ-lemma₁ not-ok Ψ Ψ▶ γ▸))

  substₘ-lemma-∙⌜𝟘ᵐ?⌝·▸[𝟘ᵐ?] :
    (Ψ : Substₘ m n) 
    Ψ ▶[ mos ] σ  γ   𝟘ᵐ?  · p ▸[ mo ] t 
     λ δ  δ   𝟘ᵐ?  · p ▸[ 𝟘ᵐ? ] t [ liftSubst σ ]
  substₘ-lemma-∙⌜𝟘ᵐ?⌝·▸[𝟘ᵐ?] {γ = γ} {p = p} Ψ Ψ▶ γ▸ = 𝟘ᵐ-allowed-elim
      , ▸-cong
          (PE.sym 𝟘ᵐ?≡𝟘ᵐ)
          (sub (substₘ-lemma₀  ok = ok  (liftSubstₘ Ψ)
                  (wf-liftSubstₘ {mo = 𝟙ᵐ} Ψ▶) γ▸)
             (let open Tools.Reasoning.PartialOrder ≤ᶜ-poset in
                𝟘ᶜ   𝟘ᵐ?  · p  ≈⟨ ≈ᶜ-refl  ·-congʳ (⌜𝟘ᵐ?⌝≡𝟘 ok) 
                𝟘ᶜ  𝟘 · p        ≈⟨ ≈ᶜ-refl  ·-zeroˡ _ 
                𝟘ᶜ                )))
      , ▸-cong
          (PE.sym (only-𝟙ᵐ-without-𝟘ᵐ not-ok))
          (sub (substₘ-lemma₁ not-ok (liftSubstₘ Ψ)
                  (wf-liftSubstₘ {mo = 𝟙ᵐ} Ψ▶) γ▸)
             (let open Tools.Reasoning.PartialOrder ≤ᶜ-poset in
                γ <* Ψ   𝟘ᵐ?  · p               ≈˘⟨ liftSubstₘ-app Ψ γ _ 
                (γ   𝟘ᵐ?  · p) <* liftSubstₘ Ψ  )))

  ≡𝟘→𝟘ᵐ≡ᵐ· :   ok  mo  p  𝟘  𝟘ᵐ[ ok ]  mo ᵐ· p
  ≡𝟘→𝟘ᵐ≡ᵐ· {p = p} mo p≡𝟘 =
    𝟘ᵐ       ≡˘⟨ 𝟘ᵐ?≡𝟘ᵐ 
    𝟘ᵐ?      ≡˘⟨ ᵐ·-zeroʳ mo 
    mo ᵐ· 𝟘  ≡˘⟨ ᵐ·-cong mo p≡𝟘 
    mo ᵐ· p  
    open Tools.Reasoning.PropositionalEquality

  ≡𝟘→·<*≈ᶜ·𝟘 : (Ψ : Substₘ m n)  p  𝟘  p ·ᶜ δ <* Ψ ≈ᶜ p ·ᶜ 𝟘ᶜ
  ≡𝟘→·<*≈ᶜ·𝟘 {p = p} {δ = δ} Ψ p≡𝟘 = begin
    p ·ᶜ δ <* Ψ  ≈⟨ ·ᶜ-congʳ p≡𝟘 
    𝟘 ·ᶜ δ <* Ψ  ≈⟨ ·ᶜ-zeroˡ _ 
    𝟘ᶜ           ≈˘⟨ ·ᶜ-zeroʳ _ 
    p ·ᶜ 𝟘ᶜ      
    open Tools.Reasoning.Equivalence Conₘ-setoid

-- The main substitution lemma.
-- Proof by induction on t being well resourced.

substₘ-lemma :
  (Ψ : Substₘ m n) 
  Ψ ▶[  γ ⌟ᶜ ] σ  γ ▸[ mo ] t  substₘ Ψ γ ▸[ mo ] t [ σ ]

substₘ-lemma Ψ _ Uₘ =
  sub Uₘ (≤ᶜ-reflexive (<*-zeroˡ Ψ))

substₘ-lemma Ψ _ ℕₘ =
  sub ℕₘ (≤ᶜ-reflexive (<*-zeroˡ Ψ))

substₘ-lemma Ψ _ Emptyₘ =
  sub Emptyₘ (≤ᶜ-reflexive (<*-zeroˡ Ψ))

substₘ-lemma Ψ _ Unitₘ =
  sub Unitₘ (≤ᶜ-reflexive (<*-zeroˡ Ψ))

substₘ-lemma Ψ Ψ▶σ (ΠΣₘ {γ = γ} {δ = δ} γ▸F δ▸G) = sub
  (ΠΣₘ (substₘ-lemma Ψ (▶-⌞+ᶜ⌟ˡ Ψ γ Ψ▶σ) γ▸F)
     (sub (substₘ-lemma (liftSubstₘ Ψ)
             (▶-cong (liftSubstₘ Ψ)
                   (_ +1)  PE.refl
                   x0      PE.refl)
                (wf-liftSubstₘ (▶-⌞+ᶜ⌟ʳ Ψ γ Ψ▶σ)))
        (≤ᶜ-reflexive (≈ᶜ-sym (liftSubstₘ-app Ψ δ _)))))
  (≤ᶜ-reflexive (<*-distrib-+ᶜ Ψ γ δ))

substₘ-lemma {σ = σ} {mo = mo} Ψ Ψ▶σ (var {x = x}) = sub
  (▸-cong (let open Tools.Reasoning.PropositionalEquality in
              (𝟘ᶜ , x   mo )  x    ≡⟨ cong ⌞_⌟ (update-lookup 𝟘ᶜ x) 
               mo                     ≡⟨ ⌞⌜⌝⌟ _ 
             mo                           )
     (Ψ▶σ x))
  (let open Tools.Reasoning.PartialOrder ≤ᶜ-poset in begin
     (𝟘ᶜ , x   mo ) <* Ψ                           ≈˘⟨ <*-cong Ψ (update-congʳ {γ = 𝟘ᶜ} {x = x} (cong ⌜_⌝ (⌞⌜⌝⌟ mo))) 
     (𝟘ᶜ , x     mo   ) <* Ψ                   ≡˘⟨ cong  p  (𝟘ᶜ , x    p  ) <* Ψ) (update-lookup 𝟘ᶜ x) 
     (𝟘ᶜ , x    (𝟘ᶜ , x   mo )  x   ) <* Ψ  )

substₘ-lemma {mo = mo} Ψ Ψ▶σ (lamₘ {γ = γ} {p = p} γ▸t) = lamₘ
  (sub (substₘ-lemma (liftSubstₘ Ψ)
          (▶-cong (liftSubstₘ Ψ)
                (_ +1)  PE.refl
                  mo ᵐ· p         ≡˘⟨ ⌞⌜⌝·⌟ mo 
                    mo  · p   )
             (wf-liftSubstₘ Ψ▶σ))
     (≤ᶜ-reflexive (≈ᶜ-sym (liftSubstₘ-app Ψ γ _))))
  open Tools.Reasoning.PropositionalEquality

  {σ = σ} {mo = mo} Ψ Ψ▶σ
  (_∘ₘ_ {γ = γ} {t = t} {δ = δ} {p = p} {u = u} γ▸t δ▸u) =
  case ▶-⌞·⌟ Ψ δ (▶-⌞+ᶜ⌟ʳ Ψ γ Ψ▶σ) of λ where
    (inj₂ Ψ▶σ)         lemma (substₘ-lemma Ψ Ψ▶σ δ▸u) ≈ᶜ-refl
    (inj₁ (p≡𝟘 , ok))  lemma
      (▸-cong (≡𝟘→𝟘ᵐ≡ᵐ·  ok = ok  mo p≡𝟘)
         (substₘ-lemma₀  ok = ok  Ψ Ψ▶σ δ▸u))
      (≡𝟘→·<*≈ᶜ·𝟘 {δ = δ} Ψ p≡𝟘)
  lemma :
    η ▸[ mo ᵐ· p ] u [ σ ] 
    p ·ᶜ δ <* Ψ ≈ᶜ p ·ᶜ η 
    (γ +ᶜ p ·ᶜ δ) <* Ψ ▸[ mo ] (t ∘⟨ p  u) [ σ ]
  lemma {η = η} hyp₁ hyp₂ = sub
    (substₘ-lemma Ψ (▶-⌞+ᶜ⌟ˡ Ψ γ Ψ▶σ) γ▸t ∘ₘ hyp₁)
       (γ +ᶜ p ·ᶜ δ) <* Ψ      ≈⟨ <*-distrib-+ᶜ Ψ γ (p ·ᶜ δ) 
       γ <* Ψ +ᶜ (p ·ᶜ δ) <* Ψ  ≈⟨ +ᶜ-congˡ (<*-distrib-·ᶜ Ψ _ δ) 
       γ <* Ψ +ᶜ p ·ᶜ δ <* Ψ    ≈⟨ +ᶜ-congˡ hyp₂ 
       γ <* Ψ +ᶜ p ·ᶜ η         )
    open Tools.Reasoning.PartialOrder ≤ᶜ-poset

  {σ = σ} {mo = mo} Ψ Ψ▶σ
  (prodᵣₘ {γ = γ} {p = p} {t = t} {δ = δ} {u = u} γ▸t δ▸u) =
  case ▶-⌞·⌟ Ψ γ (▶-⌞+ᶜ⌟ˡ Ψ (_ ·ᶜ γ) Ψ▶σ) of λ where
    (inj₂ Ψ▶σ)         lemma (substₘ-lemma Ψ Ψ▶σ γ▸t) ≈ᶜ-refl
    (inj₁ (p≡𝟘 , ok))  lemma
      (▸-cong (≡𝟘→𝟘ᵐ≡ᵐ·  ok = ok  mo p≡𝟘)
         (substₘ-lemma₀  ok = ok  Ψ Ψ▶σ γ▸t))
      (≡𝟘→·<*≈ᶜ·𝟘 {δ = γ} Ψ p≡𝟘)
  lemma :
    η ▸[ mo ᵐ· p ] t [ σ ] 
    p ·ᶜ γ <* Ψ ≈ᶜ p ·ᶜ η 
    (p ·ᶜ γ +ᶜ δ) <* Ψ ▸[ mo ] prodᵣ p t u [ σ ]
  lemma {η = η} hyp₁ hyp₂ = sub
    (prodᵣₘ hyp₁ (substₘ-lemma Ψ (▶-⌞+ᶜ⌟ʳ Ψ (_ ·ᶜ γ) Ψ▶σ) δ▸u))
       (p ·ᶜ γ +ᶜ δ) <* Ψ       ≈⟨ <*-distrib-+ᶜ Ψ (p ·ᶜ γ) δ 
       (p ·ᶜ γ) <* Ψ +ᶜ δ <* Ψ  ≈⟨ +ᶜ-congʳ (<*-distrib-·ᶜ Ψ _ γ) 
       p ·ᶜ γ <* Ψ +ᶜ δ <* Ψ    ≈⟨ +ᶜ-congʳ hyp₂ 
       p ·ᶜ η +ᶜ δ <* Ψ         )
    open Tools.Reasoning.PartialOrder ≤ᶜ-poset

  {σ = σ} {mo = mo} Ψ Ψ▶σ
  (prodₚₘ {γ = γ} {p = p} {t = t} {δ = δ} {u = u} γ▸t δ▸u) =
  case ▶-⌞·⌟ Ψ γ (▶-⌞∧ᶜ⌟ˡ Ψ (_ ·ᶜ γ) Ψ▶σ) of λ where
    (inj₂ Ψ▶σ)         lemma (substₘ-lemma Ψ Ψ▶σ γ▸t) ≈ᶜ-refl
    (inj₁ (p≡𝟘 , ok))  lemma
      (▸-cong (≡𝟘→𝟘ᵐ≡ᵐ·  ok = ok  mo p≡𝟘)
         (substₘ-lemma₀  ok = ok  Ψ Ψ▶σ γ▸t))
      (≡𝟘→·<*≈ᶜ·𝟘 {δ = γ} Ψ p≡𝟘)
  lemma :
    η ▸[ mo ᵐ· p ] t [ σ ] 
    p ·ᶜ γ <* Ψ ≈ᶜ p ·ᶜ η 
    (p ·ᶜ γ ∧ᶜ δ) <* Ψ ▸[ mo ] prodₚ p t u [ σ ]
  lemma {η = η} hyp₁ hyp₂ = sub
    (prodₚₘ hyp₁ (substₘ-lemma Ψ (▶-⌞∧ᶜ⌟ʳ Ψ (_ ·ᶜ γ) Ψ▶σ) δ▸u))
       (p ·ᶜ γ ∧ᶜ δ) <* Ψ       ≤⟨ <*-sub-distrib-∧ᶜ Ψ (p ·ᶜ γ) δ 
       (p ·ᶜ γ) <* Ψ ∧ᶜ δ <* Ψ  ≈⟨ ∧ᶜ-congʳ (<*-distrib-·ᶜ Ψ _ γ) 
       p ·ᶜ γ <* Ψ ∧ᶜ δ <* Ψ    ≈⟨ ∧ᶜ-congʳ hyp₂ 
       p ·ᶜ η ∧ᶜ δ <* Ψ         )
    open Tools.Reasoning.PartialOrder ≤ᶜ-poset

substₘ-lemma Ψ Ψ▶σ (fstₘ m γ▸t PE.refl ok) =
  fstₘ m (substₘ-lemma Ψ Ψ▶σ γ▸t) PE.refl ok

substₘ-lemma Ψ Ψ▶σ (sndₘ γ▸t) =
  sndₘ (substₘ-lemma Ψ Ψ▶σ γ▸t)

  {σ = σ} {mo = mo} Ψ Ψ▶σ
     {γ = γ} {r = r} {t = t} {δ = δ} {p = p} {u = u} {η = η} {q = q}
     {A = A} γ▸t δ▸u η▸A P) =
  case ▶-⌞·⌟ Ψ γ (▶-⌞+ᶜ⌟ˡ Ψ (_ ·ᶜ γ) Ψ▶σ) of λ where
    (inj₂ Ψ▶σ)         lemma (substₘ-lemma Ψ Ψ▶σ γ▸t) ≈ᶜ-refl
    (inj₁ (p≡𝟘 , ok))  lemma
      (▸-cong (≡𝟘→𝟘ᵐ≡ᵐ·  ok = ok  mo p≡𝟘)
         (substₘ-lemma₀  ok = ok  Ψ Ψ▶σ γ▸t))
      (≡𝟘→·<*≈ᶜ·𝟘 {δ = γ} Ψ p≡𝟘)
  lemma :
    θ ▸[ mo ᵐ· r ] t [ σ ] 
    r ·ᶜ γ <* Ψ ≈ᶜ r ·ᶜ θ 
    (r ·ᶜ γ +ᶜ δ) <* Ψ ▸[ mo ] prodrec r p q A t u [ σ ]
  lemma {θ = θ} hyp₁ hyp₂ = sub
    (prodrecₘ hyp₁
       (sub (substₘ-lemma (liftSubstₘ (liftSubstₘ Ψ))
               (▶-cong (liftSubstₘ (liftSubstₘ Ψ))
                     x0           PE.refl
                     (x0 +1)      PE.refl
                     ((_ +1) +1)  PE.refl)
                     (wf-liftSubstₘ (▶-⌞+ᶜ⌟ʳ Ψ (_ ·ᶜ γ) Ψ▶σ))))
          (*>∙∙≤liftSubst-listSubst*>∙∙ {δ = δ} Ψ))
       (substₘ-lemma-∙⌜𝟘ᵐ?⌝·▸[𝟘ᵐ?] Ψ Ψ▶σ η▸A .proj₂)
    (let open Tools.Reasoning.PartialOrder ≤ᶜ-poset in begin
       (r ·ᶜ γ +ᶜ δ) <* Ψ       ≈⟨ <*-distrib-+ᶜ Ψ (r ·ᶜ γ) δ 
       (r ·ᶜ γ) <* Ψ +ᶜ δ <* Ψ  ≈⟨ +ᶜ-congʳ (<*-distrib-·ᶜ Ψ _ γ) 
       r ·ᶜ γ <* Ψ +ᶜ δ <* Ψ    ≈⟨ +ᶜ-congʳ hyp₂ 
       r ·ᶜ θ +ᶜ δ <* Ψ         )

substₘ-lemma Ψ _ zeroₘ =
  sub zeroₘ (≤ᶜ-reflexive (<*-zeroˡ Ψ))

substₘ-lemma Ψ Ψ▶σ (sucₘ γ▸t) =
  sucₘ (substₘ-lemma Ψ Ψ▶σ γ▸t)

  Ψ Ψ▶σ
  (natrecₘ {γ = γ} {δ = δ} {p = p} {r = r} {η = η} {θ = θ} {q = q}
     γ▸z δ▸s η▸n θ▸A) = sub
     (substₘ-lemma Ψ (▶-⌞∧ᶜ⌟ˡ Ψ γ (▶-⌞⊛ᶜ⌟ˡ Ψ (γ ∧ᶜ _) Ψ▶σ)) γ▸z)
       (substₘ-lemma (liftSubstₘ (liftSubstₘ Ψ))
          (▶-cong (liftSubstₘ (liftSubstₘ Ψ))
                x0           PE.refl
                (x0 +1)      PE.refl
                ((_ +1) +1)  PE.refl)
                (wf-liftSubstₘ (▶-⌞+ᶜ⌟ˡ Ψ δ (▶-⌞⊛ᶜ⌟ʳ Ψ (γ ∧ᶜ _) Ψ▶σ)))))
       (*>∙∙≤liftSubst-listSubst*>∙∙ {δ = δ} Ψ))
     (substₘ-lemma Ψ (▶-⌞∧ᶜ⌟ʳ Ψ γ (▶-⌞⊛ᶜ⌟ˡ Ψ (γ ∧ᶜ _) Ψ▶σ)) η▸n)
     (substₘ-lemma-∙⌜𝟘ᵐ?⌝·▸[𝟘ᵐ?] Ψ Ψ▶σ θ▸A .proj₂))
  (let open Tools.Reasoning.PartialOrder ≤ᶜ-poset in begin
     ((γ ∧ᶜ η) ⊛ᶜ (δ +ᶜ p ·ᶜ η)  r) <* Ψ                 ≤⟨ <*-sub-distrib-⊛ᶜ Ψ (γ ∧ᶜ η) (δ +ᶜ p ·ᶜ η) _ 
     ((γ ∧ᶜ η) <* Ψ) ⊛ᶜ ((δ +ᶜ p ·ᶜ η) <* Ψ)  r          ≈⟨ ⊛ᵣᶜ-congˡ (<*-distrib-+ᶜ Ψ δ (p ·ᶜ η)) 
     ((γ ∧ᶜ η) <* Ψ) ⊛ᶜ (δ <* Ψ +ᶜ (p ·ᶜ η) <* Ψ)  r     ≤⟨ ⊛ᶜ-monotoneʳ (<*-sub-distrib-∧ᶜ Ψ γ η) 
     (γ <* Ψ ∧ᶜ η <* Ψ) ⊛ᶜ (δ <* Ψ +ᶜ (p ·ᶜ η) <* Ψ)  r  ≈⟨ ⊛ᵣᶜ-congˡ (+ᶜ-congˡ (<*-distrib-·ᶜ Ψ _ η)) 
     (γ <* Ψ ∧ᶜ η <* Ψ) ⊛ᶜ (δ <* Ψ +ᶜ p ·ᶜ η <* Ψ)  r    )
  open import Graded.Modality.Dedicated-star.Instance

  Ψ Ψ▶σ
             {γ = γ} {δ = δ} {p = p} {r = r} {η = η} {χ = χ}
              no-star = no-star  γ▸z δ▸s η▸n θ▸A fix) =
         (substₘ-lemma Ψ
            (flip (▶-≤ Ψ) Ψ▶σ $
             let open Tools.Reasoning.PartialOrder ≤ᶜ-poset in begin
               χ                                  ≤⟨ fix 
               γ ∧ᶜ η ∧ᶜ (δ +ᶜ p ·ᶜ η +ᶜ r ·ᶜ χ)  ≤⟨ ∧ᶜ-decreasingˡ _ _ 
               γ                                  )
           (substₘ-lemma (liftSubstₘ (liftSubstₘ Ψ))
              (▶-cong (liftSubstₘ (liftSubstₘ Ψ))
                    x0         PE.refl
                    (x0 +1)    PE.refl
                    (_ +1 +1)  PE.refl)
                 (wf-liftSubstₘ $ wf-liftSubstₘ $
                  flip (▶-≤ Ψ) Ψ▶σ $
                   let open Tools.Reasoning.PartialOrder ≤ᶜ-poset in
                     χ                                  ≤⟨ fix 
                     γ ∧ᶜ η ∧ᶜ (δ +ᶜ p ·ᶜ η +ᶜ r ·ᶜ χ)  ≤⟨ ∧ᶜ-decreasingʳ _ _ 
                     η ∧ᶜ (δ +ᶜ p ·ᶜ η +ᶜ r ·ᶜ χ)       ≤⟨ ∧ᶜ-decreasingʳ _ _ 
                     δ +ᶜ p ·ᶜ η +ᶜ r ·ᶜ χ              ≤⟨ +ᶜ-decreasingˡ ok (no-star .No-dedicated-star.no-star) 
                     δ                                  ))
           (*>∙∙≤liftSubst-listSubst*>∙∙ {δ = δ} Ψ))
         (substₘ-lemma Ψ
            (flip (▶-≤ Ψ) Ψ▶σ $
             let open Tools.Reasoning.PartialOrder ≤ᶜ-poset in begin
               χ                                  ≤⟨ fix 
               γ ∧ᶜ η ∧ᶜ (δ +ᶜ p ·ᶜ η +ᶜ r ·ᶜ χ)  ≤⟨ ∧ᶜ-decreasingʳ _ _ 
               η ∧ᶜ (δ +ᶜ p ·ᶜ η +ᶜ r ·ᶜ χ)       ≤⟨ ∧ᶜ-decreasingˡ _ _ 
               η                                  )
         (substₘ-lemma-∙⌜𝟘ᵐ?⌝·▸[𝟘ᵐ?] Ψ Ψ▶σ θ▸A .proj₂)
         (let open Tools.Reasoning.PartialOrder ≤ᶜ-poset in begin
            χ <* Ψ                                                      ≤⟨ <*-monotone Ψ fix 
            (γ ∧ᶜ η ∧ᶜ (δ +ᶜ p ·ᶜ η +ᶜ r ·ᶜ χ)) <* Ψ                    ≤⟨ ∧∧+·+·<*≤ Ψ γ 
            γ <* Ψ ∧ᶜ η <* Ψ ∧ᶜ (δ <* Ψ +ᶜ p ·ᶜ η <* Ψ +ᶜ r ·ᶜ χ <* Ψ)  ))
       ▸-without-𝟘ᵐ not-ok (substₘ-lemma₁ not-ok Ψ Ψ▶σ ▸natrec))

substₘ-lemma {mo = mo} Ψ Ψ▶σ (emptyrecₘ {γ = γ} {p = p} γ▸t δ▸A) =
  case ▶-⌞·⌟ Ψ γ Ψ▶σ of λ where
    (inj₂ Ψ▶σ)  sub
      (emptyrecₘ (substₘ-lemma Ψ Ψ▶σ γ▸t)
         (substₘ-lemma-𝟘ᵐ? Ψ Ψ▶σ δ▸A .proj₂))
      (≤ᶜ-reflexive (<*-distrib-·ᶜ Ψ _ γ))
    (inj₁ (p≡𝟘 , ok))  sub
      (emptyrecₘ (▸-cong (≡𝟘→𝟘ᵐ≡ᵐ·  ok = ok  mo p≡𝟘)
                    (substₘ-lemma₀  ok = ok  Ψ Ψ▶σ γ▸t))
            (PE.sym 𝟘ᵐ?≡𝟘ᵐ)
            (substₘ-lemma₀  ok = ok  Ψ Ψ▶σ δ▸A)))
      (let open Tools.Reasoning.PartialOrder ≤ᶜ-poset in begin
         (p ·ᶜ γ) <* Ψ  ≈⟨ <*-distrib-·ᶜ Ψ _ γ 
         p ·ᶜ γ <* Ψ    ≈⟨ ≡𝟘→·<*≈ᶜ·𝟘 {δ = γ} Ψ p≡𝟘 
         p ·ᶜ 𝟘ᶜ        )

substₘ-lemma Ψ Ψ▶σ starₘ = sub
  (≤ᶜ-reflexive (<*-zeroˡ Ψ))

substₘ-lemma Ψ Ψ▶σ (sub γ▸t γ≤δ) = sub
  (substₘ-lemma Ψ (▶-≤ Ψ γ≤δ Ψ▶σ) γ▸t)
  (<*-monotone Ψ γ≤δ)

-- A substitution lemma for single substitutions.

sgSubstₘ-lemma₁ :
  γ   mo  · p ▸[ mo ] t  δ ▸[ mo ᵐ· p ] u 
  γ +ᶜ ( mo  · p) ·ᶜ δ ▸[ mo ] t [ u ]₀
sgSubstₘ-lemma₁ {γ = γ} {mo = mo} {p = p} {δ = δ} γ▸t δ▸u = sub
  (substₘ-lemma (sgSubstₘ δ)
     (▶-cong (sgSubstₘ δ)
           (_ +1)  PE.refl
           x0      PE.sym (⌞⌜⌝·⌟ mo))
        (wf-sgSubstₘ (▸-·′ δ▸u)))
     γ +ᶜ ( mo  · p) ·ᶜ δ              ≈⟨ +ᶜ-comm _ _ 
     ( mo  · p) ·ᶜ δ +ᶜ γ              ≈˘⟨ +ᶜ-congˡ (<*-identityˡ _) 
     ( mo  · p) ·ᶜ δ +ᶜ γ <* idSubstₘ  )
  open Tools.Reasoning.PartialOrder ≤ᶜ-poset

-- A variant of sgSubstₘ-lemma₁.

sgSubstₘ-lemma₂ :
  γ   mo  · p ▸[ mo ] t  δ ▸[ mo ᵐ· p ] u 
  γ +ᶜ p ·ᶜ δ ▸[ mo ] t [ u ]₀
sgSubstₘ-lemma₂ {γ = γ} {mo = 𝟙ᵐ} {p = p} {δ = δ} γ▸t δ▸u = sub
  (sgSubstₘ-lemma₁ γ▸t δ▸u)
     γ +ᶜ p ·ᶜ δ        ≈˘⟨ +ᶜ-congˡ (·ᶜ-congʳ (·-identityˡ _)) 
     γ +ᶜ (𝟙 · p) ·ᶜ δ  )
  open Tools.Reasoning.PartialOrder ≤ᶜ-poset
sgSubstₘ-lemma₂ {γ = γ} {mo = 𝟘ᵐ} {p = p} {δ = δ} γ▸t δ▸u = sub
  (sgSubstₘ-lemma₁ γ▸t δ▸u)
     γ +ᶜ p ·ᶜ δ        ≤⟨ +ᶜ-monotoneʳ (·ᶜ-monotoneʳ (▸-𝟘ᵐ δ▸u)) 
     γ +ᶜ p ·ᶜ 𝟘ᶜ       ≈⟨ +ᶜ-congˡ (·ᶜ-zeroʳ _) 
     γ +ᶜ 𝟘ᶜ            ≈˘⟨ +ᶜ-congˡ (·ᶜ-zeroˡ _) 
     γ +ᶜ 𝟘 ·ᶜ δ        ≈˘⟨ +ᶜ-congˡ (·ᶜ-congʳ (·-zeroˡ _)) 
     γ +ᶜ (𝟘 · p) ·ᶜ δ  )
  open Tools.Reasoning.PartialOrder ≤ᶜ-poset

-- Another variant of sgSubstₘ-lemma₁.

sgSubstₘ-lemma₃ :
  γ   mo  · p ▸[ mo ] t  δ ▸[ mo ] u 
  γ +ᶜ p ·ᶜ δ ▸[ mo ] t [ u ]₀
sgSubstₘ-lemma₃ {mo = 𝟘ᵐ} =
sgSubstₘ-lemma₃ {mo = 𝟙ᵐ} ▸t ▸u =
  case ▸[𝟙ᵐ]→▸[⌞⌟] ▸u of λ where
    (_ , ▸u , eq)  sub
      (sgSubstₘ-lemma₂ ▸t ▸u)
      (≤ᶜ-reflexive (+ᶜ-congˡ eq))

-- A substitution lemma for double substitutions.

doubleSubstₘ-lemma₁ :
  γ   mo  · q   mo  · p ▸[ mo ] t 
  δ ▸[ mo ᵐ· p ] u  η ▸[ mo ᵐ· q ] u′ 
  γ +ᶜ ( mo  · p) ·ᶜ δ +ᶜ ( mo  · q) ·ᶜ η ▸[ mo ] t [ u′ ,, u ]
  {γ = γ} {mo = mo} {q = q} {p = p} {δ = δ} {η = η} γ▸t δ▸u η▸u′ = sub
  (substₘ-lemma (consSubstₘ (sgSubstₘ _) _)
     (▶-cong (consSubstₘ (sgSubstₘ _) _)
           x0           PE.sym (⌞⌜⌝·⌟ mo)
           (x0 +1)      PE.sym (⌞⌜⌝·⌟ mo)
           ((_ +1) +1)  PE.refl)
        (wf-consSubstₘ (wf-sgSubstₘ (▸-·′ η▸u′)) (▸-·′ δ▸u)))
     γ +ᶜ ( mo  · p) ·ᶜ δ +ᶜ ( mo  · q) ·ᶜ η              ≈⟨ +ᶜ-comm _ _ 
     (( mo  · p) ·ᶜ δ +ᶜ ( mo  · q) ·ᶜ η) +ᶜ γ            ≈⟨ +ᶜ-assoc _ _ _ 
     ( mo  · p) ·ᶜ δ +ᶜ ( mo  · q) ·ᶜ η +ᶜ γ              ≈˘⟨ +ᶜ-congˡ (+ᶜ-congˡ (<*-identityˡ _)) 
     ( mo  · p) ·ᶜ δ +ᶜ ( mo  · q) ·ᶜ η +ᶜ γ <* idSubstₘ  )
  open Tools.Reasoning.PartialOrder ≤ᶜ-poset

-- A variant of doubleSubstₘ-lemma₁.

doubleSubstₘ-lemma₂ :
  γ   mo  · q   mo  · p ▸[ mo ] t 
  δ ▸[ mo ᵐ· p ] u  η ▸[ mo ᵐ· q ] u′ 
  γ +ᶜ p ·ᶜ δ +ᶜ q ·ᶜ η ▸[ mo ] t [ u′ ,, u ]
  {γ = γ} {mo = 𝟙ᵐ} {q = q} {p = p} {δ = δ} {η = η} γ▸t δ▸u η▸u′ = sub
  (doubleSubstₘ-lemma₁ γ▸t δ▸u η▸u′)
     γ +ᶜ p ·ᶜ δ +ᶜ q ·ᶜ η              ≈˘⟨ +ᶜ-congˡ (+ᶜ-cong (·ᶜ-congʳ (·-identityˡ _)) (·ᶜ-congʳ (·-identityˡ _))) 
     γ +ᶜ (𝟙 · p) ·ᶜ δ +ᶜ (𝟙 · q) ·ᶜ η  )
  open Tools.Reasoning.PartialOrder ≤ᶜ-poset
  {γ = γ} {mo = 𝟘ᵐ} {q = q} {p = p} {δ = δ} {η = η} γ▸t δ▸u η▸u′ = sub
  (doubleSubstₘ-lemma₁ γ▸t δ▸u η▸u′)
     γ +ᶜ p ·ᶜ δ +ᶜ q ·ᶜ η              ≤⟨ +ᶜ-monotoneʳ (+ᶜ-monotone (·ᶜ-monotoneʳ (▸-𝟘ᵐ δ▸u)) (·ᶜ-monotoneʳ (▸-𝟘ᵐ η▸u′))) 
     γ +ᶜ p ·ᶜ 𝟘ᶜ +ᶜ q ·ᶜ 𝟘ᶜ            ≈⟨ +ᶜ-congˡ (+ᶜ-cong (·ᶜ-zeroʳ _) (·ᶜ-zeroʳ _)) 
     γ +ᶜ 𝟘ᶜ +ᶜ 𝟘ᶜ                      ≈˘⟨ +ᶜ-congˡ (+ᶜ-cong (·ᶜ-zeroˡ _) (·ᶜ-zeroˡ _)) 
     γ +ᶜ 𝟘 ·ᶜ δ +ᶜ 𝟘 ·ᶜ η              ≈˘⟨ +ᶜ-congˡ (+ᶜ-cong (·ᶜ-congʳ (·-zeroˡ _)) (·ᶜ-congʳ (·-zeroˡ _))) 
     γ +ᶜ (𝟘 · p) ·ᶜ δ +ᶜ (𝟘 · q) ·ᶜ η  )
  open Tools.Reasoning.PartialOrder ≤ᶜ-poset

-- Another variant of doubleSubstₘ-lemma₁.

doubleSubstₘ-lemma₃ :
  γ   mo  · q   mo  · p ▸[ mo ] t 
  δ ▸[ mo ] u  η ▸[ mo ] u′ 
  γ +ᶜ p ·ᶜ δ +ᶜ q ·ᶜ η ▸[ mo ] t [ u′ ,, u ]
doubleSubstₘ-lemma₃ {mo = 𝟘ᵐ} =
doubleSubstₘ-lemma₃ {mo = 𝟙ᵐ} ▸t ▸u ▸u′ =
  case ▸[𝟙ᵐ]→▸[⌞⌟] ▸u of λ where
    (_ , ▸u , eq)  case ▸[𝟙ᵐ]→▸[⌞⌟] ▸u′ of λ where
      (_ , ▸u′ , eq′)  sub
        (doubleSubstₘ-lemma₂ ▸t ▸u ▸u′)
        (≤ᶜ-reflexive (+ᶜ-congˡ (+ᶜ-cong eq eq′)))

-- Substitution matrix inference --

-- The inference functions ∥_∥ and ⌈_⌉ are related to each other: the
-- x-th row of ∥ σ ∥ mos is equivalent to ⌈ σ x ⌉ (mos x).

substₘ-calc-row :
   has-star : Has-star semiring-with-meet  
  (σ : Subst m n) (x : Fin n) 
  (𝟘ᶜ , x  𝟙) <*  σ  mos ≈ᶜ  σ x  (mos x)
substₘ-calc-row {mos = mos} σ x0 = begin
  (𝟘ᶜ , x0  𝟙) <*  σ  mos                                 ≡⟨⟩
  (𝟘ᶜ  𝟙) <*  σ  mos                                      ≡⟨⟩
  𝟙 ·ᶜ  σ x0  (headᵐ mos) +ᶜ 𝟘ᶜ <*  tail σ  (tailᵐ mos)  ≈⟨ +ᶜ-cong (·ᶜ-identityˡ _) (<*-zeroˡ ( tail σ  _)) 
   σ x0  (headᵐ mos) +ᶜ 𝟘ᶜ                                 ≈⟨ +ᶜ-identityʳ _ 
   σ x0  (headᵐ mos)                                       
  where open Tools.Reasoning.Equivalence Conₘ-setoid
substₘ-calc-row {mos = mos} σ (x +1) = begin
  (𝟘ᶜ , x +1  𝟙) <*  σ  mos                                         ≡⟨⟩
  ((𝟘ᶜ , x  𝟙)  𝟘) <*  σ  mos                                      ≡⟨⟩
  𝟘 ·ᶜ  σ x0  (headᵐ mos) +ᶜ (𝟘ᶜ , x  𝟙) <*  tail σ  (tailᵐ mos)  ≈⟨ +ᶜ-cong (·ᶜ-zeroˡ _) (substₘ-calc-row (tail σ) x) 
  𝟘ᶜ +ᶜ  tail σ x  (tailᵐ mos x)                                     ≈⟨ +ᶜ-identityˡ _ 
   σ (x +1)  (tailᵐ mos x)                                           
  where open Tools.Reasoning.Equivalence Conₘ-setoid

-- The expression ∥ σ ∥ mos *> (𝟘ᶜ , x ≔ p) has the same value for two
-- potentially different values of p: 𝟙 and ⌜ mos x ⌝.

∥∥-*>-𝟘ᶜ,≔𝟙 :
   has-star : Has-star semiring-with-meet  
  (σ : Subst m n) 
  (𝟘ᶜ , x  𝟙) <*  σ  mos ≈ᶜ (𝟘ᶜ , x   mos x ) <*  σ  mos
∥∥-*>-𝟘ᶜ,≔𝟙 {x = x} {mos = mos} σ = begin
  (𝟘ᶜ , x  𝟙) <*  σ  mos               ≈⟨ substₘ-calc-row σ _ 
   σ x  (mos x)                         ≈˘⟨ ·-⌈⌉ (σ x) 
   mos x  ·ᶜ  σ x  (mos x)            ≈˘⟨ ·ᶜ-congˡ (substₘ-calc-row σ _) 
   mos x  ·ᶜ (𝟘ᶜ , x  𝟙) <*  σ  mos  ≈⟨ ·ᶜ-<*-𝟘ᶜ,≔𝟙 ( σ  _) 
  (𝟘ᶜ , x   mos x ) <*  σ  mos       
  open Tools.Reasoning.Equivalence Conₘ-setoid

open import Graded.Modality.Dedicated-star.Instance

-- An inferred substitution matrix is well-formed if all substituted
-- terms are well-resourced (for suitable modes), and there is a
-- dedicated natrec-star operator.

substₘ-calc-correct :
   has-star : Dedicated-star  
  (σ : Subst m n) 
  (∀ x   λ γ  γ ▸[ mos x ] σ x)   σ  mos ▶[ mos ] σ
substₘ-calc-correct {mos = mos} σ prop x with prop x
... | γ , γ▸σx = sub
  (usage-inf γ▸σx)
     (𝟘ᶜ , x   mos x ) <*  σ  mos       ≈˘⟨ ·ᶜ-<*-𝟘ᶜ,≔𝟙 ( σ  _) 
      mos x  ·ᶜ (𝟘ᶜ , x  𝟙) <*  σ  mos  ≈⟨ ·ᶜ-congˡ (substₘ-calc-row σ _) 
      mos x  ·ᶜ  σ x  (mos x)            ≈⟨ ·-⌈⌉ {m = mos x} (σ x) 
      σ x  (mos x)                         )
  open Tools.Reasoning.PartialOrder ≤ᶜ-poset

-- If any substitution matrix is well-formed then the inferred
-- substitution matrix is well-formed (for suitable modes) if there is
-- a dedicated natrec-star operator.

subst-calc-correct′ :
   has-star : Dedicated-star  
  (Ψ : Substₘ m n) 
  Ψ ▶[ mos ] σ   σ  mos ▶[ mos ] σ
subst-calc-correct′ {mos = mos} {σ = σ} (Ψ  γ) Ψ▶σ x0 = sub
  (usage-inf (Ψ▶σ x0))
      headᵐ mos  ·ᶜ  head σ  (headᵐ mos) +ᶜ
     𝟘ᶜ <*  tail σ  (tailᵐ mos)                   ≈⟨ +ᶜ-congˡ (<*-zeroˡ ( tail σ  _)) 

      headᵐ mos  ·ᶜ  head σ  (headᵐ mos) +ᶜ 𝟘ᶜ  ≈⟨ +ᶜ-identityʳ _ 

      headᵐ mos  ·ᶜ  head σ  (headᵐ mos)        ≈⟨ ·-⌈⌉ (head σ) 

      head σ  (headᵐ mos)                         )
  open Tools.Reasoning.PartialOrder ≤ᶜ-poset
subst-calc-correct′ (Ψ  γ) Ψ▶σ (x +1) =
  sub (subst-calc-correct′ Ψ (wf-tailSubstₘ Ψ▶σ) x)
      (≤ᶜ-reflexive (≈ᶜ-trans (+ᶜ-congʳ (·ᶜ-zeroˡ _)) (+ᶜ-identityˡ _)))

-- If there is a dedicated natrec-star operator, then each row of a
-- calculated substitution matrix is an upper bound of the usage
-- contexts (for a suitable mode) of the corresponding substituted
-- term.

substₘ-calc-upper-bound :
   has-star : Dedicated-star  
  {γ : Conₘ m} (σ : Subst m n) (x : Fin n) 
  γ ▸[ mos x ] σ x  γ ≤ᶜ  (𝟘ᶜ , x  𝟙) <*  σ  mos
substₘ-calc-upper-bound σ x γ▸σx =
  ≤ᶜ-trans (usage-upper-bound γ▸σx)
           (≤ᶜ-reflexive (≈ᶜ-sym (substₘ-calc-row σ x)))

-- Well-formedness of substitution compositions --

-- Compositions of suitably well-formed substitutions are well-formed.

wf-compSubst :
  (Ψ : Substₘ m ) {Φ : Substₘ  n} {σ : Subst m } {σ′ : Subst  n} 
  Ψ ▶[   mos ⌝ᶜ <* Φ ⌟ᶜ ] σ  Φ ▶[ mos ] σ′ 
  (Ψ <*> Φ) ▶[ mos ] (σ ₛ•ₛ σ′)
wf-compSubst {mos = mos} Ψ {Φ = Φ} {σ = σ} {σ′ = σ′} Ψ▶σ Φ▶σ′ x = sub
  (substₘ-lemma Ψ
     (▶-cong Ψ
         y  cong  p   (𝟘ᶜ , x  p) <* Φ ⌟ᶜ y) (⌜⌝ᶜ⟨⟩ {ms = mos} x))
        (▶-⌞<*⌟ {γ =  mos ⌝ᶜ} Ψ {Φ = Φ} Ψ▶σ))
     (Φ▶σ′ x))
     (𝟘ᶜ , x   mos x ) <* (Ψ <*> Φ)       ≈˘⟨ ·ᶜ-<*-𝟘ᶜ,≔𝟙 (Ψ <*> Φ) 
      mos x  ·ᶜ (𝟘ᶜ , x  𝟙) <* (Ψ <*> Φ)  ≈⟨ ·ᶜ-congˡ (<*-<*>-assoc Ψ Φ (𝟘ᶜ , x  𝟙)) 
      mos x  ·ᶜ ((𝟘ᶜ , x  𝟙) <* Φ) <* Ψ   ≈˘⟨ <*-distrib-·ᶜ Ψ _ ((𝟘ᶜ , x  𝟙) <* Φ) 
     ( mos x  ·ᶜ (𝟘ᶜ , x  𝟙) <* Φ) <* Ψ   ≈⟨ <*-cong Ψ (·ᶜ-<*-𝟘ᶜ,≔𝟙 Φ) 
     ((𝟘ᶜ , x   mos x ) <* Φ) <* Ψ        )
  open Tools.Reasoning.PartialOrder ≤ᶜ-poset