-- The usage relation can be decided (given certain assumptions)

import Graded.Modality
import Graded.Modality.Dedicated-star
open import Graded.Usage.Restrictions
open import Tools.PropositionalEquality
open import Tools.Relation

module Graded.Usage.Decidable
  {a} {M : Set a}
  (open Graded.Modality M)
  (𝕄 : Modality)
  (open Graded.Modality.Dedicated-star 𝕄)
  (R : Usage-restrictions M)
  (open Usage-restrictions R)
  -- Equality is assumed to be decidable for M.
  (_≟_ : Decidable (_≡_ {A = M}))
  -- The Prodrec-allowed relation is assumed to be decidable.
  (Prodrec? :  r p q  Dec (Prodrec-allowed r p q))
  -- A dedicated natrec-star operator is assumed to exist.
   has-star : Dedicated-star 

open Modality 𝕄 hiding (has-star)

open import Graded.Context 𝕄
open import Graded.Context.Properties 𝕄
open import Graded.Modality.Dedicated-star.Instance
open import Graded.Modality.Properties 𝕄
open import Graded.Usage 𝕄 R
open import Graded.Usage.Inversion 𝕄 R
open import Graded.Usage.Properties 𝕄 R
open import Graded.Mode 𝕄
open import Definition.Untyped M

open import Tools.Function
open import Tools.Level
open import Tools.Nat using (Nat)
open import Tools.Nullary
open import Tools.Product
import Tools.Reasoning.PartialOrder
import Tools.Reasoning.PropositionalEquality
open import Tools.Sum using (_⊎_; inj₁; inj₂)
open import Tools.Unit

private variable
  n : Nat


  -- Inequality is decidable.

  _≤?_ : Decidable _≤_
  _≤?_ = ≡-decidable→≤-decidable _≟_

  -- Context inequality is decidable.

  _≤ᶜ?_ : Decidable (_≤ᶜ_ {n = n})
  _≤ᶜ?_ = ≤ᶜ-decidable _≤?_

-- A given term is either well-resourced with respect to a given mode
-- and the usage context computed by ⌈_⌉, or it is not well-resourced
-- with respect to any usage context (and the given mode).

infix 10 ⌈⌉▸[_]?_

⌈⌉▸[_]?_ :  m (t : Term n)  ( t  m ▸[ m ] t)  (∀ γ  ¬ γ ▸[ m ] t)
⌈⌉▸[ m ]? U       = inj₁ Uₘ

⌈⌉▸[ m ]?        = inj₁ ℕₘ

⌈⌉▸[ m ]? Unit    = inj₁ Unitₘ

⌈⌉▸[ m ]? Empty   = inj₁ Emptyₘ

⌈⌉▸[ m ]? zero    = inj₁ zeroₘ

⌈⌉▸[ m ]? star    = inj₁ starₘ

⌈⌉▸[ m ]? var _   = inj₁ var

⌈⌉▸[ m ]? snd _ t = case ⌈⌉▸[ m ]? t of λ where
  (inj₁ ▸t)   inj₁ (sndₘ ▸t)
  (inj₂ ¬▸t)  inj₂ λ _ ▸snd 
    case inv-usage-snd ▸snd of λ (invUsageSnd ▸t _) 
    ¬▸t _ ▸t

⌈⌉▸[ m ]? suc t = case ⌈⌉▸[ m ]? t of λ where
  (inj₁ ▸t)   inj₁ (sucₘ ▸t)
  (inj₂ ¬▸t)  inj₂ λ _ ▸suc 
    case inv-usage-suc ▸suc of λ (invUsageSuc ▸t _) 
    ¬▸t _ ▸t

⌈⌉▸[ m ]? emptyrec p A t = case ⌈⌉▸[ m ᵐ· p ]? t of λ where
  (inj₂ ¬▸t)  inj₂ λ _ ▸er 
    case inv-usage-emptyrec ▸er of λ (invUsageemptyrec ▸t _ _) 
    ¬▸t _ ▸t
  (inj₁ ▸t)  case ⌈⌉▸[ 𝟘ᵐ? ]? A of λ where
    (inj₂ ¬▸A)  inj₂ λ _ ▸er 
      case inv-usage-emptyrec ▸er of λ (invUsageemptyrec _ ▸A _) 
      ¬▸A _ ▸A
    (inj₁ ▸A)  inj₁ (emptyrecₘ ▸t ▸A)

⌈⌉▸[ m ]? lam p t = case ⌈⌉▸[ m ]? t of λ where
    (inj₂ ¬▸t)  inj₂ λ _ ▸lam 
      case inv-usage-lam ▸lam of λ (invUsageLam ▸t _) 
      ¬▸t _ ▸t
    (inj₁ ▸t)  case  m  · p ≤? headₘ ( t  m) of λ where
      (yes mp≤)  inj₁ (lamₘ (sub ▸t (begin
        tailₘ ( t  m)   m  · p        ≤⟨ ≤ᶜ-refl  mp≤ 
        tailₘ ( t  m)  headₘ ( t  m)  ≡⟨ headₘ-tailₘ-correct _ 
         t  m                            )))
      (no mp≰)  inj₂ λ _ ▸lam 
        case inv-usage-lam ▸lam of λ (invUsageLam ▸t′ _) 
        mp≰ (headₘ-monotone (usage-upper-bound ▸t′))
  open Tools.Reasoning.PartialOrder ≤ᶜ-poset

⌈⌉▸[ m ]? t ∘⟨ p  u = case ⌈⌉▸[ m ]? t of λ where
  (inj₂ ¬▸t)  inj₂ λ _ ▸app 
    case inv-usage-app ▸app of λ (invUsageApp ▸t _ _) 
    ¬▸t _ ▸t
  (inj₁ ▸t)  case ⌈⌉▸[ m ᵐ· p ]? u of λ where
    (inj₁ ▸u)   inj₁ (▸t ∘ₘ ▸u)
    (inj₂ ¬▸u)  inj₂ λ _ ▸app 
      case inv-usage-app ▸app of λ (invUsageApp _ ▸u _) 
      ¬▸u _ ▸u

⌈⌉▸[ m ]? fst p t =
  case p-ok m of λ where
    (no p-not-ok)  inj₂ λ _ ▸fst 
      case inv-usage-fst ▸fst of λ (invUsageFst _ _ _ _ p-ok) 
      p-not-ok p-ok
    (yes p-ok)  case m-ok m of λ where
      (no m-not-ok)  inj₂ λ _ ▸fst 
        case inv-usage-fst ▸fst of λ (invUsageFst m′ m′-ok _ _ _) 
        m-not-ok (m′ , sym m′-ok)
      (yes (m′ , m′-ok)) 
        case ⌈⌉▸[ m ]? t of λ where
          (inj₁ ▸t)  inj₁ (fstₘ m′ (▸-cong (sym m′-ok) ▸t) m′-ok p-ok)
          (inj₂ ¬▸t)  inj₂ λ _ ▸fst 
            case inv-usage-fst ▸fst of λ (invUsageFst _ _ ▸t _ _) 
            ¬▸t _ ▸t
  p-ok :  m  Dec (m  𝟙ᵐ  p  𝟙)
  p-ok 𝟘ᵐ = yes λ ()
  p-ok 𝟙ᵐ = case ≡-decidable→≤-decidable _≟_ p 𝟙 of λ where
    (yes p≤𝟙)  yes λ _  p≤𝟙
    (no p≰𝟙)  no  p≤𝟙  p≰𝟙 (p≤𝟙 refl))

  m-ok :  m  Dec ( λ m′  m′ ᵐ· p  m)
  m-ok 𝟘ᵐ = yes (𝟘ᵐ , refl)
  m-ok 𝟙ᵐ = case p  𝟘 of λ where
      (no p≢𝟘)   yes (𝟙ᵐ , ≢𝟘→⌞⌟≡𝟙ᵐ p≢𝟘)
      (yes p≡𝟘)  𝟘ᵐ-allowed-elim
         ok  no λ where
          (𝟘ᵐ , ())
          (𝟙ᵐ , ⌞p⌟≡𝟙) 
              𝟘ᵐ[ ok ]  ≡˘⟨ 𝟘ᵐ?≡𝟘ᵐ 
              𝟘ᵐ?       ≡˘⟨ ⌞𝟘⌟≡𝟘ᵐ? 
               𝟘      ≡˘⟨ cong ⌞_⌟ p≡𝟘 
               p      ≡⟨ ⌞p⌟≡𝟙 
            of λ ())
           yes (𝟙ᵐ , Mode-propositional-without-𝟘ᵐ not-ok))
    open Tools.Reasoning.PropositionalEquality

⌈⌉▸[ m ]? ΠΣ⟨ b  p , q  F  G = case ⌈⌉▸[ m ᵐ· p ]? F of λ where
    (inj₂ ¬▸F)  inj₂ λ _ ▸ΠΣ 
      case inv-usage-ΠΣ ▸ΠΣ of λ (invUsageΠΣ ▸F _ _) 
      ¬▸F _ ▸F
    (inj₁ ▸F)  case ⌈⌉▸[ m ]? G of λ where
      (inj₂ ¬▸G)  inj₂ λ _ ▸ΠΣ 
        case inv-usage-ΠΣ ▸ΠΣ of λ (invUsageΠΣ _ ▸G _) 
        ¬▸G _ ▸G
      (inj₁ ▸G)  case  m  · q ≤? headₘ ( G  m) of λ where
        (no mq≰)  inj₂ λ _ ▸ΠΣ 
          case inv-usage-ΠΣ ▸ΠΣ of λ (invUsageΠΣ _ ▸G′ _) 
          mq≰ (headₘ-monotone (usage-upper-bound ▸G′))
        (yes mq≤) 
          let lemma = begin
                tailₘ ( G  m)   m  · q        ≤⟨ ≤ᶜ-refl  mq≤ 
                tailₘ ( G  m)  headₘ ( G  m)  ≡⟨ headₘ-tailₘ-correct _ 
                 G  m                            
          in inj₁ (ΠΣₘ ▸F (sub ▸G lemma))
  open Tools.Reasoning.PartialOrder ≤ᶜ-poset

⌈⌉▸[ m ]? prod Σᵣ p t u = case ⌈⌉▸[ m ᵐ· p ]? t of λ where
  (inj₂ ¬▸t)  inj₂ λ _ ▸prod 
    case inv-usage-prodᵣ ▸prod of λ (invUsageProdᵣ ▸t _ _) 
    ¬▸t _ ▸t
  (inj₁ ▸t)  case ⌈⌉▸[ m ]? u of λ where
    (inj₂ ¬▸u)  inj₂ λ _ ▸prod 
      case inv-usage-prodᵣ ▸prod of λ (invUsageProdᵣ _ ▸u _) 
      ¬▸u _ ▸u
    (inj₁ ▸u)  inj₁ (prodᵣₘ ▸t ▸u)

⌈⌉▸[ m ]? prod Σₚ p t u = case ⌈⌉▸[ m ᵐ· p ]? t of λ where
  (inj₂ ¬▸t)  inj₂ λ _ ▸prod 
    case inv-usage-prodₚ ▸prod of λ (invUsageProdₚ ▸t _ _) 
    ¬▸t _ ▸t
  (inj₁ ▸t)  case ⌈⌉▸[ m ]? u of λ where
    (inj₂ ¬▸u)  inj₂ λ _ ▸prod 
      case inv-usage-prodₚ ▸prod of λ (invUsageProdₚ _ ▸u _) 
      ¬▸u _ ▸u
    (inj₁ ▸u)  inj₁ (prodₚₘ ▸t ▸u)

⌈⌉▸[ m ]? prodrec r p q A t u = case Prodrec? r p q of λ where
  (no not-ok)  inj₂ λ _ ▸pr 
    case inv-usage-prodrec ▸pr of λ (invUsageProdrec _ _ _ ok _) 
    not-ok ok
  (yes ok)  case ⌈⌉▸[ m ᵐ· r ]? t of λ where
    (inj₂ ¬▸t)  inj₂ λ _ ▸pr 
      case inv-usage-prodrec ▸pr of λ (invUsageProdrec ▸t _ _ _ _) 
      ¬▸t _ ▸t
    (inj₁ ▸t)  case ⌈⌉▸[ m ]? u of λ where
      (inj₂ ¬▸u)  inj₂ λ _ ▸pr 
        case inv-usage-prodrec ▸pr of λ (invUsageProdrec _ ▸u _ _ _) 
        ¬▸u _ ▸u
      (inj₁ ▸u) 
        case  m  · r · p ≤? headₘ (tailₘ ( u  m)) of λ where
          (no mrp≰)  inj₂ λ _ ▸pr 
            case inv-usage-prodrec ▸pr of
              λ (invUsageProdrec _ ▸u′ _ _ _) 
            mrp≰ (headₘ-monotone
                    (tailₘ-monotone (usage-upper-bound ▸u′)))
          (yes mrp≤)  case  m  · r ≤? headₘ ( u  m) of λ where
            (no mr≰)  inj₂ λ _ ▸pr 
              case inv-usage-prodrec ▸pr of
                λ (invUsageProdrec _ ▸u′ _ _ _) 
              mr≰ (headₘ-monotone (usage-upper-bound ▸u′))
            (yes mr≤)  case ⌈⌉▸[ 𝟘ᵐ? ]? A of λ where
              (inj₂ ¬▸A)  inj₂ λ _ ▸nr 
                case inv-usage-prodrec ▸nr of
                  λ (invUsageProdrec _ _ ▸A _ _) 
                ¬▸A _ ▸A
              (inj₁ ▸A) 
                case  𝟘ᵐ?  · q ≤? headₘ ( A  𝟘ᵐ?) of λ where
                  (no q≰)  inj₂ λ _ ▸nr 
                    case inv-usage-prodrec ▸nr of
                      λ (invUsageProdrec _ _ ▸A′ _ _) 
                    q≰ (headₘ-monotone (usage-upper-bound ▸A′))
                  (yes q≤) 
                    let lemma₁ =
                          let open Tools.Reasoning.PartialOrder ≤ᶜ-poset
                          in begin
                          tailₘ (tailₘ ( u  m)) 
                           m  · r · p   m  · r          ≤⟨ ≤ᶜ-refl  mrp≤  mr≤ 

                          tailₘ (tailₘ ( u  m)) 
                          headₘ (tailₘ ( u  m)) 
                          headₘ ( u  m)                    ≡⟨ cong (_∙ headₘ ( u  m)) (headₘ-tailₘ-correct _) 

                          tailₘ ( u  m)  headₘ ( u  m)  ≡⟨ headₘ-tailₘ-correct _ 

                           u  m                            

                        lemma₂ =
                          let open Tools.Reasoning.PartialOrder ≤ᶜ-poset
                          in begin
                          tailₘ ( A  𝟘ᵐ?)   𝟘ᵐ?  · q        ≤⟨ ≤ᶜ-refl  q≤ 
                          tailₘ ( A  𝟘ᵐ?)  headₘ ( A  𝟘ᵐ?)  ≡⟨ headₘ-tailₘ-correct _ 
                           A  𝟘ᵐ?                              
                    inj₁ (prodrecₘ ▸t (sub ▸u lemma₁)
                            (sub ▸A lemma₂) ok)

⌈⌉▸[ m ]? natrec p q r A z s n = case ⌈⌉▸[ m ]? z of λ where
  (inj₂ ¬▸z)  inj₂ λ _ ▸nr 
    case inv-usage-natrec ▸nr of λ where
      (invUsageNatrec ▸z _ _ _ _ _) 
        ¬▸z _ ▸z
  (inj₁ ▸z)  case ⌈⌉▸[ m ]? s of λ where
    (inj₂ ¬▸s)  inj₂ λ _ ▸nr 
      case inv-usage-natrec ▸nr of λ where
        (invUsageNatrec _ ▸s _ _ _ _) 
          ¬▸s _ ▸s
    (inj₁ ▸s)  case  m  · p ≤? headₘ (tailₘ ( s  m)) of λ where
      (no mp≰)  inj₂ λ _ ▸nr 
        case inv-usage-natrec ▸nr of λ where
          (invUsageNatrec _ ▸s′ _ _ _ _) 
            mp≰ $ headₘ-monotone $ tailₘ-monotone $
            usage-upper-bound  has-star = has-star  ▸s′
      (yes mp≤)  case  m  · r ≤? headₘ ( s  m) of λ where
        (no mr≰)  inj₂ λ _ ▸nr 
          case inv-usage-natrec ▸nr of λ where
            (invUsageNatrec _ ▸s′ _ _ _ _) 
              mr≰ $ headₘ-monotone $
              usage-upper-bound  has-star = has-star  ▸s′
        (yes mr≤)  case ⌈⌉▸[ m ]? n of λ where
          (inj₂ ¬▸n)  inj₂ λ _ ▸nr 
            case inv-usage-natrec ▸nr of λ where
              (invUsageNatrec _ _ ▸n _ _ _) 
                ¬▸n _ ▸n
          (inj₁ ▸n)  case ⌈⌉▸[ 𝟘ᵐ? ]? A of λ where
            (inj₂ ¬▸A)  inj₂ λ _ ▸nr 
              case inv-usage-natrec ▸nr of λ where
                (invUsageNatrec _ _ _ ▸A _ _) 
                  ¬▸A _ ▸A
            (inj₁ ▸A) 
              case  𝟘ᵐ?  · q ≤? headₘ ( A  𝟘ᵐ?) of λ where
                (no q≰)  inj₂ λ _ ▸nr 
                  case inv-usage-natrec ▸nr of λ where
                    (invUsageNatrec _ _ _ ▸A′ _ _) 
                      q≰ $ headₘ-monotone $
                      usage-upper-bound  has-star = has-star  ▸A′
                (yes q≤) 
                  let lemma₁ =
                        let open Tools.Reasoning.PartialOrder ≤ᶜ-poset
                        in begin
                        tailₘ (tailₘ ( s  m)) 
                         m  · p   m  · r              ≤⟨ ≤ᶜ-refl  mp≤  mr≤ 

                        tailₘ (tailₘ ( s  m)) 
                        headₘ (tailₘ ( s  m)) 
                        headₘ ( s  m)                    ≡⟨ cong (_∙ headₘ ( s  m)) (headₘ-tailₘ-correct _) 

                        tailₘ ( s  m)  headₘ ( s  m)  ≡⟨ headₘ-tailₘ-correct _ 

                         s  m                            

                      lemma₂ =
                        let open Tools.Reasoning.PartialOrder ≤ᶜ-poset
                        in begin
                        tailₘ ( A  𝟘ᵐ?)   𝟘ᵐ?  · q        ≤⟨ ≤ᶜ-refl  q≤ 
                        tailₘ ( A  𝟘ᵐ?)  headₘ ( A  𝟘ᵐ?)  ≡⟨ headₘ-tailₘ-correct _ 
                         A  𝟘ᵐ?                              
                  inj₁ (natrecₘ ▸z (sub ▸s lemma₁) ▸n (sub ▸A lemma₂))

infix 10 ⌈⌉▸[_]?′_

-- It is decidable whether a term is well-resourced under the inferred
-- context.

⌈⌉▸[_]?′_ :  m (t : Term n)  Dec ( t  m ▸[ m ] t)
⌈⌉▸[ m ]?′ t = case ⌈⌉▸[ m ]? t of λ where
  (inj₁ ▸t)  yes ▸t
  (inj₂ ¬▸t)  no  ▸t  ¬▸t _ ▸t)

-- It is decidable whether a term is well-resourced with respect to a
-- given mode, and in that case a greatest usage context for which the
-- term is well-resourced (with respect to the given mode) can be
-- computed.

infix 10 ▸[_]?_

▸[_]?_ :
   m (t : Term n) 
   λ (d : Dec ( λ γ  γ ▸[ m ] t)) 
    case d of λ where
      (yes (γ , _))   δ  δ ▸[ m ] t  δ ≤ᶜ γ
      (no _)         Lift _ 
▸[ m ]? t = case ⌈⌉▸[ m ]? t of λ where
  (inj₁ ▸t)   yes ( t  m , ▸t) , λ _  usage-upper-bound
  (inj₂ ¬▸t)  no  (_ , ▸t)  ¬▸t _ ▸t) , _

-- It is decidable whether a term is well-resourced with respect to a
-- given context and mode.

infix 10 _▸[_]?_

_▸[_]?_ :  γ m (t : Term n)  Dec (γ ▸[ m ] t)
γ ▸[ m ]? t = case ▸[ m ]? t of λ where
  (no ¬▸t , _)         no λ ▸t  ¬▸t (_ , ▸t)
  (yes (δ , δ▸) , ≤δ)  case γ ≤ᶜ? δ of λ where
    (no γ≰δ)   no λ ▸t  γ≰δ (≤δ _ ▸t)
    (yes γ≤δ)  yes (sub δ▸ γ≤δ)