-- Up-to techniques for CCS

{-# OPTIONS --without-K --safe #-}

module Bisimilarity.Up-to.CCS {} {Name : Set } where

open import Equality.Propositional
open import Logical-equivalence using (_⇔_)
open import Prelude

open import Bijection equality-with-J using (_↔_)
open import Function-universe equality-with-J hiding (id; _∘_)

open import Bisimilarity.CCS
import Bisimilarity.Equational-reasoning-instances
open import Equational-reasoning
open import Indexed-container
open import Labelled-transition-system.CCS Name
open import Relation

open import Bisimilarity CCS
open import Bisimilarity.Step CCS _[_]⟶_ using (Step; Step↔StepC)
open import Bisimilarity.Up-to CCS

-- Up to context for a very simple kind of context.

Up-to-! : Trans₂  (Proc )
Up-to-! R (P , Q) =
   λ P′   λ Q′  P  ! P′ × R (P′ , Q′) × ! Q′  Q

-- This transformer is size-preserving.

up-to-!-size-preserving : Size-preserving Up-to-!
up-to-!-size-preserving R⊆∼i (P′ , Q′ , refl , P′RQ′ , refl) =
  !-cong (R⊆∼i P′RQ′)

-- Up to context for CCS (for polyadic contexts).

Up-to-context : Trans₂  (Proc )
Up-to-context R (P , Q) =
   λ n 
   λ (C : Context  n) 
   λ Ps 
   λ Qs 
  Equal  P (C [ Ps ])
  Equal  Q (C [ Qs ])
   x  R (Ps x , Qs x)

-- Up to context is monotone.

up-to-context-monotone : Monotone Up-to-context
up-to-context-monotone R⊆S =
  Σ-map id $ Σ-map id $ Σ-map id $ Σ-map id $ Σ-map id $ Σ-map id
    (R⊆S ∘_)

-- Up to context is size-preserving.

up-to-context-size-preserving : Size-preserving Up-to-context
  R⊆∼i {P , Q} (_ , C , Ps , Qs , eq₁ , eq₂ , Ps∼Qs) =
    P         ∼⟨ ≡→∼ eq₁ 
    C [ Ps ]  ∼⟨ C [ R⊆∼i  Ps∼Qs ]-cong 
    C [ Qs ]  ∼⟨ symmetric (≡→∼ eq₂) ⟩■

-- Note that up to context is not compatible (assuming that Name is
-- inhabited).
-- This counterexample is a minor variant of one due to Pous and
-- Sangiorgi, who state that up to context would have been compatible
-- if the Step function had been defined in a slightly different way
-- (see Remark 6.4.2 in "Enhancements of the bisimulation proof
-- method").

¬-up-to-context-compatible : Name  ¬ Compatible Up-to-context
¬-up-to-context-compatible x comp = contradiction
  a = x , true
  b = x , false
  c = a
  d = a

  a≢b : ¬ a  b
  a≢b ()

  data R : Rel₂  (Proc ) where
    base : R (! name a  (b ) , ! name a  (c ))

  data S₀ : Rel₂  (Proc ) where
    base : S₀ (! name a  (b )  b  , ! name a  (c )  c )

  S : Rel₂  (Proc )
  S = Up-to-bisimilarity S₀

  d!ab[R]d!ac : Up-to-context R ( name d  (! name a  (b ))
                                , name d  (! name a  (c ))
  d!ab[R]d!ac =
    , name d ·  { .force  hole fzero })
    ,  _  ! name a  (b ))
    ,  _  ! name a  (c ))
    , refl ·  { .force  Proc-refl _ })
    , refl ·  { .force  Proc-refl _ })
    ,  _  base)

  ¬!ab[S]!ac : ¬ Up-to-context S (! name a  (b ) , ! name a  (c ))
  ¬!ab[S]!ac (n , C , Ps , Qs , !ab≡C[Ps] , !ac≡C[Qs] , PsSQs) =

                                    $⟨ Matches-[] C 
    Matches  (C [ Ps ]) C          ↝⟨ Matches-cong (Proc-sym !ab≡C[Ps]) 
    Matches  (! name a  (b )) C  ↝⟨ helper !ab≡C[Ps] !ac≡C[Qs] ⟩□


    helper : Equal  (! name a  (b )) (C [ Ps ]) 
             Equal  (! name a  (c )) (C [ Qs ]) 
             ¬ Matches  (! name a  (b )) C

    helper !ab≡ _ (hole x) = case PsSQs x of λ where
      (_ , Ps[x]∼!ab∣b , _ , base , _) 
                                                    $⟨ Ps[x]∼!ab∣b 
        Ps x  ! name a  (b )  b                ↝⟨ transitive {a = } (≡→∼ !ab≡) 
        ! name a  (b )  ! name a  (b )  b    ↝⟨  !ab∼!ab∣b  Σ-map id proj₁ $ StepC.right-to-left !ab∼!ab∣b (par-right action)) 
        ( λ P′  ! name a  (b ) [ name b ]⟶ P′)  ↝⟨ cancel-name  !-only ·-only  proj₂ 
        a  b                                       ↝⟨ a≢b ⟩□

    helper (! ab≡) (! ac≡) (! hole x) = case PsSQs x of λ where
      (_ , Ps[x]∼!ab∣b , _ , base , _) 
                                                  $⟨ Ps[x]∼!ab∣b 
        Ps x  ! name a  (b )  b              ↝⟨ transitive {a = } (≡→∼ ab≡) 
        name a  (b )  ! name a  (b )  b    ↝⟨  ab∼!ab∣b  Σ-map id proj₁ $ StepC.right-to-left ab∼!ab∣b (par-right action)) 
        ( λ P′  name a  (b ) [ name b ]⟶ P′)  ↝⟨ cancel-name  ·-only  proj₂ 
        a  b                                     ↝⟨ a≢b ⟩□

    helper (! (_ · b≡′)) (! (_ · c≡′)) (! action {C = C} M) =
      case force C , force b≡′ , force c≡′ , force M {j = } 
             ( λ C  Equal  _ (C [ Ps ]) ×
                      Equal  _ (C [ Qs ]) × Matches  _ C) of λ where

        (._ , b≡ , _ , hole x)  case PsSQs x of λ where
          (_ , Ps[x]∼!ab∣b , _ , base , _) 
                                           $⟨ Ps[x]∼!ab∣b 
            Ps x  ! name a  (b )  b   ↝⟨ transitive {a = } (≡→∼ b≡) 
            b   ! name a  (b )  b    ↝⟨  b∼!ab∣b  Σ-map id proj₁ $
                                                             StepC.right-to-left b∼!ab∣b (par-left (replication (par-right action)))) 
            ( λ P′  b  [ name a ]⟶ P′)  ↝⟨ cancel-name  ·-only  proj₂ 
            b  a                          ↝⟨ a≢b  sym ⟩□

        (._ , _ , c≡b · _ , action _) 
                           $⟨ c≡b 
          name c  name b  ↝⟨ cancel-name 
          c  b            ↝⟨ a≢b ⟩□

  R⊆StepS : R   StepC  S
  R⊆StepS base = StepC.⟨ lr , rl 
    lr :  {P′ μ} 
         ! name a  (b ) [ μ ]⟶ P′ 
          λ Q′  ! name a  (c ) [ μ ]⟶ Q′ × S (P′ , Q′)
    lr {P′} {μ} !ab[μ]⟶P′ = case 6-1-3-2 !ab[μ]⟶P′ of λ where
      (inj₁ (.(b ) , action , P′∼!ab∣b)) 
          ! name a  (c )  c 
        , replication (par-right action)
        , _
        , (P′                      ∼⟨ P′∼!ab∣b ⟩■
           ! name a  (b )  b )
        , _
        , base
        , (! name a  (c )  c   )

      (inj₂ (μ≡τ , _))  ⊥-elim $ name≢τ (
        name a  ≡⟨ !-only ·-only !ab[μ]⟶P′ 
        μ       ≡⟨ μ≡τ ⟩∎
        τ       )

    rl :  {Q′ μ} 
         ! name a  (c ) [ μ ]⟶ Q′ 
          λ P′  ! name a  (b ) [ μ ]⟶ P′ × S (P′ , Q′)
    rl {Q′} {μ} !ac[μ]⟶Q′ = case 6-1-3-2 !ac[μ]⟶Q′ of λ where
      (inj₁ (.(c ) , action , Q′∼!ac∣c)) 
          ! name a  (b )  b 
        , replication (par-right action)
        , _
        , (! name a  (b )  b   )
        , _
        , base
        , (! name a  (c )  c   ∼⟨ symmetric Q′∼!ac∣c ⟩■

      (inj₂ (μ≡τ , _))  ⊥-elim $ name≢τ (
        name a  ≡⟨ !-only ·-only !ac[μ]⟶Q′ 
        μ       ≡⟨ μ≡τ ⟩∎
        τ       )

  -- Note the use of compatibility in [R]⊆Step[S].

  [R]⊆Step[S] : Up-to-context R   StepC  (Up-to-context S)
  [R]⊆Step[S] =
    Up-to-context R              ⊆⟨ up-to-context-monotone  {x}  R⊆StepS {x}) 
    Up-to-context ( StepC  S)  ⊆⟨ comp ⟩∎
     StepC  (Up-to-context S)  

  contradiction : 
  contradiction =
                                                               $⟨ d!ab[R]d!ac 
    Up-to-context R ( name d  (! name a  (b ))
                    , name d  (! name a  (c ))
                    )                                          ↝⟨ [R]⊆Step[S] 

     StepC  (Up-to-context S) ( name d  (! name a  (b ))
                                , name d  (! name a  (c ))
                                )                              ↝⟨  s  StepC.left-to-right s action) 

    ( λ P  name d  (! name a  (c )) [ name d ]⟶ P ×
             Up-to-context S (! name a  (b ) , P))           ↝⟨  { (P , d!ac[d]⟶P  , !ab[S]P) 
                                                                       subst (Up-to-context S  (_ ,_)) (·-only⟶ d!ac[d]⟶P) !ab[S]P }) 

    Up-to-context S (! name a  (b ) , ! name a  (c ))      ↝⟨ ¬!ab[S]!ac ⟩□