Important Dates

  • Submissions: 10th June 2013
  • Notifications: 1st July 2013
  • Camera Ready: 1310th July 2013
  • Workshop: 1st August 2013


Proceedings Online

The proceedings from this years workshop are now online: EuroHCIR2013 Proceedings. The proceedings includes slides and posters as presented at the workshop.


Last Year's Workshop

The proceedings from the euroHCIR 2012 workshop are now online:



We'll be using the #euroHCIR hashtag where possible




EuroHCIR 2013 Proceedings are now online! The proceedings includes slides and posters presented by authors for extra detail, as well as links to key web resources.

Workshop Focus & Aims

HCIR, or Human-Computer Information Retrieval, was a phrase coined by Gary Marchionini in 2005 and is representative of the growing interest in uniting both those who are interested in how information systems are built (the Information Retrieval community) and those who are interested in how humans search for information (the Human-Computer Interaction and Information Seeking communities). Five increasingly popular workshops and an NSF funded event , have brought focus to this multi-disciplinary issue in the USA , and the aim of EuroHCIR 2013 is to continue to focus the European community in the same way.

Consequently, the EuroHCIR workshop has four main goals:

  • Present and discuss novel HCIR designs, systems, and findings.
  • Identify and unite European researchers and industry professionals working in this area.
  • Facilitate and encourage collaboration and joint academic and industry ventures.
  • EuroHCIR2013 at SIGIR2013 has a specific 4th goal:
  • Improve engagement with the IR community


Current themes

It's highly likely that we'll talk about a recurring theme in recent events: supporting and evaluating larger/longer sessions of browsing/search.

Organisers & Reviewers

We intend to engage both Industry and Academia alike, and so we are accepting case study reports from industry as well as early results and position statements from academia. See our Call for Papers.

To engage both industry and academia, we have 5 organisers and an exciting international Programme Committee, spread across industry and academia, and across Europe.

See our Organisers Page.