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More examples

Some of the languages which we have shown not to be regular are actually context-free.

The language $ \{ 0^n1^n \mid n\in\mathbb{N}\}$ is given by the following grammar

$\displaystyle G=(\{S\},\{0,1\},S,\{S \to \epsilon \mid

Also the language of palindromes

$\displaystyle \{ ww^R \mid w\in\{\textrm{a},\textrm{b}\}^*\} $

turns out to be context-free;

$\displaystyle G=(\{S\},\{\textrm{a},\textrm{b}\},S,\{S \to \epsilon \mid
\textrm{a}S\textrm{a} \mid \textrm{b}S\textrm{b}\})$

We also note that

Theorem 5.1   All regular languages are context-free.

We don't give a proof here - the idea is that regular expressions can be translated into (special) context-free grammars, i.e. $ \textrm{a}^*\textrm{b}^*$ can be translated into

$\displaystyle G = (\{A,B\},\{\textrm{a},\textrm{b}\},\{ A \to aA \mid B, B \to bB
\mid \epsilon ) $

(Extensions of) context free grammars are used in computer linguistics to describe real languages. As an example consider

$\displaystyle \Sigma = \{ \textrm{the}, \textrm{dog}, \textrm{cat},
\textrm{which}, \textrm{bites}, \textrm{barks}, \textrm{catches} \} $

we use the grammar $ G=(\{S,N,NP,VI,VT,VP\},\Sigma,S,P)$ where

$\displaystyle S$ $\displaystyle \to NP  VP$    
$\displaystyle N$ $\displaystyle \to \textrm{cat} \mid \textrm{dog}$    
$\displaystyle NP$ $\displaystyle \to \textrm{the} N \mid NP \textrm{which} VP$    
$\displaystyle VI$ $\displaystyle \to \textrm{barks} \mid \textrm{bites}$    
$\displaystyle VT$ $\displaystyle \to \textrm{bites} \mid \textrm{catches}$    
$\displaystyle VP$ $\displaystyle \to VI \mid VT NP$    

which allows us to derive interesting sentences like
the dog which catches the cat which bites barks

An important example for context-free languages is the syntax of programming languages. We have already mentioned the syntax of JAVA which uses a formalism slightly different from the one introduced here. Another example is the toy language used in the compilers course (G52CMP), see Mini-Triangle Concrete and Abstract Syntax

However, note that not all syntactic aspects of programming languages are captured by the context free grammar, i.e. the fact that a variable has to be declared before used and the type correctness of expressions are not captured.

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Thorsten Altenkirch 2001-05-08