(University Crest)

Foundations of Programming Meetings

School of Computer Science and IT
University of Nottingham

Speakers; Abstracts; Further Information.

The Foundations of Programming group holds regular research meetings. The meetings last around an hour, and are intended to be a friendly forum for discussion and exchange of ideas. Most meetings take the form of a talk by a group member or an invited speaker, but we also have various kinds of discussion sessions. The meetings are open to everyone, not just members of the group. Please contact Graham Hutton if you are interested in visiting the group and giving a talk.

Details of previous years meetings are also available: 1995; 1996; 1997; 1998; 1999; 2000.

Details of recent and upcoming meetings are given below.

Speakers 2001

Friday the 14th of December, Joel Wright , University of Nottingham.
Concurrent Haskell .

Friday 23rd of November, Louise Dennis , University of Nottingham.
Proof Planning and the Lclam Proof Planner .

Friday 26 October, Pablo Nogueira , University of Nottingham.
Understanding universal functions for the pure lambda calculus..

Friday 19 October, Alex Simpson , Division of Informatics, University of Edinburgh.
Verifying Temporal Properties Using Explicit Approximants: Completeness for Context-free Processes. .

Friday 12th October, Bernhard Reus, University of Sussex.
A Hoare-calculus for an object-oriented programming language

Monday 23rd July, Thomas Streicher, Technical University of Darmstadt.
Ontological status of antiproof.

Friday 8th June, Thorsten Altenkirch, University of Nottingham.
Towards a semantical analysis of generic programs.

Friday 1st June, Michael Mendler, University of Sheffield.
Intuitionistic logic: more semantics for less syntax
Or, Why not specify dynamic behaviour in a fragment of propositional logic?

Friday 27th April, Paolo Zuliani, University of Oxford.
Quantum programming.

Friday 16th March, Simon Thompson, University of Kent at Canterbury.
The Atypical project: integrating computer algebra and reasoning.

Friday 2nd March, Anthony Daniels, University of Kent at Canterbury.
Aspects of language design.

Friday 19th January, Eike Ritter, University of Birmingham.
Towards a semantics for proof search.

Tuesday 9th January, Roy Dyckhoff, University of St Andrews.
Proof search and computation in Herbelin's sequent calculus.

Tuesday 9th January, Roy Dyckhoff, University of St Andrews.
Proof search and computation in Herbelin's sequent calculus.

Abstracts 2001

Tuesday 9th January, Roy Dyckhoff, University of St Andrews.
Proof search and computation in Herbelin's sequent calculus.

Two of Gentzen's innovations, the sequent calculus and natural deduction, have superficial similarities, with their cut-elimination and normalisation theorems respectively ; but the former allows too many proofs and the latter is not well suited for automatic proof search.

We describe in this talk the sequent calculus of Herbelin (CSL '94), for intuitionistic logic, which may be seen as a calculus with the advantages of both. It is thus, on the one hand, in the cut-free case, an abstract foundation for declarative logic programming with uniform proofs and, on the other hand, when cuts are allowed, a calculus with explicit substitutions, and thus may be a clear logical basis for efficient functional language implementation. In particular, we outline a solution to a problem raised by Herbelin about the termination of a cut-reduction system that allows enough permutation of cuts for the simulation of ordinary beta-reduction.

Friday 19th January, Eike Ritter, University of Birmingham.
Towards a semantics for proof search.

Algorithmic proof-search is a essential enabling technology throughout informatics. Proof-search is the proof-theoretic realization of the formulation of logic not as a theory of deduction but rather as a theory of reduction. Whilst deductive logics typically have a well-developed semantics of proofs, reductive logics are typically well-understood only operationally. Each deductive system can, typically, be read as a corresponding reductive system. We discuss some of the problems which must be addressed in order or provide a semantics of proof-searches of comparable value to the corresponding semantics of proofs. Just as the semantics of proofs is intimately related to the model theory of the underlying logic, so too should be the semantics of proof-searches. We discuss how to solve the problem of providing a semantics for proof-searches which adequately models both operational and logical aspects of the reductive system.

This is joint work with David Pym.

Friday 2nd March, Anthony Daniels, University of Kent at Canterbury.
Aspects of language design.

In this talk I will discuss a number of aspects of programming languages and motivate the design of a new language with some novel features. The main aim is to improve software reliability by providing more secure features than those in Pascal-like and Java-like languages. Topics that will be covered include functions and procedures; access modes for variables and parameters; pointers, aliasing and swapping; records and variants; and finally objects.

Friday 16th March, Simon Thompson, University of Kent at Canterbury.
The Atypical project: integrating computer algebra and reasoning.

Computer algebra systems are in widespread practical use, despite the fact that they are not always reliable. The talk will introduce a novel scheme for integrating formal reasoning into the Axiom computer algebra system, thus enabling the system to be both strengthened and made more sound. The embedding uses dependent types in the Axiom type system, and the talk will introduce, inter alia, the constructive approach underlying the work.

Friday 27th April, Paolo Zuliani, University of Oxford.
Quantum programming.

In this talk we propose a possible programming language for quantum computation: the quantum Guarded-Command Language (qGCL). It is a high-level imperative programming language derived from the probabilistic Guarded-Command Language (pGCL). qGCL inherits from its probabilistic parent pGCL a rigorous semantics and therefore an associated refinement calculus, which include program refinement, data refinement and combination of specifications with code. Furthermore, qGCL incorporates (demonic) nondeterminism and probability, which are both featured in quantum computation.

We shall start our exposition introducing the necessary quantum mechanics background. Then we briefly present the main features of pGCL and from there we introduce the quantum extensions of qGCL. In order to demonstrate the expressiveness of our notation we cast in qGCL the most known quantum algorithms, such as Shor's and Grover's algorithms. The main strentgh of qGCL is its refinement calculus, which originates from the rigorous semantics of pGCL. To illustrate this point we shall give an algebraic derivation of the Deutsch-Jozsa's algorithm and provide a formal reasoning for some Gedankenexperimente from quantum physics, such as the famous Einstein-Podolsky-Rosen paradox.

Friday 1st June, Michael Mendler, University of Sheffield.
Intuitionistic logic: more semantics for less syntax
Or, Why not specify dynamic behaviour in a fragment of propositional logic?

Tradition in the area of formal specification teaches that pure propositional logic is adequate for the stationary state of finite bit-level systems, but that in order to capture dynamic behaviour over time an enrichment by some form of extra temporal operators (predicate logic, temporal logic, modal logic) is necessary.

This talk will demonstrate that the opposite strategy is feasible too, namely that there are fragments of propositional logic in which it is possible to specify nontrivial classes of finite state behaviours. This is relevant for applications in Computer Science where the right trade-off between syntax and semantics is essential.

In the talk we will consider intuitionistic logic as a natural such fragment, which, though propositional in syntax, offers second-order expressiveness. We will look at two different ways of exploiting this semantic richness to accommodate timing behaviour. The first one generates a fully-abstract semantics for Statecharts, essentially solving the full-abstraction problem for this widely used engineering design language. The second fragment is related to Maximovas intermediate logic LPi (Logic of the Rhombuses), in which properties of finite bidirectional automata may be expressed.

Friday 8th June, Thorsten Altenkirch, University of Nottingham.
Towards a semantical analysis of generic programs.

I will discuss some recent ideas on how to give semantics to generic programs (i.e. programs which work on all types, but which are not parametric such as equality or map). The main point is that generic programs can be viewed as folds or unfolds once one has chosen the ambient category properly.

Monday 23rd July, Thomas Streicher, Technical University of Darmstadt.
Ontological status of antiproof.

Friday 12th October, Bernhard Reus, University of Sussex.
A Hoare-calculus for an object-oriented programming language

A Hoare-calculus for a simple object-oriented (class-based) language is presented that can be viewed as an extension of America and de Boer's approach, ie. no explicit representation of the heap is needed in the assertions. The Hoare-logic is also inspired by OCL (Object Constraint Language) such that simple Java programs can be shown partially correct with respect to OCL-specifications. We will discuss limitations of the presented calculus and compare it with other approaches.
This is joint work with Martin Wirsing & Rolf Hennicker (LMU Munich).

Friday 19th of October, Alex Simpson, Division of Informatics, University of Edinburgh
Verifying Temporal Properties Using Explicit Approximants: Completeness for Context-free Processes

Joint work with Ulrich Schoepp
The modal mu-calculus offers a rich logic for expressing temporal properties of processes, and much effort has gone into developing techniques for automatically model-checking such properties of finite state processes. However, general processes (for example arbitrary CCS processes) are not finite state, and the problem of checking whether a process (expressed in a process algebra) satisfies a formula is undecidable.
In the face of undecidability, one seeks formal systems that are sound for establishing properties of processes. Although necessarily incomplete, one would like to find systems that provide perspicuous reasoning methods which suffice in practice. Much of the talk will be devoted to presenting a sequent calculus, strongly based on a system proposed by Mads Dam and Dilian Gurov, that I believe satisfies these requirements. The crucial idea, due to Dam and Gurov, is to introduce explicit fixed-point approximants into the proof system. This allows induction and coinduction arguments to be replaced by a global combinatorial condition on proofs. In our system, we use a new syntax for approximants, incorporating "modalities" for approximant modification.
It is an interesting question to what extent the methods provided by the proof system do suffice in practice. One way of addressing this is to obtain restricted completeness results, showing completeness in special cases where such results are at least possible in theory. I shall conclude by presenting a new result in this direction: our proof system is complete for establishing arbitrary mu-calculus properties of context-free processes. The proof makes essential use of approximant modifiers. As far as we know, this is the first completeness result for a general purpose proof system with respect to a significant class of infinite state processes.

Friday 26th of October, Pablo Nogueira
Understanding universal functions for the pure lambda calculus.

For many computer science students, the specification and implementation of a universal function for the lambda-calculus is usually presented in the context of functional language implementation. The exposition of the techniques is therefore biased to such domain of closed expressions.

This report is an attempt to present the subject in systematic and precise terms, and to provide a critical account of the rationale behind commonly known techniques that can be used to carry out the implemention of an (allegedly) efficient interpreter for the pure lambda-calculus. Its purpose is educational, hence the differences, criticisms and points in common with other well-known authors also play an important role.

Friday the 23rd of November, Louise Dennis
Proof Planning and the Lclam Proof Planner

In this talk I will try to give a brief description of proof planning, which is an AI based automated proof search technique. I will cover some of the history of proof planning since several of its key concepts and motivations have changed a bit over the years. I will then describe the lambda-clam proof planing system which is a higher-order proof planner for which I was the main developer when I worked in Edinburgh. I will discuss what it does, its shortcomings and the shortcomings of its implementation language and what its future may be.

Friday the 14th of December, Joel Wright
Concurrent Haskell.

Some applications are most easily expressed in a programming laguage that supports concurrency, notably interactive and distributed systems. Concurrent Haskell is an extension to the purely-functional language Haskell, allowing it to express explicitly concurrent applications. The system appears to be both expressive and efficient, and a number of useful abstractions can be built. In my talk I shall give an introduction to programming with Concurrent Haskell.

Further Information

Meetings are normally held on Fridays at 2.00pm in the School of Computer Science and IT on the Jubilee Campus. On-line directions to the Jubilee Campus are available, and our address is as follows:
School of Computer Science and IT
University of Nottingham
Jubilee Campus, Wollaton Road
Nottingham NG8 1BB
United Kingdom