CSCW 2017 Paper and Workshop on ‘talking with conversational agents’

Some of us at the Mixed Reality Lab including Martin Porcheron and Stuart Reeves have become interested in the use of Conversation Analysis to study so-called ‘conversational’ agents. Together with colleagues from Stockholm, Edinburgh, São Paolo, and Cambridge we have just hosted a workshop at CSCW in Portland on the topic (all participant’s position papers are here), ...

HCI Journal Special Issue on Collocated Interaction: New Challenges in ‘Same Time, Same Place’ Research

Guest editors: Joel Fischer, Barry Brown, Andrés Lucero and Stuart Reeves. This is a tentative version of the Call for Papers for the Human-Computer Interaction Special Issue on Collocated Interaction. The definitive version is published in this Taylor & Francis Google Doc. CALL FOR PAPERS In the 25 years since Ellis, Gibbs, and Rein proposed the time-space taxonomy [3], ...

CSCW 2016 Workshop on Collocated Interaction: New Challenges in ‘Same Time, Same Place’ Research

**** San Francisco, CA, USA, 27th February 2016. Submission due date: 22nd December 2015, or 8th January 2016. ***** Call for Participants

Workshop at MobileHCI ’15: Mobile Collocated Interactions With Wearables

Research on mobile collocated interactions has been looking at situations in which collocated users engage in collaborative activities using their mobile devices, thus going from personal/individual toward shared/multiuser experiences and interactions. However, computers are getting smaller, more powerful, and closer to our bodies. Therefore, mobile collocated interactions research, which originally looked at smartphones and tablets, ...

Mobile Collocated Interactions: From Smartphones to Wearables — Workshop at CHI ’15

The collocated design framework paper for the design session is here. PDF of the proposal. Call for Papers – CHI 2015 Workshop Mobile devices such as smartphones and tablets were originally conceived and have traditionally been utilized for individual use. Research on mobile collocated interactions has been looking at situations in which collocated users engage ...

NordiCHI workshop: Personal or Social?

Delighted to be co-organising a workshop on collocated interaction design at NordiCHI ’14. Check out the official workshop site at

CSCW ’15 paper: Designing Mobile Experiences for Collocated Interaction

We have a paper forthcoming at CSCW 2015. Download the PDF from the link below. 

Workshop on Designing Mobile Face-to-Face Group Interactions at ECSCW

We have a workshop at ECSCW ’13 in Cyprus (see for more details). This is a topic that I have become interested in a few years ago during my PhD work.