-- Soundness of the extraction function.

open import Graded.Modality
open import Graded.Usage.Restrictions
open import Definition.Typed.Restrictions

module Graded.Erasure.Consequences.Soundness
  {a} {M : Set a}
  (𝕄 : Modality M)
  (open Modality 𝕄)
  (TR : Type-restrictions M)
  (UR : Usage-restrictions M)
  (𝟘-well-behaved : Has-well-behaved-zero M semiring-with-meet)

open Type-restrictions TR
open Usage-restrictions UR

open import Definition.Untyped M hiding (_∷_)

open import Definition.Typed TR
open import Definition.Typed.Consequences.Inversion TR
open import Definition.Typed.Consequences.Substitution TR
import Definition.Typed.Consequences.Canonicity TR as TC
open import Definition.Typed.EqualityRelation
open import Definition.Typed.Properties TR
open import Definition.LogicalRelation TR

open import Graded.Context 𝕄
open import Graded.Usage 𝕄 UR
open import Graded.Context.Properties 𝕄
open import Graded.Modality.Properties.Has-well-behaved-zero
  semiring-with-meet 𝟘-well-behaved
open import Graded.Mode 𝕄

import Graded.Erasure.Target as T
open import Graded.Erasure.Extraction 𝕄 is-𝟘?
open import Graded.Erasure.SucRed TR
import Graded.Erasure.LogicalRelation 𝕄 TR is-𝟘? as LR
open import Graded.Erasure.LogicalRelation.Fundamental.Assumptions 𝕄 TR UR
import Graded.Erasure.LogicalRelation.Fundamental
  𝕄 TR UR 𝟘-well-behaved as LRF
import Graded.Erasure.LogicalRelation.Irrelevance 𝕄 TR is-𝟘? as LRI
import Graded.Erasure.LogicalRelation.Subsumption 𝕄 TR is-𝟘? as LRS

open import Tools.Fin
open import Tools.Function
open import Tools.Nat
open import Tools.Nullary
open import Tools.Product
import Tools.Reasoning.PartialOrder
open import Tools.PropositionalEquality as PE hiding (trans)
open import Tools.Sum

    n : Nat
    Δ : Con Term _
    t t′ u F : Term n
    G : Term (1+ n)
    v v′ w : T.Term n
    p : M

-- WH reduction soundness of natural numbers

-- Canonical representation of natural numbers

sucᵏ : (k : Nat)  Term n
sucᵏ 0      = zero
sucᵏ (1+ n) = suc (sucᵏ n)

sucᵏ′ : (k : Nat)  T.Term n
sucᵏ′ 0      = T.zero
sucᵏ′ (1+ n) = T.suc (sucᵏ′ n)

-- The following results make use of some assumptions.

module Soundness′
  (FA : Fundamental-assumptions Δ)
  {{eqrel : EqRelSet TR}}

  open Fundamental-assumptions FA

  open LR well-formed
  open LRF.Fundamental FA
  open LRI well-formed
  open LRS well-formed

  -- Helper lemma for WH reduction soundness of zero
  -- If t ® v ∷ℕ  and t ⇒* zero then v ⇒* zero

  soundness-zero′ : t ® v ∷ℕ  Δ  t ⇒* zero    v T.⇒* T.zero
  soundness-zero′ (zeroᵣ t⇒zero′ v⇒zero) t⇒zero = v⇒zero
  soundness-zero′ (sucᵣ t⇒suc v⇒suc t®v) t⇒zero
    with whrDet*Term (t⇒zero , zeroₙ) (t⇒suc , sucₙ)
  ... | ()

  -- WH reduction soundness of zero
  -- If t ⇒* zero and 𝟘ᶜ ▸ t then erase t ⇒* zero

  soundness-zero :
    Δ  t ⇒* zero    𝟘ᶜ ▸[ 𝟙ᵐ ] t  erase t T.⇒* T.zero
  soundness-zero t⇒zero 𝟘▸t =
    let ⊢t = redFirst*Term t⇒zero
        [ℕ] , t®t′ = fundamentalErased ⊢t 𝟘▸t
        t®t″ = irrelevanceTerm {l′ = ¹} [ℕ]
                 (ℕᵣ (idRed:*: (ℕⱼ well-formed))) (t®t′ ◀≢𝟘 𝟙≢𝟘)
    in  soundness-zero′ t®t″ t⇒zero

  -- Helper lemma for WH reduction soundness of suc
  -- If t ® v ∷ℕ  and t ⇒* suc t′ then v ⇒* suc v′ and t′ ® v′ ∷ℕ for some v′

  soundness-suc′ : t ® v ∷ℕ  Δ  t ⇒* suc t′  
                   λ v′  v T.⇒* T.suc v′ × t′ ® v′ ∷ℕ
  soundness-suc′ (zeroᵣ t⇒zero v⇒zero) t⇒suc
    with whrDet*Term (t⇒zero , zeroₙ) (t⇒suc , sucₙ)
  ... | ()
  soundness-suc′ (sucᵣ {v′ = v′} t⇒suc′ v⇒suc t®v) t⇒suc
    with whrDet*Term (t⇒suc , sucₙ) (t⇒suc′ , sucₙ)
  ... | refl = v′ , (v⇒suc , t®v)

  -- WH reduction soundness of suc
  -- If t ⇒* suc t′ and 𝟘ᶜ ▸ t then erase t ⇒* suc v′ and t′ ® v′ ∷ℕ for some v′

  soundness-suc : Δ  t ⇒* suc t′    𝟘ᶜ ▸[ 𝟙ᵐ ] t
                  λ v′  erase t T.⇒* T.suc v′ × t′ ® v′ ∷ℕ
  soundness-suc t⇒suc 𝟘▸t =
    let ⊢t = redFirst*Term t⇒suc
        [ℕ] , t®t′ = fundamentalErased ⊢t 𝟘▸t
        t®t″ = irrelevanceTerm {l′ = ¹} [ℕ]
                 (ℕᵣ (idRed:*: (ℕⱼ well-formed))) (t®t′ ◀≢𝟘 𝟙≢𝟘)
    in  soundness-suc′ t®t″ t⇒suc

  -- Helper lemma for soundness of natural numbers

  soundness-ℕ′ : t ® v ∷ℕ   λ n  Δ  t ⇒ˢ* sucᵏ n ∷ℕ × v ⇒ˢ* sucᵏ′ n
  soundness-ℕ′ (zeroᵣ x x₁) = 0 , whred* x , whred*′ x₁
  soundness-ℕ′ (sucᵣ x x₁ t®v) =
    let n , d , d′ = soundness-ℕ′ t®v
    in  1+ n , ⇒ˢ*∷ℕ-trans (whred* x) (sucred* d)
             , ⇒ˢ*-trans (whred*′ x₁) (sucred*′ d′)

  -- Helper lemma for WH reduction soundness of unit

  soundness-star′ : t ® v ∷Unit  v T.⇒* T.star
  soundness-star′ (starᵣ _ v⇒star) = v⇒star

-- The following results make use of some assumptions.

module Soundness (FA⁻ : Fundamental-assumptions⁻ Δ) where

  private module L (⊢Δ :  Δ) where

    open import Definition.Typed.EqRelInstance TR public

    FA : Fundamental-assumptions Δ
    FA = record
      { well-formed       = ⊢Δ
      ; other-assumptions = FA⁻

    open Soundness′ FA public

    open LRF.Fundamental FA public
    open LRI ⊢Δ public
    open LRS ⊢Δ public

  -- Soundness for erasure of natural numbers
  -- Well-typed terms of the natural number type reduce to numerals
  -- if erased matches are disallowed or the term is closed.
  -- Note the assumptions of the local module Soundness.

  soundness-ℕ : Δ  t    𝟘ᶜ ▸[ 𝟙ᵐ ] t
                λ n  Δ  t ⇒ˢ* sucᵏ n ∷ℕ × erase t ⇒ˢ* sucᵏ′ n
  soundness-ℕ ⊢t 𝟘▸t =
    let [ℕ] , t®v = fundamentalErased ⊢t 𝟘▸t
    in  soundness-ℕ′ $
        irrelevanceTerm {l′ = ¹} [ℕ] (ℕᵣ (idRed:*: (ℕⱼ ⊢Δ)))
          (t®v ◀≢𝟘 𝟙≢𝟘)
    ⊢Δ = wfTerm ⊢t

    open L ⊢Δ

  -- A variant of soundness-ℕ which only considers the source
  -- language.
  -- Note the assumptions of the local module Soundness.

  soundness-ℕ-only-source :
    Δ  t    𝟘ᶜ ▸[ 𝟙ᵐ ] t 
     λ n  Δ  t ⇒ˢ* sucᵏ n ∷ℕ
  soundness-ℕ-only-source ⊢t ▸t =
    case soundness-ℕ ⊢t ▸t of λ {
      (n , t⇒ˢ*n , _) 
        n , t⇒ˢ*n }

  -- WH reduction soundness of unit
  -- Note the assumptions of the local module Soundness.

  soundness-star :
    Δ  t ⇒* star  Unit  𝟘ᶜ ▸[ 𝟙ᵐ ] t  erase t T.⇒* T.star
  soundness-star t⇒star γ▸t =
    let ⊢t = redFirst*Term t⇒star
        [⊤] , t®t′ = fundamentalErased ⊢t γ▸t
        ok = ⊢∷Unit→Unit-allowed ⊢t
        t®t″ = irrelevanceTerm {l′ = ¹}
                 (Unitᵣ (Unitₜ (idRed:*: (Unitⱼ ⊢Δ ok)) ok))
                 (t®t′ ◀≢𝟘 𝟙≢𝟘)
    in  soundness-star′ t®t″
    ⊢Δ = wfTerm (redFirst*Term t⇒star)

    open L ⊢Δ

-- If the context is empty, then the results in Soundness hold without
-- any further assumptions.

module Soundness₀ where

  open Soundness fundamental-assumptions⁻₀ public

-- If Prodrec-allowed 𝟘 p 𝟘 holds for some p (which means that certain
-- kinds of erased matches are allowed), and if additionally
-- Σᵣ-allowed p 𝟘 holds, then there is a counterexample to
-- soundness-ℕ-only-source without the assumption "erased matches are
-- not allowed unless the context is empty".

soundness-ℕ-only-source-counterexample :
  Prodrec-allowed 𝟘 p 𝟘 
  Σᵣ-allowed p 𝟘 
  let Δ = ε  (Σᵣ p , 𝟘    )
      t = prodrec 𝟘 p 𝟘  (var x0) zero
  (∀ {u}  Δ  u  Empty  ) ×
  Δ  t   ×
  𝟘ᶜ ▸[ 𝟙ᵐ ] t ×
  ¬  λ n  Δ  t ⇒ˢ* sucᵏ n ∷ℕ
soundness-ℕ-only-source-counterexample {p = p} P-ok Σᵣ-ok =
     ⊢t  TC.¬Empty $
            substTerm ⊢t (prodⱼ ε⊢ℕ εℕ⊢ℕ (zeroⱼ ε) (zeroⱼ ε) Σᵣ-ok))
  , ⊢prodrec
  , sub
      (prodrecₘ var
         (sub zeroₘ $
          let open Tools.Reasoning.PartialOrder ≤ᶜ-poset in begin
            𝟘ᶜ  𝟙 · 𝟘 · p  𝟙 · 𝟘  ≈⟨ ≈ᶜ-refl  ·-congˡ (·-zeroˡ _)  PE.refl 
            𝟘ᶜ  𝟙 · 𝟘  𝟙 · 𝟘      ≈⟨ ≈ᶜ-refl  ·-zeroʳ _  ·-zeroʳ _ 
            𝟘ᶜ                      )
         (sub ℕₘ $
          let open Tools.Reasoning.PartialOrder ≤ᶜ-poset in begin
            𝟘ᶜ   𝟘ᵐ?  · 𝟘  ≈⟨ ≈ᶜ-refl  ·-zeroʳ _ 
            𝟘ᶜ                )
      (let open Tools.Reasoning.PartialOrder ≤ᶜ-poset in begin
         𝟘ᶜ                           ≈˘⟨ +ᶜ-identityʳ _ 
         𝟘ᶜ +ᶜ 𝟘ᶜ                     ≈˘⟨ +ᶜ-congʳ (·ᶜ-zeroˡ _) 
         𝟘 ·ᶜ (𝟘ᶜ    𝟘  ) +ᶜ 𝟘ᶜ  )
  , λ where
      (0    , whred d ⇨ˢ _)  whnfRedTerm d (ne (prodrecₙ (var _)))
      (1+ _ , whred d ⇨ˢ _)  whnfRedTerm d (ne (prodrecₙ (var _)))
  ε⊢ℕ = ℕⱼ ε
  ⊢εℕ = ε  ε⊢ℕ
  εℕ⊢ℕ = ℕⱼ ⊢εℕ
  ε⊢Σ = ΠΣⱼ ε⊢ℕ εℕ⊢ℕ Σᵣ-ok
  ⊢εΣ = ε  ε⊢Σ
  εΣ⊢ℕ = ℕⱼ ⊢εΣ
  ⊢εΣℕ = ⊢εΣ  εΣ⊢ℕ
  εΣℕ⊢ℕ = ℕⱼ ⊢εΣℕ
  εΣ⊢Σ = ΠΣⱼ εΣ⊢ℕ εΣℕ⊢ℕ Σᵣ-ok
  ⊢εΣΣ = ⊢εΣ  εΣ⊢Σ
  εΣΣ⊢ℕ = ℕⱼ ⊢εΣΣ
  ⊢εΣℕℕ = ⊢εΣℕ  εΣℕ⊢ℕ
  ⊢prodrec =
    prodrecⱼ {r = 𝟘} εΣ⊢ℕ εΣℕ⊢ℕ εΣΣ⊢ℕ (var ⊢εΣ here) (zeroⱼ ⊢εΣℕℕ) Σᵣ-ok

-- The above counterexample for the source language is not a
-- counterexample to canonicity for the target language.

soundness-ℕ-only-target-not-counterexample :
  let t = prodrec 𝟘 p 𝟘  (var {n = 1} x0) zero
  in  erase t ⇒ˢ* sucᵏ′ 0
  with is-𝟘? 𝟘
... | no 𝟘≢𝟘 = ⊥-elim (𝟘≢𝟘 refl)
... | yes _ = trans (whred T.prodrec-β) refl